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WANNABE Plastic Surgery

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I would contact a dermatologist. I had the same problem as you and, to some extent, still do. It's probably mostly an accumulation of dirt and dead skin cells etc. due to not properly washing/scrubbing those areas when you shower or bathe, I believe.

I'm not sure if you've tried it or not but I'd get an exfoliant or scrub. There're the St. Ives scrubs that have grains of sand(???) in them and anything like that would be classified as a physical exfoliant. Don't be too rough though. If that doesn't work, I'd try a chemical exfoliant. I use the Paula's Choice AHA peel/scrub and it's 8% glycolic acid.

You don't need surgery. You likely just need to find and see a dermatologist who is trained and able to administer chemical peels to your skin. :smile:
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Dear chrisinkorea88,

I'm going for consultation on Jan next year, is it ok that you PM me your day 7 pic? as im thinking of doing my nose too but there's no much review on wannabe thanks :smile:
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Sure!! Will update you peeps =)
Your korean fren did what surgery with them before? How is it?
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I'll be in Seoul Jan, from end of Dec till mid-Jan and I'm also thinking of doing surgery there, maybe we can keep in contact. Their website seems pretty good, but there aren't much actual reviews which is making it hard to decide
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Wannabe kakao reply:
Our rhinoplasty (nose bridge+tip) costs about KRW 2,500,000 and alar reduction has additional KRW 800,000~ 1,000,000 depending on the case. Double eyelid surgery is about KRW 1,300,000 ~ 1,500,000 depending on which method is performed, and KRW 800,000 is added if epicanthoplasty is done along. Thank you

The price offered from them is so tempting as compared to other clinics!!
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hi missy if its ok, can u ask them if they will do it in open or closed rhino? and what materials are they going to use? thanks!

missy is wannabe's kakao id is it wannabe? maybe i can add them thanks
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Yup Jamie, they quoted the same for me, their youtube b4/aft look natural and nice :smile:
Heard they cater more to local Koreans and this could be the reason for cheaper price as they are not that well known for foreigners, I am going to consult them soon will keep you all updated :smile:
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Yes we should :smile: Im there mid jan!
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