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My first PS experience with April31

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I can't vouch for it I haven't personally done it. But I think FG is standardised.. Just make sure the anaesthesiologist is good:smile:
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Yes, I know how it feels. But I also know that many friends of mine, who didn't have their nose done at Dream or April 31 but other clinics in Seoul, get a very nice & natural noses after their PS :smile:.
Anyway there're many good clinics out there in Seoul such as JW Beauty or Wonjin. Since PS is a highly competitive market in Seoul, doctors at April 31 should reconsider their quotes :smile:

Can you tell me how much exactly were you quoted at Dream and April 31? :smile:
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Yes, i do know Doloreslolita and talked to her nearly every day, and she is so nice and update me how's her nose going!!!! Many ppl got their PS done and will juz vanished and won't give us feedback. Although there's a lot promoters who wanted to rip us off, but we cannot juz based on one or two gd reviews to choose tht clinic!!!

We have to consult and trust our own feeling to choose a dr, i hope more ppl can share their experience to us, and dont discourage ppl for sharing their experiences thinking tht they are promoters!!
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Hey Doloreslolita, do you think you can tell me how much you were quoted by the clinics? Gonna be there this weekend for surgery too.

My Kakao is Sammyy122.
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This is not true. Fat Graft's reabsorption rate highly depends on surgeon's skills and the hospital's technology. Also, Nerves blockage, uneveness, infection can be caused by unskilled surgeons. There are many articles on the internet about FG.

"The harvested fat is processed, and the removed fat is optimized to prevent reabsorption (i.e., when the fat is absorbed and there is a loss of substance) through the use of a special filtering process of liposuction , where any oil and serum is separated from the fat. When the harvested fat is processed, multiple filtering systems are applied to purify the fat and to prevent damage to the fat cells. Furthermore, the loss of growth factors in the fat is minimized during the fat purification process. Thus, the filtering process both improves the fat graft survival rate and maximizes fat maintenance at the injection site (i.e., the area where the fat graft is re-injected into the body) resulting in better, longer lasting results."

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Wait why do you say that? I had a consultation a few days ago with him and thought that he was quite honest, well compared to other consultants/translators at least.
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I say that because it is true, I have had enough dealings with him to know
just how devious he, is I don't intend to go Into the specifics of what he did
on this forum, because I intend to take care of it personally. Just proceed
with caution
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Can u explain y u think so? U did surgery there?
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Can you add me to your kakao? My kakao id is dallas101
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Woah may I know what made you so spiteful detourist? From all my dealings with Brian even though I have been with the clinic in korea for less than 5 days, he was one of the most honest translators. The clinic stubbornly refused to give me discounts but Brian kept fighting for me and I ended up with 10% off. Also, everytime the nurse cleaned my nose which was a little painful, he would talk funny to me and try to distract me away from it. Yeah I'm defending him because he had helped me a lot- it is my responsibility to find a doctor in Singapore to remove my stitches, but Brian went through a lot of trouble to find a Singaporean doctor who was under Dr Kim before. Some In-house translators wouldn't even go through so much trouble for a patient.

Thanks all for the private messages and your concern. I am doing well, and I'm still swollen on my tip. My tip was sharp on day 5, but when I reached Singapore it became a little more swollen. Initially my bridge was swollen, but now the swelling has all gone down to the tip. I was really kinda stressed and tired as I was having girl's period so I apologize for not replying promptly. Post op is kinda crazy stressful for everybody, but I love my bridge so far. I'm just praying the tip goes down soon, and I have been taking my bromelain pills religiously. I guess my body is kinda weak as well - I have been sleeping crazy lot too. I'll try to update soon for more. Take care guys!
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