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How to avoid being a victim of the Doctor Switch?

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Honestly, the physical pain is the least thing I'm worried about lol. Of course, I would rather not feel pain at all, but I will easily sacrifice my comfort for beauty since *assuming everything goes well* the pain won't be forever.

It will also be my first surgery. I say bring it on.
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If you don't want to be a victim of a doctor switch, my advice is don't go to a university hospital where they are training residents. Doctors from these types of hospitals have been known to leave mid-surgery to go on consults. The doctor is more prone to do this if you are young, inexperienced and believes you won't sue!

Also, try to avoid any doctor wanting to have a fellow or resident "learn" in your procedure. "Learn" = "experiment!" :nogood:
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Wow, does this doctor switch thing actually happen?! Does anyone know directly of someone this happened to? That's the scary thing about going abroad to Korea I guess?.. seems the risks rise for sketchy behavior. When I go to my doctor, even just for a simple Papsmear they will ask me ahead of time if I'm okay with the new doctor shadowing my usual practitioner to attend to me...in which I always reply "NO".
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I don't know anybody personally, to whom this has happened, so I'm not sure how common this practise actually is. It has a bit of the whiff of urban legend to me, honestly, cos I can't really imagine a reputable doctor letting a new doctor take over an operation, and have to live with the hit to his/her reputation, should the operation get botched. Unless this is a factory-style in-and-out clinic, where reputation doesn't matter (and I'm not saying that big clinics don't guard their reputation), I don't think this is something that happens frequently.
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If you read the post about ID clinic here a few pages back, you will see that for some forumer it's not really an urban myth (that is of course if you do believe the case report of this forumer to be true).

Also my friend is korean and have had a few surgeries and she says it's quite well known that ID does this because look at how many people go through them a day - if you do the maths, the patient to the doctor ratio. Also they hire heaps of unknown doctors who are "learning." It's up to you but personally I don't believe they stand there just watching the entire time.
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Vanitygirl, that's super creepy but it does make sense (about the doctor/patient ratio)! I need to go read that ID thread, never really read that one cos it's not on my short list.

Like Riel says, I would be freaked to let any trainee sit in on a regular check-up, let alone an operation!

Randomly, the interesting thing I found about Seoul is that they are SO casual about elective surgery. They didn't even take my identification details before the procedure. It's like going to the hairdresser instead of going to the doctor. In my home country, doctors check your identification even before giving you aspirin.

When I was sedated, I was all like -am I dying???? I bet everybody thought I was a major drama queen.
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Hahahaha "am I dying?" OMG that would totally be me too that's actually one of my worst fears. Never coming back from a surgery. It'd be so tragic. I swear to god, my last words before they operate on me would be "please don't let me die in my sleeeeepp....." *drift off*

So I guess I'm a drama queen too lmao

And yea, I've done heaps of research into ID as it used to be my short list. Seriously, dr Park from the clinic sits on everyone's consultation. And his clinic is big and popular with westerners - he's not the only doctor. He's never coming out of a surgery or going into. Therefore..just add it up is the common sense instinct in my opinion.
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Hey guys, kkim120 originally posted this in another thread and thought it would be good to share it in this thread as well just in case anyone missed it:

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Vanitygirl, I know right? Tragic for sure. I must have asked like 5 times out loud until the nurse was like -doh, you're still talking, of course you're not dying.

Koreasauris, thanks for re-posting that. It's pretty sobering and scary. It's a good question to ask how many surgeries are performed per day, during a consult. I must take note of that.
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  • 1 year later...
Which clinics are these? The ones affiliated with university hospital? :shocked:
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what...hearing this rreally freaks me out!! :sad:
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