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recommended clinic for breast augmentation

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This entire experience has been a nightmare....I wish I could turn back time but I have to accept what I have done to my body. Ladies - love what you have been given and DO NOT put yourself under the knife. Learn to love yourself, that's it. You do not want to go through the pain, surgeries and everyday IV injections I have been doing for the past 9 days.

I was unlucky to have got an infection, but also a blessing in disguise to realize that these plastic bags DO NOT belong in your body....EVER! Think about it...do you think you can live 10, 15, 20, 30 years without having any other surgery or problems later on in life? No. Eventually you'll have to do something about these implants, they can't stay in your body forever.

When I had them in, I felt good, my confidence shot up the roof, I felt like I finally did it after all this time and that I would finally feel like a woman. Well I also jeopardized my health, put my family under so much stress since I had to tell them what happened and a lot more damage to my body that I imagined.

How I got the infection... I don't know. Something happened in that OR room. It could have been bacteria on my own skin, or bacteria in the air, who knows.

I was going to go back to Canada as my family wanted me to come back right away and I also wanted to be with my family as I've been alone this entire time. I also lost some faith in Dr.Park.

Dr.Park has been with me every step of recovery and helping me with everything. He has been extremely supportive. I have been under Dr.Park's supervision since we discovered the infection.

I was going to go back to Canada on Wed but on Tues night, after trying to rapidly call ER's and private clinics, doctors, etc... I felt like I wouldn't get the type of treatment I needed if I went back to Canada. So I decided to stay and have Dr.Park remove the implants.

I really wish I could turn back time just a week and realized that I have beautiful breasts this whole time. I stress again ladies.....do not get this surgery. It's not worth all of the health dangers involved.
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Hi crisaux,

I am really sad to hear about this. And also thank you for telling us ur emotional concernes to all the ladies who are wanting to go through BA. Can you please tell me how do you realise you got an infection in your surgery? I am praying for your removal surgery to go well.
Wish you all the best. Do not stress. Everything will be all right. I knew the feelings of going through surgery alone in foreign countries.
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I had noticed more tenderness, pain and redness on one of my breasts. Then I went to see a specialist who reads ultrasounds. She did some aspirations and drained puss like fluid from my body. These fluids were sent to a lab for testing.

The severity of the bacteria was not as severe as originally thought. Some people choose to take a risk and fight the infection with antibiotics and live with an infection for years. But eventually your body will build an immunity to the antibiotics and the bacteria can spread to your body. It's just too risky to keep the implants in your body with an infection of any level.
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im very sorry for what happened to you.. is everything going well and you are healing well, right? did you ask and did they let you know why you ended up with infection? ill pray for your recovery..
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Hi Crisaux,

I'm so sorry this happened to you. That's why I've always been worried about putting silicon in the breast, god forbid it leaks and goes into the body. I've heard horror stories about people back in the 90's who did injectable silicon and getting infections that are life threatening. When I consulted with the surgeons, I was actually asking for saline implants because if it does happen to leak nothing will happen. But the surgeons say that no one uses them anymore, although when I think about it I just can't see it not being safer than silicon. I really hope the rest of your recovery goes smoothly.
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Thanks for your prayers.

I don't think we'll ever know exactly how the infection happened. I don't think it has to do with the instruments not being sterile or that matter because that would be a more severe infection. I was on IV antibiotics prior to surgery and after too, so my body should have fought this off.
I've been reading it's most likely bacteria on my skin.

My body rejected the implants and I'm SO glad they did. I don't know what I was thinking that I'd be "ok" with toxic chemicals in my body. Plus, you have so much more maintenance than you expect. Getting checked regularly, the worries of capsular contracture, placement shifting, ruptures...the list goes on. I was naive in thinking "oh, that won't happen to me, I won't be in that small percentage group".. but it did!

I currently have 2 drains hooked into my body with fluids being sucked out for the past 4 days = not fun. I still have a slight worry that more puss fluid might build up and I'll have to get this removed.

I'm post explantation 4 days now and my breasts don't look exactly the same as they were last week. I'm hoping they will improve over time. But I've learned that this is the way it's going to be and that I accept and love my body. I've also had loss of sensitivity on a small part. Again, hoping this will improve over time.

Search on Google "explantation of breast implants stories". When you read the stories of women who've had them for 5+ years, you'll have another thought on whether you really need them or not.

Whoever is reading this and thinking about surgery..please take my story seriously. I don't want women out there to go through what I've been in just a short span of 10 days. I had to learn a tough lesson. It's ironically made me have more confidence and develop strength in myself.
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Saline is not safer than silicone. It's just all marketing tactics. They're both unsafe. Silicone is just worser of the two.

Lookup pictures of women who take their saline implants out, the color of the bags are brown. It's disgusting.

Read this women's story

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  • 4 weeks later...
Actually I have visited his clinic the day before yesterday, here. I want to say something good for him. I have visited 5clinics doing breast surgery. Nobody can say the surgeries he did never have any infection. Even the with ps clinic charge 1500 mill. The doctor has said he has a few poeple having infection. Dr park is a very kind and the most honest one I meet. Maybe because he has religion. God don't like his poeple to lie.
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His clinic is small and located in the basement. Therefore his price is cheaper than others. According to that location and his experience, the price isn't supposed to be so cheap. He is very helpful and book the hotel for me without any complaints although I didn live there later. He also told me how he cares about that insane girl and keep contact with her all the time. He is a responsible person.
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I have experienced the surgery. I strongly suggest not to have breast surgery alone because many clinics will kick you out after surgery. But you have to face the pain alone. You even can't get up from the bed alone for the first 2 days. From what that insane girl said. They still take care of her after surgery. It is good enough to treat her. Any surgery has risk. Including the surgery is as small as the eyelid surgery. So I suggest you should go there to consult by yourself. And visit at least 4 clinics to choose which one is fit for you.
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