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Hi saqua! How does ur nose turn out? Opera is in my list too, but i heard it is good for eyes surgery because i want to do eyes and nose also. So i really want to know if they are giod at nose job too? Would you mind sharing b/a pix? My kakao is baicakoloi. How much did it cost for ur nose fixed? I have just flat nose
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Looking forward to your review!!!
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi guys, I read that you should avoid herbal supplements 2 weeks before surgery, but at the same time both Bromelain and Arnica are almost always recommended on PF? There's an article about side effects of supplements+surgery and they recommended avoiding Bromelain due to possibility of excessive bleeding (it is a herbal supplement) and for Arnica one of the side affects is skin sensitivity to sun/allergy? But I haven't heard of anyone saying they experience negative effect from these.

So is Bromelain+Arnica really recommended by the surgeons, and if so, when are you supposed to take these before/after surgery?
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Hi hopefulbliss! Good question, and I don't think you're going to get a straight answer, as there are so many schools of thought on this (many of which are contradictory).

The western doctors tend to recommend bromelain/arnica -some recommend to take a few days before surgery and continue after surgery, some recommend taking only after surgery. You're right that they can be classified as herbal supplements, but there have been cases where they have side effects (eg. tummy upsets etc).

The doctors in Seoul tend not to recommend these supplements, as they say that the results can be unpredictable, and in some cases -interfere with the meds that they prescribe post-surgery. I've also heard doctors/consultants in Seoul call pumpkin juice an old-fashioned remedy with little medical basis.

In my experience, arnica/bromelain/pineapple juice didn't hurt, I didn't experience any side effects (I also took vitamin C pills, and lots of fruit every day). I'm not sure how much it helped with the swelling, or whether it was all in the mind though!
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Also, I had friends who healed a lot better than me, who didn't take any of the above (arnica/bromelain/pineapple juice). Pffft, I'm jealous of those Wolverines!

I think in large part, good healing it comes down to: general fitness levels, how clean/low-sodium your regular diet is (mine is NOT clean, I am the junk food queen!!!), how bruise/swell-prone you are usually.

Good luck with your surgery!
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Thanks Lanvinfiend, this was really helpful! :smile: I think I'll still go ahead with bromelain/arnica but probably take those after the surgery.
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  • 1 month later...
Hi, I was wondering where do I report my currency. Do I report it at the airport and ask to fill out the FinCen 105 Form there as well? or do I print out the form at home and fill it out then bring it to the airport?

Sorry I'm new to this so….

Btw my kakao id is ucphan1109
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How was it and how was the price? I'm planning to also go to opera for my nose. How did you communicate with them? In English?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I'm feeling excited! I'm looking forward to enhancing my features and having a great adventure!!

So after compiling a shortlist of the clinics I'm interested in, I booked plane tickets and lodging nearby to my top choice (Dream), and will be in Seoul Weds. 4/23 - Mon. 5/4! Is anyone else going to be there around that time?

I mapped out where the clinics are, and started looking at their medical staff / doctor's credentials to see who else I wanted to consult with. That made me narrow down my original shortlist; I dropped TLPS, Wonjin, and Regen (b/c of not so great reviews, not feeling impressed, and more out of the way), so now it's:

- Dream (confirmed 10am next day)
- JK (confirmed 11:30am next day)
- The Line (waiting for confirmation, 1pm next day)
- April 31 (waiting for reply)

I made my appt. requests to visit in that order, b/c of travel logistics (not have to go back and forth to different areas, more like a bee-line to make getting around easier, and save time).

My plan is to consult with my top choices (above) and make a confident decision on which one to go with before the end of the day, bargain, and schedule for surgery the next day (or ASAP). That way I can maximize de-swelling/recovery time while in Korea (and maximize later on sightseeing/shopping time too :P). That would be ideal. But only if I feel confident with the doctor being able to deliver what I'm requesting. If I'm still iffy after those consultations, I might continue on that bee-line and visit Regen, and Wonjin to get additional opinions too (or maybe even to just check it out if I have the time)...

Now I'm thinking about pre-op and post-op considerations, what to bring, what to pack, what to buy there etc. and have a spreadsheet listing all this info., including appts., daily itinerary, addresses, maps/directions and other notes. I'm psyched!!!!!!!
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Hi Kitkat3,

I'm Caucasian. Had my surgery done at April31. Although the swelling is still coming down, I'm really liking the results so far.
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