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My first PS experience with April31

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Hi deepestsecret, I am sorry to hear about your nose. Do you mind sharing what was wrong with the surgery? It must have been really stressful for you. Do you also mind sharing whats the difference between T-Cut and the one you did? Right now, yes I am pretty happy with what I'm seeing but I'm hoping the tip goes down more than what i see now. I am officially about 1 month plus post op.

@@@Jacaranda I'll add you soon when I'm more free :smile:
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If i'm not wrong, i remember his kakao as godsentdevil or something. Pls tell me if it's wrong.
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hello delores thank you for ur kind words, i hope ur nose turns out the way u like it. dr kim's work is awesome i have been researching for so long i never rily found any negative complaints about him, and yes i am willing to share what happened with me in details (the goods and the bads in my experience) and i wish to do this sooner an ever but i rily cant becuz just thinking about my problem and how i allowed myself to be in this situation depresses me alot so until i fix my problem i cannot talk about it im very very frustrated. the difference between t-cut and shaving in v-line is that ghe t-cut is more invasive facial conturing surgery and will require to cut ur chin and jaw into a T shape and will be fixed with titanium screws, which is the popular method of v-line in kore and only few clinics does bone shaving instead, i chose the other clinic becuz i ddnt want t-cut and screws inside my face and v-line was the most important procedure to me, i can never co firm if it is done properly or not before i get a secoend ct scan as the first clinic were telling me that i dont need a ct scan to see my new face after i insisted too much ey provided a low quality photos and was not even allowed to take them (i dono why!!!) but anyhow, im not happy drom te after care of that clinic and i'll mention more in details in another post after i fix my current nose problem (doctor made it too short that u can see my nostrils from front view what a nightmare my nostrils is even bigger than my eyes which i never asked for i actually asked and specified for a smaller thinner nostrils) anyways i'll be back for more detailes in another post pls wish me luck on my revision surgery.
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Hmmm I tried their online chat, email, and Kakao... but was not able to get a response for either in weeks. I have all of my other consults scheduled except April 31.

Does anyone know of any other good ways to get ahold of them in advance? If not, I might just hafta pass on consulting with them ... can't believe it's so hard to get ahold of this clinic!
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Wishingstar, try kakao-ing Brian directly. He's very responsive. His kakao is: godsentdevil
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My feedback on Apr31 is that they're very local. Even their sign in forms are completely in Korean. The doctors I met -Dr Kim (rhinoplasty specialist) and the eye doctor- were not as fluent in English as other clinics I consulted with. Dr Kim spoke English well enough to get his point across, but the eye doctor didn't speak English and the consultant had to translate.

However, they are very foreigner friendly in that they have consultants who are fluent in English with you the whole time, accompanying you and translating; and I find their consultants very responsive over kakao (I worked with Brian).

The consults are thorough and detailed (and long!) I liked that they had a strong point of view, and they tell you what is achievable, vs what is unrealistic, and what is achievable but doesn't jive with their aesthetic (e.g. Their preference is for tapered over parallel creases, and thin over thick creases, but they can do parallel if you insist) and which procedures give you greatest return on your dollar vs procedures that are just marginally effective for your face shape.

They give me the feeling that they're less 'commercial' than the rest. It's definitely not a factory-clinic feel.

They acknowledge that they are pricier and position themselves as more 'premium' than the rest of the clinics.

I had a positive consultation experience, but they are just way too pricey for me!
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Thank you so much
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Oh thanks for sharing your experiences with us!!! would you mind PM me the price they quoted you??? And whether you think Dr. Kim is talented at doing rhinoplasty?
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Im very sorry to hear that. I think u must have been really stressed out and depressed. We are always here to help you. There are a lot of TPF members who went through stuffs like this too. Whens ur rev surgery?
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Oh! Didn't know you are alrdy in Korea. Kakao me back & update me about everything okay! Mehhhh i don't know about their eye surgery if its good or not because i haven't seen the B&As. Hmmm but r u having nose & eyes tgt? I think its gonna be a bad idea to have both tgt.
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Hmmmm that was indeed weird. I had an easy time emailing and kakaoing. Did u try the kakao ID as seen above?
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Yeah, that's the ID I used... weird! I messaged via Kakao and haven't heard back. Perhaps he's no longer with the company?

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Hi Susaki, it's my pleasure! I had a great consult with Dr Kim. I can't vouch for Dr Kim's skills, as he didn't operate on me, but I do hear that he has a great reputation.

What I liked about the consult, is that while he had a strong point of view about what suits my face, he was also very willing to listen to what I wanted/disliked. He had very nuanced answers to my questions. For example, the question of alarplasty came up. I've been told several times that alarplasty would be beneficial for me (my alar are quite wide), Dr Kim's opinion was that the tip projection and bridge height would be sufficient to correct the appearance of wide alar, hence he could avoid alarplasty on me. He also quoted me the lowest implant height (not because my skin is not thick enough -my skin is of normal thickness) but because he took note of my (quite unusual) desire for a low-ish bridge, and made the most conservative recommendation on what would achieve a subtle and natural change.

The term 'natural' kept coming up. It's interesting that DoloresLo chose Apr31 cos she thought it would be more dramatic than Dream, cos Apr kept emphasizing 'natural' to me. I do think there's an element of salesmanship involved -they tailor their message according to what they think you want to hear. I don't think this is a bad thing, it just means they have different styles 'subtle' vs 'dramatic' and they are adaptable enough to understand what patients want.
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Hi D! Hope I'm not hijacking your thread! Yes will kakao you!

No no I'm not doing both eyes and nose, that's a bit much for me to recover from at a go! I was accompanying a friend to see the eye doctor :smile:
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