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PS Consultations/Experiences aside from Korea

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Hi, I've noticed that there are several threads on plastic surgery in Korea. (Practically most of the threads here states "……..in Korea") and hardly any on other SEA countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand etc. I'm sure there are just as good surgeons in Asia other than Korea. Anybody had any experiences aside from Korea?
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@moichi this is what I've witnessed so far...

In general,

If u were ok looking before, ur post op appearance will be even better...regardless of where u've had the surgery.

Just my 50 cents
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  • 4 weeks later...
Olskool, this is not true as I can attest to this. I was way better looking before my full facelift. I can kakao u pics to prove this.
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I was interested in going to Taiwan as well. I don't know how reputable they are, but I've seen a few medical journal articles written by doctors from Chang Gung Memorial Hospital's plastic surgery department. Any opinions/experiences would be helpful!
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Yes, I feel the same way too. I'm from Singapore and after thinking quite a bit, I've decided to not go ahead with DES in Korea but in Singapore instead.

Sidetrack abit, there was this Singaporean lady which posted on another forum on her DES trip to Korea and how she needed revision after.

"My plastic surgery gave me disappointing results and I had been feeling really, really down the past few months...to the point where I actually had to go to a psychologist. I was crying almost everyday as I felt that my plastic surgeon made me uglier than before. If I had my ps done in my home country (Singapore), this might not even happen as the ps would take extra care to fix my eyes as he knows I can sue him if he didn't do a good job. OR even if the surgery turned out bad, you can just go back to the same surgeon and get things revised immediately. But, for me, I couldn't consult my plastic surgeon as I would have to spend lots of money just to go back to seoul to consult him again. And, to be frank, I don't even trust my plastic surgeon anymore. It really makes a big difference if you are a local consulting the surgeon, or a foreigner consulting him. The surgeon may appear friendly, but, if things go wrong, he might just push away all his responsibilities. EVEN if he says he can help you revise, you would have to spend lots of money again to fly to seoul to let him see you personally and then decide on the next thing to do. And if the surgeon says he has to monitor your condition or you have to wait for few more months to do the revisional surgery, you would have to spend more money again, flying back to your home country and then wait a few wks/months fly back again then see what the surgeon says again. Ok lah, if you are damn rich and can afford to fly here fly there, then by all means do your ps in any country you want. But even if u are damn rich, do you have the time, or even the mental strength to undergo all these? The surgeon may even be telling lies. He might ask you to go back few months later when actually he has to monitor your condition every 2 weeks, just because he's busy or in actual fact, he doesn't give a **** even if you turn out ugly or not.

TRUST ME people, if you are someone who takes pride in his/her appearance, all the more you should not go to a foreign land to do something so important to your face/body. Do it in your home country instead. It's much safer and convenient. ESP if you are a Singaporean like me. The plastic surgeons here are good and definitely, much more responsible. If sth goes wrong, *snap* you are back at your clinic, listening to what the surgeon advises you to do. If you are going for minor surgeries like double eyelids and stuff, why cant you just do it in spore/home country? Are the surgeons that bad here/there? Ok, I'm not sure about other countries, but I know s'pore has many great plastic surgeons who can do your eyes well. Actually, if you are going for a more major operation, would you even wanna take such a risk to do it in another country? IF it turns out good, ok, you are just one of the very lucky ones. But if it doesn't, I tell you, you will feel damn helpless.

Okay, I think what you people might be thinking now are stuff like which clinic I did my ps and what ps I did. Trust me, I did my research and I went to a reputable clinic and plastic surgeon in seoul. But, you see, things still went wrong. I'm telling you people all this as I really, really don't want to see anyone else undergo the same trauma I faced the past few months. I'm genuinely concerned for you guys. I'm not discouraging ps, but I just hope you all will think twice before deciding to do your ps in another country."
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  • 8 months later...

I'm new here. I've been following the forum threads endlessly. Ive always wanted to eye bag removal/repositioning and rhino in Korea. But after following a few threads, doing it in my home country SG may look like a better option. I can't pm. But are u able to let me know which clinic in SG you've gone to so that i can have some clue on where i could do my research. Thanks much! =)
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