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Back of head augmentation

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Has anyone had the back of their head augmented at Item clinic or any other clinic in Seoul? I have a flat area on the back of my head that I'd like fixed. The procedure that Item listed on their website looks promising. Thanks!
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is that the procedure where they use bone cement? If so it seems rather invasive. I actually inquired about bone cement with my surgeon when i wanted a forehead augmentation. He suggested fat graft instead because its minimally invasive and also suggested that bone cement can cause some discomfort due to
tightness when bone cement is used for the forehead area. Im not sure how frequently that occurs tho or whether its different for the back of head
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From their description it doesn't seem like they're using a bone cement but rather a preformed structure. Whether it's bone cement or something else, tightness is unavoidable as it'll stretch the skin/scalp; just a matter of how tight... and that depends on how much material was placed.
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