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Why Korea for Plastic Surgery?

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"your doctor" what my doctor? i don't have a doctor i go to whatever doctor i feel like paying and happens to be close when i need to... i've never had anything like "family doctor" and i always find it weird when people talk about that, my family doesn't have anything like that either~ the only doctor i can ask is the next doctor i'll be seeing which is a korean doctor :smile:

besides how would a non-korean doctor know what korean doctors do? i don't understand what you're saying...

i don't mean eyes i mean for the surgeries with GA, what options with GA are there? if you know please share ^^
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Shinning glittery you really need to google more and read more do your own research on the surgery that you want . For eg if I want to know more about anesthesia I go to my home country and see the anesthesia doctor and get more information . So that when I communicate with the Korean doctor I know what to ask and what I am looking at . And I will know whether the doctor is experience enough ....,,
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soong sister i don't think you were even trying to understand my question... never mind... i know what options there are for anesthesia... i know every option... i just don't know what's common in Korea (i've seen a lot of epidural done in the spine in korea but i never ever want epidural) and i don't know if Korean anesthesia doctors do one technique better than the other... that's all... I will ask the Korean doctors of course, just thought maybe you would know, but clearly you don't~ it's okay~
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Hi ShinyGlittery,

In Korea, this is what I have observed to be the norm:

-- IV sedation (with very MILD local anesthesia) for eyes
-- IV sedation (full-blown; you're completely asleep) for nose
-- General anesthesia for the "hardcore" surgeries like jaw, buccal fat removal, etc.
-- General anesthesia or IV sedation for tummy tucks, BA, other body modification procedures
-- Local for acculift

I've only had my eyes & nose done, so I don't know the others for a fact, but that's just what I was told/have read on other websites.

I am not a fan of the IV sedation for eyes at all. I think it's both overkill and painful at the same time. My primary eyelid surgery was in the U.S. and it was so painless and easy because the doctor used straight-up local anesthesia (i.e. what you would get during a cavities filing at the dentist's). I recovered in 2-3 days and the swelling was gone in about a week or two.

My (revision) eyelid surgery in Korea was SO awful. They knocked me out with IV sedation during the first half of it (that was when I started having a *nightmare* that I was dying). They woke me back up during the second half of the surgery so that I could open and close my eyes. This was incredibly painful because either they did not use local anesthesia, or it had worn off by then. I told them it was painful (esp. when they started pulling the fat out of my eyes!), but they didn't seem to care/act like it was normal.

I found the whole process so unnecessary, because with only local anesthesia (as they use in the U.S.), you're not in pain AND you're fully conscious so that you can open and close your eyes to let them check for symmetry. With IV sedation, I was asleep for the first half and then woke up JUST in time for the painful part.

It's been seven weeks and my eyes are STILL swollen.

Then there was the incompetent/completely untrained phlebotomist who couldn't find my vein and then caused an absurdly large injury while taking a simple BLOOD TEST. It was just so ridiculous.

So, I guess the bottom line is: the after-care, clinical care, and anesthesia is way better in the U.S.... but unfortunately, the aesthetic results for face are better in Korea. It's a no-win situation; you just have to bear the pain and go through it if you want a stronger aesthetic result in Korea!
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I've been cruising this forum for a while but waited till now to post (I'm kinda shy). Your story really terrifies me though. Are all clinics in Korea like that? Where can I find a good clinic with great aesthetic results, while also having proper anesthesia? I don't want to wake up in the middle of my surgery and feeling someone tugging at my nose...
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Hi ladybugz thanks for the details experience that you have in Korea. At least to warn people about it. May I know which clinic that you oh and which doctor ? I think what shinning glittery needs to do is to insist what type of sedation she wants before book the ps. I think I
Must have misunderstood her question . I discussed with the doctor what type of sedation that I want and what method that I want the doctor to use coz GA got a few types one of it is LMA mask which most clinic don't have and it is best for nose surgery and endotracheal is for most of the main surgery eg Ba , jaw and etc . And shinning glittery before you ask the doctor what you want please do your own research and read more just in cAse you might be wrong
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Pkang, i don't agree I am the living proof to find out about this . Jw is a smaller clinic they don't have much equipment for anesthesia therefore I almost got killed and the price they quoted me is KRW11mil and this time I went to dm hospital larger clinics with full hospital facilities . And the price they quoted is KRW8.8mil for the same surgery. What I find out that shock me is most small clinic I would said around 80% don't have the hospital facilities and equipment whereby they can't cater for emergency situation during operation. And most clinics don't have LMA GA because it is expensive for additional machinery in the clinic.
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Yeah I went to a large clinic with their own anesthesiologists, too. Their clinical staff was still awful. Like SoongSister said, figure out what will work for you -- what kind of anesthesia you prefer -- and then demand very vigorously that they abide by your wishes.

Don't worry about the nose job though -- they put you on "full" sedation for that, so you won't wake up in the middle.
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thank you both
i prefer GA for anthing major, IV only. I don't like any other type of GA ^^ for eye surgery you hardly even need local... anything more is just crazy, you can even buy your own local anesthetic so can't you just go there and be like "okay I already applied the cream now do my eyes" haha :biggrin: for nose I'd want GA too~ I will make sure to tell the doctor what I want ^^
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  • 2 weeks later...
According to shinyglittery Grand aren't that good with facial contouring, based on that I would pick Banobagi.
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Mentioned this b4 in another thread, Grand is advertising a 'celebrity' Yoon Hyun-sook for two-jaw surgery who was operated on by a doctor who has left. I happened to realize this when I saw her picture repeated on the website of Life Plastic Surgery.

The face that pops out at you when you surf to eng.grandsurgery.com:

What I found nestled in http://eng.mylifeps.com/with-the-stars/

I Skype with the coordinator and she confirmed tt Dr Rhee of Life Plastic Surgery performed two-jaw on this lady. But she definitely had other procedures done to make her look so much younger (it is Photoshopped)

If Grand is still advertising the work of a doctor who has left, then the resident doctor must have no good works to feature so don't go with Grand.
Life PS is very new so that is still a question mark too.
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Hi, Have u chosen where u wanna have your surgery, and when? I'm leaving this Sunday 8th Dec for Seoul, having consulation at JK on Monday morning, and probably having V-line surgery on Tuesday. Pretty nervous but excited :smile:
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Can u get ur friend to share more abt Life? It's a very new clinic. :smile: her surgeon should have been Dr Rhee?
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