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Weight Loss Treatments in Korea

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Hi guys, I'm planning to go to Seoul in September and staying there for 10 days. I'm planning to get treatments like Radio Frequency. Not Liposuction because they're too expensive. I think I can get 2 times in 10 days? Will that makes a difference?
I want to lose weight in my belly and thigh.
Does anyone know a good place to get this done?
all i've found is this http://www.placidway.com/package/183/Weight-loss-Programs-in-South-Korea/
thanks guys
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I've been doing extensive research on slimming and body shaping. I would not recommend RF as I've tried it and the changes are too minimal. RF is better for firming.

Best non-invasive shaping and weight loss methods so far are Liposonix, Coolsculpting and Vasershape, as compare to older generation laser procedures which only melt lipid inside fat cells, these 3 ELIMINATES fat cells. All takes around 3 months for fat to melt and discharge from body. But I still haven't found a clinic in Seoul that do them. (Liposonix can have best results out of the 3 as it can 'elimate' most fat while Coolscultping suppose to eliminate 20% of the treated layer. But Coolsculpting is painless, that's why it's gaining popularity)

If you are up for minimal-invasive methods too, Laser/Ultrasound assist lipo is actually the best option in terms of results, safety and minimal scarring and pain. Personally think Smartlipo Triplex (newest generation), uses 1444nm laser to melt fat and lower degree laser to tighten your skin, is best option. Unfortunately I can't find any hospital in Seoul got that (Please let me know if anyone know). 365MC, which is a specialist in weight loss, has Lipolysis Laser, which is similar to Smartlipo but doesn't have tightening effect. Prices are reasonable (around US$1500-1800 per part)

Alternative is Accusculpt which uses 1444nm laser to melt fat, but less tightening effect vs Smartlipo. BK and JW has Accusculpt (JW quoted around US$2500 per part)

Also note 365MC is promoting this new innovation LAMS(Local Anesthetic Minimal- invasive lipo-Suction), pushing No incision/ No Anesthesia, No Garment, No recovery time. From their description, sounds like mini lipo + dissollution. Personally am skeptical about just sticking a needle in to pull fat out, but it's relatively cheap. They quoted around US$1000 per part. http://eng.365mc.co.kr/landing/Y14/D0623lams_eng.html

All of the above procedures are supposed to be one- off, so better for visitors. Hope this helps.
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coolscuplting = rubbish. I had 3 sessions and barely noticed anything. U also have to really diet and exercise to see minimal results which imo completely defeats the purpose. It was painless but certainly wasn't comfortable either. In fact that discomfort was so disturbing that id much rather feel pain.

lol that 365mc ad...doesn't explain much does it lol
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True on Coolsculpting, you suppose to have to maintain healthy diet and exercise. And I heard the % of fat that can really be eliminated using Coolsculpting vaires and depends on individual. That's why I think Liposonix suits me better.

For 365mc, yea they didn't explain much on the ad. Here's their email description. Not much better LOL

*LAMS - No incision/ No Anesthesia, No Garment, No need to have recovery time
Effect like mini liposuction but very simple, no pain like non surgical treatment like injections. There will be only one small hole in the concerned area each. (size: one hole sized of button). Insert tunnel into your concerned area -> suction immediately -> insert specialized medical liquid for lipolysis. Only 30min-1hour for this treatment including consultation

Also those procedures I've stated above only targets particular area. For overall weight loss or obesity problem, I'll think you'll have to undergo something like HPL from 365mc. But it takes longer time to complete the cycle. http://eng.365mc.co.kr/sub/03_obesity.html
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  • 2 weeks later...
wow :o
now im interested in LAMs
1k per body part isnt bad, but i wonder about the effect & if the scar will heal soon.
i wonder if i can lose about 4kg if i do hips and thigh. ( i am 54kg)
and btw does hips include belly too?
hahah thanks so much!
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Haha please try and tell me and Kcouture the result! Well I'm sure the results will be visible as it's just like mini-lipo. Main question is on scarring and sagging, which is uncertain.

One common misconcept is losing fat=losing weight. This is totally NOT TRUE. Your muscles weight a lot heavier. For instance, 1 pound of fat takes up roughly 30.75 cubic inches of vol, which is approx 500 ml. So you should be happy that you can lose just 1 pound of pure fat.

Haha How will belly be included in hips? All of these are seperated "areas": inner thighs, outter thighs, abdomen, love handles, back, hips, banana roll.
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  • 2 years later...
hello guys,
Liposuction Surgery Cost In India For A Patient From South Korea is Just $940.
you can check it out on http://www.vaidam.com/
Vaidam will find you the best, hassle free treatment at prices you can afford, so that you can focus only on getting better.
Thank you for letting me provide some information related to healthcare.
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  • 1 year later...
Hi Myeon, lipo last only for a short term and your fats will bounce back if you do not diet and exercise. Unless u have tried dieting and exercise and only wan to get rid of stubborn fats on hard to get rid of fats area like love handles and buttocks then lipo should help to a certain extent.
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Saw a Jap variety show Tokuson’s Life Hacks and the recent episode was on slimming. Participants saw an 8kg weight loss after 1 mth (Buckwheat Diet) & 11kg weight loss after 2 mths (Cucumber Diet). The participants do not exercise and eat regular meals. Seems solid and I have started the 2 methods alternatively already.

Buckwheat Diet
Prevents fatty liver, eliminates fat absorption
Eat a spoonful before every meal
Last in fridge for 3 days
Soaked in water for 1 hr
Boil for 15 mins on Low to Medium heat
Rinse to get rid of any sliminess
Keep in fridge

Cucumber Diet
Stimulates metabolism
Eat a cucumber before every meal
Or grate or blend the cucumber
Can add a bit of honey to juice

Grated Chinese Yam can be added to buckwheat
Contains potassium that gets rid of excess sodium in the body
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Honestly, I've tried several time before Lipo, all of weight loss treatments on that page were not worked at all for me. Only feel stiff and sting while doing it. If I have lost even 1kg or 1 inch then I might happy with it but it did not work well. That's why I decided to do Lipo to end up with these painful and inconvenience treatment in my life. If I think of price, size changes then I definately go for surgery.
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  • 6 months later...
Hi guys,
If you are looking for a surgeon in India for weight loss check out this link, you will get all details of doctors from top hospitals and cost estimates.
Liposuction in Mumbai, India
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