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PS Preparation and Sharing Experiences - No promoter!

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MaiQ, thank you for your advices!

I just have a question: did you do your research on naver using Google translate? I bet that you didn't, you might have got some help from your korean friend? Because if you tried it, you'd see that it's quite impossible to get the information you needed in korean :smile:
Here's what I tried, for example:
I used Google to translate the term "best rhinoplasty surgeon in Seoul" into korean, it gave me: "서울에서 가장 좋은 코 성형 외과 의사". I don't even know if Google translate is right, (even I tried to check with the reverse translation) but I still searched on Google with these key words plus the word "naver". Google ended up showing advertisement about famous clinics in Korea on naver, with tons of pictures of celebrities in there but there's absolutely no trustful reviews from clients or threads like what I found on purseblog or cozycot. I did the same with the word "scandal at ABC clinic" and I got nothing valuable! So, in conclusion, it makes no sense to do research in korean while you don't speak korean at all!

This is to say that we have no choice but following English forums like Cozycot and purseblog. It'd be more helpful for us to get the name of your clinic or others' where you got your jobs done, especially when you're satisfied with the result.

Giving the name of the clinics don't make you sound like promoters. Sometimes we can be confused, but some is smart enough to make a distinction between real reviews and promoters.
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giving the mass amount of info on purseforum already, i cannot see reading the 100 times amounts on chinese forum. a well organized fyi thread like this is just heaven. cannot thank you enough Maiq. am looking for buddy going to seoul this fall. kakao: kz168a
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I realised I can only save about $5k before I go to my university. I really wanna get it done before my university so that I can change my face completely. Who do I approach to get a personal loan?
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Your entire post is helpful and very in-depth! I have to reiterate this. I read this too and was like OK, I'll go shopping in Apgujeong after my eye surgeries because it's totally normal and everyone gets it done. NOPE. People stared at me everywhere I went and I only had a "small" surgery. I took off my glasses, put on sunglasses and rushed to my hotel. Just sitting here until I look sort of acceptable to go out in public...
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Totally agree! People in Seoul are more accepting of face masks (as in they don't stare), but bandages would raise eyebrows.
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@anna85 I prefer not to disclose, hope you understand. Say it's clinic A. It's because the clinic A may give me really good results and I may praise A to the best extend here.... but then a few months/years later A have some so-called botched cases, and people who went to A come back and insult people like me - those who 'promote' A at first, saying 'You are a liar, you said it was good, you must be a promoter, A must have paid you to do this etc' This has happened before to me and many people I know on PF and it will happen again and again, because there are so many kinds of people on earth and some with really unrealistic expectation/little knowledge. I have also seen cases of promoters of other clinics who pretended to post really negative reviews about certain clinic and insult those who say good things of it. I have been in similar mess before, so I wanna get out of it this time. A might be good for me but might not be good for you. The best I can advise is do your research, narrow it down to 3-4 and go to Korea and feel/decide it for yourself.
About naver research, i use a combination of google translate and basic korean i learnt. if I were to commit 15K on plastic surgery, I feel it's worthwhile to learn some basic korean online by my self. This will help you go around seoul without problem too (for example the taxi driver dont speak english, neither are the waiters, shop keeper etc 80% of people I met in korea dont speak english)
@Rinnon: your local bank. however you must be at least 18 to get a loan, otherwise you have to get parental approval which you might not want.
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hah i was always told that Koreans speak better English than the Japanese, and that a lot more Koreans are bilingual. But when i went there i found it much easier to communicate in Japan because I could just speak in the Hiragana and pronounce english words the Japanese way (eg. Cake = Kay-Kee) and ppl would understand me. So ure spot on there, majority do not speak english. Having addresses in Korean an google translate on your phone goes a long way.
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Hi MaiQ,
Thank for your details and experiences, it very helpful. :smile:
Anyway I have a question relate to sinecch.
Just wondering how many box you took? Just one package right?
When you start talking Sinecch, did you still take the medication from doctors normally?
I'm about to order because I will be traveling soon :smile:
And my surgery will also be similar to yours.
In my country, for Bromelain, I can only find this one.
I don't know if I should get Bromelain but I saw many suggestion that it does help.
I'm just very excited and thank you heaps for everything ^^
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Yes - Sineech is actually the first thing I drink when I first woke up from surgery, a few hours after, when I am allowed to drink water. Remember to bring sineech/other meds with you to the clinic before the ops and instruct the nurse to give it to u when u wake up/can drink water. The medicine doctor gives is only antibiotics to avoid infection, doesnt help you recover faster. You can only take one sineech pack, because two will be overdose. On the pack it tell you exactly which pills for which day so follow that because its of different concentration I think. And if you have procedures spaced out over a period of time like me (I did lipo two weeks before face PS), you are allowed to take sineech pack only once, so you need to decide whether you wanna take it for the first procedures or the last ones.

For my record I took way too many supplement but it really helps my recovery i think. Bromelain is one of them, I also took Tumeric, Manuka honey, sineech, vitamin A,C,D,B,K, Zinc and Calcium for bone heal and a couple of others I cant remember. On top of that I took the make me heal supplement. You'll find once u take too many supplement you will pee often and ur pee will turn from yellow to almost transparent/ or yellow to the green-ish kind of yellow (sorry for mentioning this) but this is normal so dont freak out. Your pee color will definitely change depending on the concentration of supplement you took.

Make sure you eat enough protein otherwise your recovery will be super slow regardless of how much supplement you take. I personally find protein powder disgusting so I either have two quail eggs mixed in with my porridge or have smashed tofu with miso soup , or smashed SPAM with porridge (these you can find in convenient stores) scramble eggs etc. Find all protein source you can (except milk - I've heard its not good for certain procedure) and eat A LOT of them.

and WALKING DO THE MOST MIRACLES TO DESWELLING. Take my word on this one. Walk at least half an hour a day you will see visible difference.
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Thank you very much MaiQ...
Such a very helpful note. :smile:
I'm from New Zealand and I can't Sinecch here and when I search for it, seem liked New Zealand don't allow to import any kind of medicine. But I found another medicine which also contain Arnica liked Sinecch but it doesn't seem to be very strong liked Sinecch. :sad: so headache. Have only beomelain and vit c.

Thank you again dear. Xoxoxoxoxo ^^
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Hi MaiQ,

Would you be able to share how can I deswell more on the eyes and recover faster? I'm already 13 days post op. But my eyes are not getting anyway better than few days ago. The bruising color is still there all the while. And my eyes look kinda ferocious, is that what I should experience now?

And I had been doing shopping and walking every single day after surgery yet nothing seems to help. Might it be due to my body constituent? My body doesn't seems to absorb anything that goes into it.

Although I'd try to take Vitamin C and juices. I'm worry how I should get back to work looking like this.
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Hi MaiQ
I was wondering if you had one doctor for all those procedures in 1 clinic or multiple ps? Thank you for sharing your experience. All of the procedures you listed are the ones i want for myself as well. Though i want to add lateral canthoplasty but i have heard many negative comment about it. Im planing to do it in two years so i thought this is a good time to start research. Im sorry you had bad experience with disclosing names of ps and clinics :/ i would not blame the person that give out the info. I had a friend recommended me a ps for breat aug, he did a good job on her but not so much on me, i never blamed her because it could be he was on his bad day or thats the best he could do in my cAse.

Thanks for the heads up about the protein and the necessity of taking supplement to help quicker recovery :smile: i learn new things on this forum everyday

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Thank you for your reply, I understand that you're trying to be prudent. Don't care about those who blame on you for making the wrong choices, they're just too stupid :smile:
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