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My first PS experience with April31

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Thank you. It's for a primary. I'm just not convinced about Silicone thats all. I don't know whether it is a real permanent solution or if the Drs expect to revise in the long term.

I'm also scared of extrusion or rejection. While for Rib, you have strength, less chance of rejection. But higher chance of warping and absorption.. Agh.. more research needed..
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Yeah you have a point. And you can raise this question to the doctor.

But I have a feeling they will still recommend silicone.

I believe the rejection and extrusion rate will be tiny, and since doctors now usually put it on the bone, even if there were complications, it'd be easier to remove than before, when they put it all the way to the nose tip where our soft tissues are.

Besides... If your rib cartilage really warps... You would need to revise too? Haha.

So much considerations!!
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Whoops forgot to 'purse forum @' you
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Hello all, I want to share my short experience with April31 from my consultation 2 days ago.
After reading experiences of others I decided on getting consultation from april31, banobagi, jw clinic, and wonjin (ended up skipping wonjin).

Let's focus on April 31. I asked myseoulsecret to help me book an appointment with them and I went in with my mother. Here I met Brian the translater/consultant and he took me and my mum to a room to explain about the clinic - you can tell he was very proud to be working here and had much respect for the surgeons - he also told me the clinic does not use trainees so there would be no worry about ghosting and such like some "factories". Despite him telling me this I had already read a few positive reviews on DrKim the rhino surgeon and he was already on the top of my list before I went in for consultation.

After explaining and telling Brian a rough idea of what I wanted done which included 2jaw, rhino/alar, and breast aug he suggested that I do another kind of ps for my jaw/chin because 2jaw is a really invasive surgery, I explained to him while I agree with him ultimately im doing 2jaw because 4 different orthodontist had suggested me to do 2jaw for dental reasons not only profile.

He understood and then led me to start consultation with the breast surgeon. It's alot to type but I can just say the doctors here are straight to the point, and I really like the aesthetics because they focus alot on "natural" look and doing what suits your body so if that's your goal then I would suggest getting a consultation here.

After breast consultation Brian took me to see dr kim the rhino surgeon. He shook hands with me and had a really cool charisma I can't explain, anyway he basically asked me if I was doing a 2jaw surgery for sure? And I said yes but it would not be during this trip (I would be coming back to do it when my braces were prepared for it) and he nodded and looked at my profile photos again. He then told me if I was to do 2jaw surgery my profile would completely change and doing my nose now may not suit how I look after 2jaw in the future therefore he does not recommend me to do it. I sat there trying to absorb what he said because no other surgeon has told me this, I was half expecting him to suggest me something else but he did not and I thanked him and went back out with Brian.

Back in the consult room Brian told me if I wanted to do 2jaw I should also find another surgeon also even though april31 "can" do it but its a big surgery and I should get someone who specialises in 2jaw specifically.
He gave me a quote for teardrop 10mil krw.

That night I message Brian asking if I could do alar only because I really dislike my bulbous nose and if that would be ok (since drkim mention it was the height and length that may no longer be in proportion after 2jaw) he said it should be ok and checked the next day for me and quoted 5.5mil krw.

I know this is on the pricey side for just an alar surgery and if I could afford Id wish to do breast+nose at april 31. I have so much respect for the ethics of the clinic and dr kim as a surgeon. But unfortunately it is a little out if my budget and Brian told me they don't normally have much room for discount but he will try - so im currently waiting for him to let me know if there can be any discount that could meet my budget!!

Regardless if they give me discount or not I really wanted to share this experience because you can come across nice clinics but they may not always be honest.
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@rhinoceros hello, yes! Mine was delayed a bit because I was not sure whether or not to go with the 2jaw but in the end so many orthodontist recommend it I decide to do it although it cost alot of money. My one I need extract 4 teeth and continue orthodontic treatment for a few more months then begin 2jaw surgery and still need to wear braces for a while after (sorry can't remember specifically how long)
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@sunnysideup77 that's a pretty long procedure yeah? but it'll most likely be worthwhile in the end! :smile: my friend's doctor had suggested to see a psychiatrist after her surgery, because some patients couldn't accept their new look after. so, do be prepared and get support from family! :smile: wishing you all the best!
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I have a question for those that have booked surgery with April 31. Is it usually easy to get a surgery slot within a few days of consultation?

I ask because someplaces, like rhino at JW, is usually fully booked a few weeks in advance and require a deposit to hold a surgery slot. Is a deposit required at April 31? I was thinking that perhaps because of April 31's higher price point, Dr. Kim might normally have a few open slots every week so a deposit isn't necessary.
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I made my decision to book my surgery with April31 on a Friday and was able to schedule it for Tuesday the next week. I did have to put down a deposit though, about 10% of the overall surgery price. I think it's to ensure you don't back out last minute, since there would still be a gap of a few days between you making a decision and having the surgery.

As for being able to book a surgery just a few days out, I'm not sure if this is the norm--I think it depends on if you go during a slower or busier season. Dr. Kim also only does 2-3 surgeries a day, so if you're consulting during a busier season, it could be the case where he'd be booked for a week or two out.
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  1. Post Operation Thoughts

  2. Decision Making Process

  3. Other Particulars


Hi all, since my last post, I am now 26 days post operation, here to update you on my rhinoplasty. Reflecting on my first post, I realize that it wasn't as informative as I liked it to be so hopefully this one can correct that. Also, I'm going to be honest, at the expense of my personal thoughts because I wish I had known a few things beforehand.

After my cast was taken off, I struggled a lot with how I looked. Because I was more swollen than average, I could not accept my new face at all. My face looked horrible post operation and at that time, I understood how important it is to have what the doctors called 'facial harmony'. Because of my nose, my appearance changed entirely, it was like my eyes got pulled too close together, and the tip was gigantic. Whenever, I passed by a reflective surface, I catch a glimpse of myself and I feel a sense of regret going for the procedure.

I know I was being dramatic and I knew I was going to be dramatic, so I made sure to have my close friends on whatsapp to talk to me. And they did try to talk sense in me. Yet, my fear still seemed more real. :lol: When I pressed my nose, it feels very hard, and I thought - no way it can become less swollen, that feels like bone/cartilage. Besides, how much can it deswell?! Later on, I will find out that even a little bit of deswelling can change your look a whole lot, just like how an mm difference in your implant can.

Over a few days, the swelling did come down. Especially on the 11th day for me. Changes are noticeable during the 10-20th days, that in fact waking up to see the changes are sorta fun! Somehow, the changes in swelling take place when I am sleeping and so when I wake up to wash my face, there is something to gush about. :lol: Gradually, I am more able to see how the doctor intended my nose to be, and I felt more reassured. I believe the nose bridge's swelling is all gone by now, and I like how it comeplements my face, and most importantly, it mimics 'real nose'. lol, Idk how to say it. Like there is a natural curve? It doesn't just jut out and doesn't distract attention from my eyes. I really appreciate how the nose turn out to suit MY face. And although the tip is still swollen, I can imagine how it'll look like when swelling is all gone. It still looks weird to me from time to time, but again, I see with my own eyes how a bit of change in swelling alters your appearance. So, I'm more patient now :smile:

Our face has its own limit, whatever we want cannot be executed as perfect as we have imagined, and no matter how prepared you think you are, the real result will still surprise you, not in a bad way, it can be good in fact(!), but it just is different from what you imagine. The closest indicator of what you'll look like after surgery would be contouring. You will be the judge of whether that is good enough of an improvement to go for surgery. It depends on your expectations really. But just keep in mind that, again, the real result just is different, that is why I freaked out soo much during the first few days.

Gosh, during that period of freaking the flip out, I wondered to myself - if the doctor made it too high, like how I initially wanted it to be .. I think .. I couldn't live with myself. And I was even thinkingif I should schedule a revision soon. That's how much of a wreck I was.

Because of this incident, I urge you to find a doctor that really knows the balance your face needs. I know we know what we want, but sometimes, doctors know best. An experienced doctor at least. I was soo glad I did it with mine.

Anyway, I feel that info on consultations, price and doctors are abundant on tpf, which is why I spent more time elaborating on post-operation. Haven't really read much on it so fr. Probably because everyone was so focused on bargaining. Now that I have done that, I'd like to touch up on other things for April 31, myc clinic, as I have mentioned in my first post that there are too little reviews on them. And they weren't convincing enough for me, because anyone and anyone could post on tpf. Feel free to ask me questions, but as of now, you can read on about my experience.
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To explain my paranoia from the first post - though most of the reviews were mainly good for April31, the bad ones were really bad. In one post - it was just a person saying don't trust Brian, he is crap, throw him as far as you can 0.0 It is confusing and scary to hear from others that - oh Brian is really nice etc. and hear from another that he is utter crap, don't trust that crap of a person. =.=

Topped with my A grade skepticism, you can imagine my confusion. And even throughout the whole thing, even though he was nothing but pleasant to me, something at the back of my mind just goes - okayyyy so when am I going to be tricked......? I am rolling eyes at myself now.

However, on my last day right, I asked Brian to answer more questions about his clinic with me, and he wasn't at all dismissive and asked me to sit down and patiently explain things. Spent about a total of 15-20minutes answering my additional questions even though he could basically just say I have another patient to tend to, and send me on my way since I am basically done with post-op care and paid my money. After learning about the clinic more, and spending a bit more time with him, I started to appreciate how easy it is to talk to him and let my skepticism take a backseat. Lots of people I talk to privately compliments on this aspect as well. Really kudos on this, cause previous translators cannot compare AT ALL. In retrospect, I would have just forget about doubting, because the experience would have been easier without honestly. lol

I hope you understand my skepticism too cause lots of translators are incredibly nice, to the extent of calling you dear. roll eyes. I know what you are all thinking - "this is business, suck it up" ok, I know, but you know? Haha, whatever. shrug.

Anyway, yes my review about april 31.

Understand that my view details my experience with april 31. I wish to give you a more comprehensive review of every clinics but as much as I wish, I can't test every plastic surgeon like the BB creams in Sephora. The most I can do for you is to say whether I vouch for this clinic or not. And let me just say in advance that I vouch for it, so you can skip all my BS below. For those who wants to know why I choose them for primary rhinoplasty, I will gladly elaborate.

I learned that this clinic has been around for 18 years. Dr. Kim must have started it with a few friends and slowly the clinic grew into what it is today. From what I understand, while others are focused on marketing themselves and making money, Dr. Kim wasn't like that. He took the slow and steady approach. Even until now, I noticed that his focus is still more on the academic side of things. He recently had a visit from two top rhinoplasty surgeons from Miami, and this video of their meeting was played ON MAD REPEAT. I know what slide is gonna come next already. Haha! This is very unlike other clinics that mainly play pictures of people they have transformed. April does a little that, but in a more .. ...... different way.You have to see to know. haha

Speaking of which, I was trying to access their website the other time, and I stumbled across their blogspot. Keep in mind I didn't know anything about them at that time, so I find it super funny that this clinic had been on a hiatus on their blog for so long, and yet when they come back to post, they post more about this meeting rather than b/a pictures etc. like other clinics. So you can see, these doctors really do take pride in their erm.. academic milestones. :P

I found their updated website in the end, and it looked classy and simple, (just as a clinic should be). The information was presented well and they have a section where they update on how the doctors in the clinic are doing in their respective research. I know how important it is to keep up to date on medical news so that you can more effectively treat your patients. And to have a doctor actively participate in journals is even more respectable. Research and journals are tedious jobs. You don't get published if you don't put in effort.

Really liked the idea that they keep themselves up to date, and take the effort to improve you know. This is important, in every field.

I think this aspect of Dr. Kim shows that he takes interest in his own field, and he wants to explore it more and understand how to make it better and more reliable. As a fellow nerd, I understand on a deep level. :biggrin:

I had a good impression with Dr. Kim when I met him because he has good bedside manners. He was patient, smiling, and also spoke in English, which was very gracious of him I felt. And he always tries to reassure the patient. Because of some reviews, I was already anticipating for his signature move where he goes - "trust me" - and pats your shoulder and he actually did it when I met him for surgery. It was a cute thing to see before I went for my deep sleep. :lol:

Another thing about him that I liked was that he would turn away patients if he thinks there is no work to be done. One tpfer mentioned that the doctor thinks her nose is good enough and doesn't have to be corrected. This, to me means that he doesn't want to do more than what he thinks is necessary just in the name of profit. His judgement and aesthetic sense is more in line with what enhances your look without looking artificial.

I know, a lot of doctors also preach this, but how many have achieved? (this is a rhetorical question, as I have mentioned, I cannot test every doctor haha. But on the metro, I have noticed some people with noses that look too artificial for my taste. )

Don't think 'natural' / 'it looks like you didn't have surgery' / 'looks like you were born with it' is not a good comment, because if IT ACTUALLY SUITS YOU, it WILL look like you had nothing done. A high nose will not necessarily be pretty. It's how it BEST SUITS your features. I regret to say, I stupidly think I'd look prettier with a high nose, but during my post-op days, when it was 'higher' per se ..... no, no, does not look good. hahaha

Herein, I need to stress again that you do need to listen to your doctors and hear what they recommend. Don't push what you want, because the doctors have done enough to know what is good, and more importantly, YOUR SAFETY is important. (this was one of the reasons I am attracted to this clinic, as they put emphasis on this when other clinics don't. And they do it in a believable way, not just an empty preaching, as demonstrated by Dr.Kim's surgery method)

I was offered a sharper tip using irradiated rib cartilage and twice the cheaper price. But because I didn't like the idea of infection in my soft tissue area, even if it's just a 0.2% chance, I turned it down. I really want a nose that lasts for a lifetime guys. Don't think I wanna go through another procedure.

I trusted Dr Kim's credentials and his experience. He promised that he could give me good results using his surgical method. He was pleasant to speak to. (he did deliver all these in the end) This was on top of the usual criteria where the doctors answer you clearly when you ask them about more medical questions.

Hence I went with him for my surgery. And I don't regret it. In fact, I am very relieved I chose him.

That is it for the doctor's part. :smile:

Others you should already know from others' review. Brian was helpful and you can literally ask him anything, he is in this business for 3 years, so his knowledge is solid. I did also ask him why he gets negative reviews.. haha. It's hilarious, ask him about it. I think he is there because the doctor can't always give you 24 hour attention, whereas Brian always tries his best to deliver as and when he is free. And since his knowledge is there, he can answer you almost anything. He does clarify with the doctor when it's something he can't answer you himself. So... yeah, A+!

Also, I think he also keeps in touch with patients after surgery. But since, I don't have any questions there's no problem so far, I haven't talked to him since. I am sure, you can just send him a text if you have problem. (refer to first post for his cheeky kakaoid)

I see others praise nurses for being extra caring and gentle. I didn't feel like mine went the extra mile to be extra nice, but they are still good and professional. Not like they were careless and rough or mean or anything. Their Chinese translator had to take care of me for a bit, and yeah he was nice too. In general, I think Korean's service sector is pretty good no?

I don't know about you, but the thing I dread most in my follow up is the cleaning. Not even stitch removal. But cleaning. It's the way the nurse had to put forceps inside my nose, and the way she really had to clean out the dried blood. *shiver* K, embarassing confession, I am such a wuss that I had to hold and squeeze other's hands. T.T Hahaha! Pain tolerance 0. Perhaps the inside of my nose was extra krusty? Krusty burgers. I mean. Boogers. ;)

So that's that for my overall feeling with April. Yeah, in conclusion, I vouch for them! Happy that the fatherly and pleasant doctor could deliver a satisfying and reassuring result without the use of other materials around my nose tip, and happy this clinic had a relaxed translator to communicate with me!

Below I fill in other procedural things that patients go through when visiting April 31.
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Consultation day - Talk to the translator, discuss with him what you want so that he is clear what to tell the doctor. Then consult with the doctor to clarify more and hear his suggestions. At this time, you also get to know your doctor more. and see if you trust him or not.

Afterwards, you talk to Miss Pyo, she will discuss the surgery plan with you, and later tell you how much the plan will cost.

Set a date for surgery.

You have to give a deposit to secure that date. and then on that day itself, you pay in full. (they do cash and credit cards)

Surgery day – Driver comes and pick you to the clinic.

You pay the remaining amount and sign a consent form.

Brian will bring you up to the surgery floor. I like that it is super clean. He gives you a set of clothes to change. A locker to put your things. A pair of shoes to wear. You wash your face, and then you're off to the surgery room.

The nurses there were gentle with me. Didn't feel anything at all.

Brian was with me the whole way, by the way, talking me through things, and putting my nerves at ease. And he was there when I woke up too.

The doctor was a bit late, so they put me in a room to rest. He was a bit late because a patient on consultation had a lot of questions, so he needed to finish that first. Afterwards, he comes in, and then he chats with me a little. Then comes the sedation. It really was just sleeping!

Omgod. I cannot believe it. Haha! I like surprises. And this was really fun. Cause it just is sleeping!

When I woke up, they carefully lead me to the room earlier to rest.

One thing, I didn't quite like is that I still have to walk to the pharamacist to get my medicine. It wasn't far. And my mom went and got it for me. :P I just preferred it to be ready so I can leave.

They give you an eye pack, face masks, and wet tissues.

Then you're set to go. Again, the driver will send you home.

Follow ups – I forgot when I had them.. but it should be about alternate days, and there are longer days in between too. Nothing much to say.

They don't offer hair wash? But I think those hair wash and whatnot are just marketing gimmicks. So that's fine with me. I can wash it myself, or leave it to the hairdresser.

The doctor saw me on the last day to check up on me. But since everything was ok for my case, aside from the swelling, that there was nothing much to discuss. So yeah, said my goodbyes.

Took my 'after' pictures, and was given something like an ear mold that was made to fit my ear. Cause they used ear cartilage on my tip. It is so cute!

That's it .. post your questions here. :smile: That way I dont have to answer each and everyone personally on kakao, cause questions are pretty similar.

All the best guys!
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Wow, rhinoceros, those are some great and helpful posts. I thought you had forgotten about us. I have a few questions:

- Same as I asked above, how soon after your consultation were you able to book your surgery slot? Did it seem like there are usually free slots within a few days time? I ask because if were to travel to Seoul for 2 weeks, do I need to worry about not getting a surgery slot with Dr. Kim?

- You went directly through the clinic, not a 3rd party right? Was the driver pickup standard?

- Did you require any osteotomy?
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Hi rhinoceros, were there mostly locals at the clinic when you went? Did you happen to see anyone doing other procedures as well, like facial contouring/eyes? What was your experience like at Dream? Thank you so much~~
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Hey d00little, sorry about this, I was focused and a little concerned with my recovery at that time!
- I FEEL that their slot isn't very packed. Though I couldn't book the surgery the next day after consultation, they gave me a slot for the next. So two weeks is ample time.
However, they may be busy during this time of year or not. Do ask Brian, he will be able to advise you on this!
Word of advice is to arrive in Seoul and do your consultations during weekdays so you can have surgery the next few days, they don't work on weekends, a point I somehow forgot.

-there is a third party that arranges this? Yes, I contacted Brian through kakao, I consider this as direct.

- Yeap!

- I didn't! I asked Dr. Kim about it, and after feeling about my nose, he says there's no need! :smile:

Don't hesitate to ask more!
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