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recommended clinic for breast augmentation

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I'm very interested in your experience with Park JinSeok Aesthetics.

What type of incision did you make? How is your healing process?

Is there any chance you would be able to show before and after pics? (I know this is a long shot but I couldn't get access to his before and after photos on his website because it's only available in Korea)
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Hi! Dr Park specializes in Inframammary incision (under breast). The healing process went pretty smoothly. For the first week after your surgery, you are to go back to the clinic daily for your antibiotic and check up. I thought this would be a hassle at first but I really looked forward to seeing Dr. Park everyday. He made me feel that much more at ease during my initial healing phase. With regards to pain during the healing process, there wasn't much pain. Rather, I felt "stingers" (apparently, they are just your nerves regenerating that's why you feel these sensations) here and there. They weren't extremely painful, tolerable for sure, though, they were really annoying.

For post-op pictures, You could try accessing his english site? I think there is a slide full of patient B&A pictures near the bottom of the site.

Hope this helped!
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  • 2 weeks later...

DId you go on your own and was this manageable? I will be there on my own from Nov 1 - Nov 11. Concerned about lifting my luggage, bathing, etc. People say you go through "depression" being on your own for that 1 week in a hotel by yourself. Thinking whether to bring my mom along with me or not.

How is your scaring at this day? I don't handle scars well and they get dark so I'm thinking to do the armpit incision.

Thanks again!!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Can you please share your experience after you have done? Where are you getting the surgery? Ask the clinic for hostipal stay for 2 nights if you are going alone. I think is the best to bring someone with you. Hoping for your reply.
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Hi Koalaa

I'm still in Korea and post operation 3 days now. I had it on Tuesday.

I'm EXTREMELY happy with the result so far! It was worth me flying 6,000 miles to see Dr.Park. I even went out for lunch with the nurses and Dr.Park!

I arrived on Sunday and arranged to see him Monday. Originally planned to have the surgery on the same day but after my consultation; I was too nervous, uncertain and couldn't make a decision on the size and type of profile I wanted. Dr.Park was very patient with me and never once pressured me into getting the surgery.

I kept in touch with him via Kakao and told him I needed to think about it some more. So I asked him more questions via Kakao and decided I was going to go through with it!

On the day of surgery, when Dr.Park took a closer look at my chest and drew lines, he said the original sizes we chose on Monday wouldn't be a good fit after all. I was now even more confused on what size to get. But we narrowed it down to two and I picked the bigger one lol. The decision was a little rushed, the nurses came in and said the OR was ready but I still hadn't picked a size. I was very indecisive so I guess I needed that little push or else I would've stayed in his office forever lol.

The nurses are very sweet, tentative and caring. My favorite is Nami, what a sweetheart! I was able to stay one night there and Dr.Park drove me to my hotel the next day. He provided all meals for me and even stopped in to check up on me at 4am before he went to Church! I thought I was going to be kicked out of his clinic after the 1st night and left to hang dry on my own haha. But that is totally NOT the case. The nurses walked me to a salon to get my hair washed and back to my hotel. The nurse arranged for a taxi to pick me up on my return home and have them carry my luggage for me too. All these little things really were priceless and helped my healing process.

In terms of pain, there is discomfort, tightness and achiness. This is expected and normal. After surgery, I was hooked up to an IV that slowly fed a pain killer fluid to my body. I was off of that yesterday. I have pain killer pills and I've taken them only when I couldn't sleep and really in pain. I didn't feel like I wanted to die (like some of my friends forewarned me).

Dr.Park knows what he is doing and I fully trust his skills and vision of how to make a woman naturally beautiful. I'm so so so so pleased and happy! I highly recommend Dr. Jin-Seok Park! A bunch of his patients that stopped by kept on praising him as well. One patient had 3 prior BA's (one from Won Jin) and finally saw Dr.Park to correct all the previous surgeon's mistakes.

Don't wait any longer to get your BA! I waited almost 8 years before deciding I should do it before I'm too old lol.

I recommend bringing in pictures of your ideal boobs! He does not have tshirt bras or anything you can "try" on. Also, stay at Sunshine hotel because it's literally down the street from his clinic and makes it easy to see him. He has been picking me up everyday at 8:30 for check up, antibiotics, etc. Dr.Park knows enough English to get his message across, not entirely fluent but manageable. The nurses do not know English but you're so out of it you don't want to see or talk to anyone anyways.

Best of luck!!
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thank you for details reply. I am really happy to hear you satisfied with the results. Would you mind tell me what size and profile implant do you get? Is it tear drop or round silicone implant? Where is the incision? What is the name of Dr Park clinic?
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Thank you for sharing your experience, crisaux ! One question though, did they mention why they didn't have any method of trying it on? It sounds so difficult to imagine what size would look best :o
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To help with sizing and profile, Dr.Park has a machine called Vectra, so it's 3D Imaging to give you an idea of what your boobs will look like.

He has many implant samples so you can get an idea by putting it under your shirt or something, but yeah I agree it was hard to choose a size.

I'll suggest it to him as I see him everyday for antibiotics lol, maybe he'll get them in time for your visit! Let him know you found him through me. He calls me the Insane girl because I went to his clinic completely alone, with no knowledge of Korean language and basically from finding him on the Internet. 99% of his clients are Koreans who recommend him to friends.
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I got 325cc High Profile Inspira Silicone Gel by Allergan (The Inspira is a relatively new implant model with improved silicone technology and highly regarded by surgeons, research on Google for more info). I'm 5"5, 120lbs, athletic. I have wide shoulders and a narrow chest wall; all these individual factors are obviously considered when Dr.Park suggests a size for you. Keep in mind, he is used to doing surgery for Korean women who don't want the "big" boobs like Westerners do. Every implant has different dimensions in diameter and projection too.

Dual plane, armpit incision, textured and round.

Very glad I chose armpit incision as you would easily see the scar if I did inframammary (I don't have droopy breasts or a lot of fullness to cover a scar on my boob, they're really perky).

Dr.Park chose textured because he believes there is less capsular contracture, you also don't need to massage your boobs after surgery with textured implants. I'm also very active and textured adheres to your tissue better (supposedly).

He chose round because teardrop shape can move once placed in the pocket and cause deformed shaping over the years which will require surgery to fix (depressing to go through this)

The name of his clinic is Park Jin-Seok Aesthetics (http://parkjs.co.kr). His English website looks like crap so I wouldn't pay too much attention to it.

I looked up his name on Google and found that he has been invited to A LOT of Breast Augmentation speaking and education events over the world. He also focuses on reconstructive surgery (which requires more advanced skills than a normal breast augmentation Korean surgeon might have in my opinion).

I'm so thankful I didn't even bother visiting the other clinics in Korea. Might have been stupid on my behalf but I went with my gut instinct and glad I did.

If anything, book a consultation and see how you feel.
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Hi Everyone

There has been a traumatic turn of events in my situation.

I developed an infection in one of my breast. I don't know how this could of happened. I have been going through the most traumatic time of my life right now. I will most likely have surgery to remove the implants so I can get rid of the infection.

I will be going back to Canada tomorrow.
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i totally agree with you. based on my experience, caucasians'e eyes and nose are anatomically different than those of asians, so american doctors aren't experiences about asians' cases, i think. as for breasts, america can be cheap because americans do breast surgeries A LOT, like asians do their nose and eyes. a friend of my friend had her first nose surgery at beverly hills and it cost $8,000 which i guess quite more expensive than korea and the result isn't that satisfying. i also think asians better do their breasts in asian countries because the size of torso/chest is much smaller than causasians. it should be considered, i think, and that's why i decided to go to korea for nose, eyes, or maybe breasts, if my budget would let me do it.
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i asked misarang ps hosptial for ba surery along with nose and eyes, and they quoted me 6 to 8 mi, depending on type, round or tear drop. the clinic said they have a doctor specialized in ba. the clinic isn't mentioned a lot in this forum, so I guess it's not popular among foreigners. i also knew it from my classmate. the price is reasonable for me, compared to 11-15 mi expenditure on boobs cause my major concerns are nose and eyes. im also waiting for answers from wonjin cause my classmate said wonjin is originally popular for breasts even though it is losing its reputation to other hospitals recently. i also sent emails to banobagi and da, basically everywhere lol i will keep all of you ehre posted soon after i get replied.
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OMG hey! are you okay? cant you just go back to your country, can you? did you see the doc? shouldn't the clinic completely treat you before you go? im very very sorry for you. i really really hope its just temporary condition and its gonna be okay soon. gonna pray for you.
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