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Oops, my previous post got deleted for being too inflammatory I guess... anyhow it's worth keeping in mind "caveat emptor" -- the general business principle 'buyer beware' -- as we make purchasing decisions, especially ones that alters our faces. It's critical that we make informed final decisions based primarily on the qualifications and expertise of the surgeons, rather than soley on before and after photos or other marketing tricks. IMO I think it's better asking questions like "what are your professional credentials?" "how many of these procedures have you performed?" to the specific doctor offering the specific procedure you're interested in, rather than basing final decisions on photos and hearsay. Due diligence is key.
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  • 1 month later...
So I stumbled across their breast augmentation with teardrop implants and I have to say it's the most natural one I've ever seen. Does anyone have an experience with them? Apparently TL and The Line are two different clinics, and The Line has awesome pictures for their results. SO natural and now I'm thinking of getting fat grafts and potentially returning and getting small/medium implants so it looks as natural as possible.

Here are their pictures, first one is from one of their "Real Stories":



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How do you know they've been altered? I was worried about that too but I really love all their pictures. I'm not sure how I would see natural ones unless I actually met someone who did it in person :sad:
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Look at the body shapes of the women, in the last set of pictures,then top woman's hips are wider in the after shot, in the second set of pics, third one down her waist is higher.
They are the same women for sure but have definitely been altered, so it's hard to tell how/if the boob area has too.

Sorry if that wasn't very clear I'm typing on a tiny screen lol
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Oh, I see what you mean, thanks! I'm definitely more cautious now. I emailed them about it and I'll just see what the price is before I get too excited. And I'll try to find more pictures.
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  • 5 weeks later...
I will share my experience here. I went to South Korea in May. I made appointments at 'just' two clinics; The Line and JK. The surgery I wanted isn't really considered as plastic surgery, but it's still a surgery done at a plastic surgery clinic. Therefore, I will share my experience anyway. The surgery I did was removal of the eye bag fat/dark circles below the eyes.

After my consultations at both The Line and JK, I decided to do my surgery at JK. There were several reasons to chose JK over The Line.

1. The English consultants of JK are quite skilled in English and professional. However, they play on their phone a lot during meetings, that seems a bit unprofessional. The consultants of The Line were also quite skilled in English, but not as good as the consultants at JK. Also, the consultant at The Line was a bit pushy, which I didn't like.
2. The surgeon at JK was very friendly and also tried to explain things in English himself, even when the English consultant was present. I met two surgeons at The Line (because they offered a double surgery in my case), who also were friendly but a bit less personal.
3. The surgery procedure JK offered was more simple and logical than the one The Line offered (they offered a double surgery which would left scars).
4. The building of JK is really luxurious and gives a professonial and clean impression. Not only the lobby/reception area, but also the consultation rooms were very luxurious. The building of The Line was less luxurious. Also, the consultation room looked like an old office. However, how the building looks and feels isn't really important of course.

So, I chose JK. The surgery went well. But now, 2.5 weeks later, I'm not really happy with the result so far. Yes, I look way much better than before, but I still see a little bit of an eye bag (especially on the right side). I went back to ask them about this, and they (both consultant and surgeon) replied with the fact it was still too early to see the final result. After 1 month after surgery all of the swollen parts will be gone, and then I could see the result. I don't really believe this, because I could see the difference after a few days the biggest swollen parts went down - and it hasn't changed. I will wait anoter 1.5 weeks like they said, so see the 'final result' after 1 month after surgery, but still, at this moment I'm not really satisfied. Especially because they said this surgery was a very simple one - and not even considered as plastic surgery (since you don't change anything in your appearance), so maybe that's why I'm even more disappointed.
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I think as a general rule, it's always better to focus more on the doctor's depth of experience, academic background, number of cases in your surgery area, revision/dissatisfaction rate, whether it is a proven surgical method that guarantees the results you want and the look of previous clients than the look of the building, the consultants or whether the surgeon is 'nice'.

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter whether the surgeon makes you feel warm and fuzzy - he doesn't need to. He is a medical professional you are paying to perform a surgical operation, not a friend for hire. And the consultants have absolutely zero to do with a good surgical outcome, so ignore them.

At the end of the day, you have to live with the results of your SURGERY, not how the consultants or the building made you feel on the day of your consultation...
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  • 2 years later...
Hi all - I would avoid going to The Line clinic. I booked two surgeries with them not too long ago, only to find that there weren't enough B/A pictures, not enough credibility to the clinic or surgeon, and I just overall had an "off" feeling about going through with them. There also aren't enough reviews to support that they do great work. I was in contact for a long time with the receptionist / consultant Ji Hye, who was very responsive and helpful throughout the entire process. She helped me secure a date half a year in advance - with a $500 appt guarantee deposit. And yes, they require a deposit but with no stipulations on a refund/cancellation policy. But this all changed as soon as I decided to cancel the appointment and get my appointment deposit refunded to me - no harm, no foul. Right?

Ji Hye agreed to refund the money, but not after balking at my request, coaxing me out of the decision, trying to be a salesperson and threaten that if I 'lose' this appointment, I won't get another guaranteed date/appt with the doctor. I said I changed my mind repeatedly. She relented by email. She finally agreed to do the refund but would continually push it off, and off, and off, and after weeks of promises and no response, I came to the conclusion that the clinic is shady, dishonest, and literally after every penny, nickel, and dime. They have no integrity or decency for their clients, who they should respect, with a surgery appointment on the books or without. If you choose to back out of an appointment, they will "disappear" on you with your money. Clearly, if they had enough clientele to book for the appointments canceled ahead of time, they would not be needing to "steal" cash deposits that no longer belong to them. Don't deal with The Line clinic (sooo glad I'm not going under the knife with them). Note: reputable clinics have very clear-cut refund policies, stipulations, and also operate in legitimate ways.
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