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Why Korea for Plastic Surgery?

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Agreed. Good post.
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Hello everyone. I am so happy to come across this forum. I am thinking about forehead lifting, face lifting and upper and lower eyelid blep. in Korea Could anyone kindly advise me which clinics have positive reviews on these procedures? I have Regen, Banobagi, Oz, Vip in mind. I am going there in July 2013. Very confuse and lost. Please help.
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I hear that Pitangui and Banobagi do a great job at face and forehead lifting. I'm considering them and BK for my nose augmentation.
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Which post did you read that? I'm also considering them but not for orthognatic surgery. I have a friend that went to Pitangui for reshaping her jaw and it looked great.
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I think the issue is having to wait too long because of the number of patients coming in. I think that this is a sign of how good they are because people wouldn't go there if they weren't. But I 've heard that some junior residents do the surgeries. Can't confirm if this is true or not. I'll still go over for a consultation for comparison.
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I think I found the post that you're referring to - #7 # It just might be an isolated case, but I'm also hearing a lot of good reviews so I'm definitely going to check it out for myself once I get a chance to go to Korea. As they say, "to see, is to believe..." and I'm not too keen on believing what other people say since we can't really tell if it's some sort of gimmick or not.
  • 4 weeks later...
Hi everyone! I'm Linda & i'm new here. I live in the U.S, would love getting my nose & fat injections this beginning of April in S. Korea. There's a clinic that i didn't see any of you listed, it's called ITEMS... The Doctors here are very kind & great. They used to work for BK around 2 years ago, where all of the pretty noses were from! I do not recommend BK. Very rush, they don't spent time with you, it seemed like a market.

Wondering anyone would go this April? I figure we could share a hotel, or at least live next door to each other to keep company, to look over one another... so i won't be too lonely & afraid being by myself...

When will you be going there? I plan to go beginning of April... Winder if we could be friends??? :smile:

When exact date? Im going there beginning if April too... We could meet up & be friends to at least watch over one another...

I had my nose done at BK. very unhappy. Crooked nose & all they want is $ :sad:. My friend got their noses done by ITEMS, beautiful result, and the doctors take care of you very well.

My email: [email protected]

How come i cant private message? :sad:
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as ure a new member n need to wait I think at least 5 days and total 10 posts to enable PM. maybe u try again a few days time.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi I am hoping if anyone have done a breast augmentation in Korea, perhaps can share the experience with me, and the preparation and perhaps reply me in the private message which clinic give you good result or bad result? Thanks.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi all, I'm planning to go to Seoul to get eyelid & nose surgery end of August (between 29th - 31st)
I'm planning to do these surgeries in JK Hospital. Anyone wants to go together, contact me soon

hope to hear from anyone soon
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