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Surgeons/clinics for Zygoma + V-Line facial contouring

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Is there a general consensus as to which clinics and doctors are most reputable for zygoma + v-line? I feel like Im navigating a minefield looking for a low-risk option since you hear so many horror stories that it's really hard to pick a place with a rock solid reputation and good track record.
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wow my name appeared several times in this thread lol people are talking about me lol

back to my point, Meimei, could you send your B&A's? send me a pm and I'll send you my email if you don't want to post!

So glad you have good results and it sounds subtle enough that people don't notice you got surgery!
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hi meimei,

May I know whether you see much result from zygoma reduction in terms of the width of ur face? I just had my cheekbones done at everm too. The only changes I see is the frontal or 45 angle reduction, overall the width of my face didn't change much at all.. I m at 28 days post op BTW I hope it's the swelling but my cheekbones are firm to touch atm feels like bone instead of fluids..
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Did you tell the doctor that you wanted a dramatic change? I've heard that at Everm the doctor usually asks if you want a natural or dramatic change/look and from what I've heard people who usually choose natural see very little to no difference at all unless they combined the zygoma reduction with 2jaw. In which case they noticed a dramatic change no matter the option they chose. Was that the only surgery you had?
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I had 2 jaw too and mandible reduction, my lower face does look shorter and less bulky but I still have swelling around my lower face so can't judge just yet. I asked for dramatic to bizarre changes but I have a feeling the translator misunderstood me, I wanted the width to be as small as possible but to retain some curvature /angle at the 45 degree profile. it seems to be done the other way around... But it's kinda my fault to not tell the surgeon directly about dramatic changes, I told the translator instead. oh well will see how things turn in 3 months..
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What clinic did you go to?
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Has anyone done zygoma and mandible reduction at about age 40? I am worried about the sagging of skin after these procedures. I was recommended endotine and smas lift to reduce saggy skin along with zyoma and mandible reduction by 2 different clinics. Anyone has done similar procedures at age 40 and above? Do you have any regrets?
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To anyone who had 2 jaw surgery. Does it really make your face look smaller?

Right now, the right of this 1st pic is SPOT ON to how my jawline/face looks like. AFTER 2-jaw surgery I would like to have the facial apperance/profile of Koena Mitra. Does anyone know if this is possible?

Does Everm specialize in dramatic changes?


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Hi. I schedule a consultation with EverM and was wondering which doctor did your surgery. I'm also planning on getting zygoma and vline but I also think I may need two jaw. Do you what their price is for two jaw? Also are they easy to negotiate in terms of the price? Did you pay in cash or credit? I've heard from a few forums that clinics give you a discount if you paid in cash. I'll be heading to Korea in about 3 weeks so I'm quite nervous yet excited at the same time. Oh and happy recovering!
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Hi!!!Im going to Seoul on 19 April.
I'm going to have an operation on eyes and cheekbones.Maybe we are contact.
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Hi, I am likely to go a few days after that, would you like to exchange kakao ID?
Please PM me and we can contact.. thanks
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