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My first PS experience with April31

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hi newme,, iam glad you liked your rhinoplasty at april31...may i ask you how much you paid there?
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Did you do anything special to recover more quickly? My first month was bad. After that my swelling went down very fast and I started to look.......presentable
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  • 8 months later...
Hi guys, I've booked mine this Monday. Although everyone has been saying that April 31s is reputed, there's only so much review on April 31?
Those who already done yours, please share your experience after years of operation. How satisfied are you with result? And what do you think about t in retrospect?
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I did the primary rhinoplasty with them more than a year ago, recovered really fast within 1 week, no bruising at all on my face but think I had some swelling on my face after looking at my post-op pics recently. My nose tip is still a little hard (I think this might be the same anywhere else) and I still can't do a piggy nose. On the overall, I'm quite satisfied as I got the tip and height definition I wanted. My friends think it looks really natural, and those that I didn't tell this to could definitely notice a difference about me, but can't pinpoint it to my nose. They just thought I lost some weight.
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Hey @vanillabeans, I'm happy to get a reply from one of april's patients!
I'm getting mine soon, and the reality of it is hitting so hard.

Haha from the start, Dr Kim Brian and everyone is like - it will be natural. If you were me, I bet you said - I want natural yet drastic.

Anyway it's quite late here, I'll get to sleep first. Think I might want to write a review here soon, (by doing so hijacking @doloreslolita post, if she doesn't mind?) because there is just TOO LITTLE reviews on tpf for april31s, top most reason being its cut throat price lol.

Post again soon. :smile:
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Morning everyone, I figured that I'm going to write my experience at April 31 as a diary journal to help relieve some ******* tension (my surgery is in 5 hours).

(Another apology to Dolores that I'm taking over her post, I'm not able to personal message others let alone start a thread :sad: lol )

Reviews on this clinic is too far and few in between. Whenever you ask others for opinion, they'd typically say something along the lines of "EXPENSIVE and REPUTED". However, considering how "reputed" the doctor is, it leaves me skeptical as to why so little people rave about them. ( if it were so good, then those who had paid for it still would have gone around raving about it right?!?! )

So here I am, contributing a little to un-cloud the mystery that is April 31s.
What my subsequent posts hope to inform you is a feel of April 31 from my humble observation and comparison, but not so much on the medical side of rhinoplasty. I'm getting primary rhinoplasty.

In April 31s, what happens before your consultation is that you would already have kakao-ed the godsentdevil... That's Brian's kakaoid. And then he will greet you on the day itself. At first he will give you an introduction to the hospital, much of it informing/boasting? about Dr Kim before you actually meet the doctor. It seems like he has his own certain level of respect for the doctor, maybe because they were family friends before or something. He mentions that he helps Dr Kim translates his journals, it was also how he got into the clinic in the first place.
From the few reviews you get, you'll realize that one of the reasons why people are drawn to April 31s is in fact Brian who communicates your wishes so well, especially for English speakers. He makes you feel very reassured, and answers your questions honestly; and his key move is that he ahas the ability to make you feel like he's your friend. Example, I called him last night(Sunday) just to ask him a few more questions regarding my procedure and he replies promptly. I asked him if drooping of the tip will happen, and he says .... Yes.. 20 years down the line it most likely will. (Honesty checked)
I paused.
Meh, 20 years good enough, time for revision too lol. Who knows what technology will arise in 20!

I have my doubts about him of course. Because the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing he's your friend. (Shoutout to those who gets this reference ) Haha ok I'm joking! I sound mean! If April ever reads this, my nose is fosho deviated.

Moving on to Dr Kim... I had formed an opinion before meeting him and was pleasantly surprised that he was far from my prediction. A person who dares to charge an arm and a leg and let the myth that he's the best rhinoplasty surgeon linger in SK for so long must be pretty arrogant about himself. But, his bedside manner is pretty good I must say.
You go in, and he looks at you and says hi, he always speaks to you in your language which is English in my case, and occasionally needs a bit of translation. He was also quite reassuring. And makes you feel comfortable. No rushing was felt. Unlike the ones I went where the doctor was at the edge of his seat.

If you haven't already realized, I'm a very feelings person, so to me, it counts if you have good manners, and treat your patients well. For him to be working 20 over years and still manage to keep his etiquette despite women's vanity of - I want my nose to be high! Let me get it high please! - I respect that.

In your visit, you'll meet another female consultant Jenny who will clarify your other questions and show you pictures of the doctor's work. She's more straightforward, and can answer your nose related question more so than Brian. For me, I asked how far can my nose be raised. And what I can expect. (Basically, she'll reiterate and clarify what the doctor has said more.) In my case, not a lot can be done regarding the bridge, but a lot on the soft tissue because they explained the doctor can pull on my abundant soft tissue. Thanks, for the ... fat.

But it's too early to say anything guys, don't take my early review word for word though. Though I believe in them at this moment, and trust that it's the best choice for me now, this can only be proven with results 4-6 months later. We'll just have to see how it goes you know. Shrug.
I'm just really glad that at least there's a clinic that preaches the same principles I value and conducts their business this way as opposed to the previous few clinics (MVP & JW) where they really didn't care if their clinic just looks like a... I don't even know.

I think I gotta end this for now, it's getting way longer than expected. Killed half an hour more or less. Good enough. Send me your questions, let's get this April 31s thread going again. I'd like to be more informed too!

A post as subjective as mine, I'm bound to be bombarded by your questions. I just ask that you be gentle. see you on the other side!
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Good luck on your surgery!!! I'm actually also going to April31 soon for a consultation and they're #1 on my list of clinics right now. Do you have kkt or line? Would love to hear more about your experience and ask questions (I also don't have enough posts so can't PM OTL)
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Thanks for sharing your experience! Do you have kakao or line? I would love to hear more about your experience and ask questions, as I'm also heading to April31 soon for a consultation :smile: thanks!
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its really confusing... is this a good review or bad review LOL

U like the clinic coz they made u feel good and it looks nice?

how bout the Drs skills: what kind of technique he used etc?
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Hey, Motty it's neither. I don't have strong opinions on them yet because I didn't get to compare them to other clinics that I wanted to consult (eg Dream, Trend, Braun) So I chose it based on what I think is best for me and what I feel about it. And like I said, it's too early to tell.

I think it'll be the same for you too if you ever consult.

Doctor only used my septal cartilage and ear. And though my tip is wide and bulbous, I'm content with just an improvement of my nose tip using my own tissues. Striving for perfection in my experience as a human(not in plastic) hasn't been entirely positive.

Regarding technique, I just think I'm not in the position to judge techniques, because each doctor will ultimately have their own way of achieving things. I just wanted safety, and improvement. April 31 emphasized on that during consultation.
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Hi Rhinoceros,

Thanks for your posts, I'm really keen on hearing about your experience. I'm planning to do a whole bunch of consults in the next couple of days.

I guess I wanted to know what sort of procedures you're having done with Dr.Kim and what were his comments and your thoughts?

I'm interested in particular about rib/coastal cartilage for shaping and I've noticed their website specifically says they use Rib #10 where as my previous enquiries with VIP they were adamant about #7. This sort of difference intrigues me.. hehe but I have no answers yet.
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Hey JayKS, happy to offer my experience!

My experience have been pretty similar to QueenofBlades. When I met Dr Kim, he was nice. I told him I wanted a drastic change, but it shouldn't be too fake looking. And he said he could do it because he thinks it suits me. He said he will do alarplasty, tip plasty and bridge augmentation to achieve that.

I believe he has certain aesthetic and idea of how it should turn out, so you'll have to see whether his recommendation suits your demand too.
One of the reviews stated that he didn't want to do plastic on her as there's nothing much that needs change. So you can see he is strong opinionated.
Having said that, every surgeon has their own belief, you'll have to see who suits your needs more.

Regarding your rib... I'm not sure about it. Usually people don't use it in their primary rhinoplasty. Is yours a revision case? If you're very intrigued by such things haha, I think he'll be more than happy to answer you.

Hope I've answered you :smile:
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