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Scandal at JW beauty clinic, anyone heard about it?

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Yeah, this situation is very weird since JW post-op care is actually very good. And aside from myself, there was another forumer who I remember as "Kim from Sweden" who Dr. Suh offered free revision after she told him she wasn't happy with the results.

I don't know about the other surgeons at JW, but if Dr. Suh did her nose and her implant ended up shifting, causing the assymetry, I'm sure he would've offered her free revision... That said, who knows what's really going on... :/
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Hey guys,

Just had a follow up at jw for a nose surgery I did there on Saturday.
Having read this thread I felt it would be unfair if JW did not have a chance to explain themselves so I asked their english consultant, Jenny about this incident.
She said the patient was a candidate for a Chinese version of LET ME IN the show in korea. She previously had a failed breast surgery in china and she got a compensation from the Chinese doctor.
Having learnt that failed surgeries could get her some compensation, she tried pulling this stunt with JW. For the past year or so, she has been trying to get compensation in monetary form from JW but obviously they wouldn't pay her because she had her surgeries done for free (because she was a candidate for the show) and also HER SURGERY HAD GONE REASONABLY WELL.
Yes I'm saying that because jenny showed me her before and after. Her before photo is the same girl in the photo posted above. Jenny also mentioned that the girl would usually make her mouth crooked on purpose when people took photos of her or spoke to her... The after photos she showed me seemed pretty unphotoshoped like the ones u take when u go for plastic surgery consultations. And she definitely looked a lot Better after the surgery.

As for my personal experience, aftercare has been pretty good. I actually didn't have a follow up scheduled yesterday but I went anyway because a part of my wound dressing had fallen off. They replaced it without question and cleaned my wounds and also gave me a deswelling treatment.
I can't say much about the results for my nose yet but u can read my surgery experience on the asian nose job 3 thread.
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I still plan on going to JW for nj because of Dr. Suh. I have consulted with him myself and found him very skilled and his impeccable bedside manner is a bonus. I feel for the girl who claims that she had botched surgery and I hope Dr. Suh can do her revision if that is even possible given what has happened between her and the clinic.
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Thank you, Sammy, this is so reassuring!
Maybe my Korean translator's opinion is biased, she must have something againts JW.
Do you guys have some tricks in order to know if your translator is dishonest?
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well i can tell you this, your translator is rather likely to be dishonest to some degree with you. I'm assuming you are aware of this already but you do know your translator is probably getting commission from the clinics right? Id be surprised if she wasn't because its common knowledge that translators in Seoul often are also independant licensed agents who get commission. A possibility for her trying to steer you away from JW may be because she has an agreement with other competing clinics.

That's why its really not advisable to hire a translator. Most reputable surgeons are proficient in English and you should really avoid surgeons who aren't as expecting someone else to convey your subjective needs and perception of beauty is unreliable. For people who are still adamant at going with a translator you might as well go with a proper agency as you do get access to Seoul's vvip networks along with the translation services. That's only if you are a rich betch with money to blow tho lol. Least that way you know they are getting commission rather than having these independant agents doing it behind your back and not providing any value added service.
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There seems to be confusion, a classic example of how things can easily get twisted on here. Sammyy never said Jenny is an outside translator, she clearly stated Jenny is the in house English translator / consultant at JW, she works at JW, this is also why she has the photos and why Sammyy then posted she wasn't allowed to take a photo on her phone of the girls before and after photos due to patient medical confidentiality. Please take care with replies as wrong postings on here can be very damaging.

Jenny has only been working for JW for about 6 months. There are 3 English consultants at JW, Emily, Jenny and Nancy.

The only way to resolve this is if someone who is currently in Seoul can approach the girl sitting outside JW, hear her story and see if she is making her jaw wonky on purpose, ask her to move her jaw in the other direction, see if that's possible for her.
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You seem to have mistaken Jw's in house translator Jenny for Anna's external translator. My post was in reply to Anna regarding her translator who she hired, who was the one who advised her against going to jw. I wasn't refering to Jenny whom Sammy mentioned.
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Thank you for sharing,
I understand what you said about "doctors are human", but if you were me, who underwent 2 rhinoplasty and both screwed up, I believe that you would do whatever you can to avoid making the wrong choice for the 3rd time. That's the reason why I check as much information as I can before travelling to Seoul, don't you understand?
Anyways, even the revision is free, everyone prefers to have the things done perfectly from the first time!
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I heard that doctor Park at Dream who is specialized in rhinoplasty doesn't speak English, is it right?
I'll follow your advices about translators. I won't hire any finally, since I don't trust mine anymore...
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i dunno who told you that but Dr Park from Dream is fluent in English. He is even giving a speech (in English) at the IPRAS seminar in Singapore about closed vs open rhino techniques as a good deal of his work involves pioneering less invasive methods while still yielding good results. Its quite a coincidence that both him and Bryan Mendelson, my surgeon in Melbourne are speaking and on the same panel at the seminar. i hope they discuss my face...tee hee :P
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He definitely speaks English fluently
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Guys, lets not be lawyers here. Unless of course u r one. Just looking at the information we have here.
1. 'Victim' aint happy with the outcome. Looks pretty bad to me honestly. She's doing it on purpose? Come on, lets be serious.

2. JW aint taking any action re. victim's so called 'blackmailing', according to lotta sherlock holmes amongst us. In korea, its a crime to be blackmailing. Why is she being allowed to 'blackmail' INFRONT of the clinic?

What do I see here after adding the two observations above?

That JW has to explain itself.
Until then, its off my list.
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And the response from the poor girl who WANTED to get her face ruined by JW and decided to blackmail JW was?? Did she have the chance to hear what u were told by JW? Did JW explain why she was being allowed to protest infront of their building?
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