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EverM Clinic - experience, questions, tips & translation

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EverM has been mentioned quite a few times on this forum. So I know quite a few people are interested in them so maybe a thread about them alone would be more helpful rather than weaving through all the threads about other procedures too.

Most people go to this clinic for facial contouring as that's their specialisation (they're a dental specialist).

I am completely opposed to hiring translator but I think I will have to just for this clinic as I'm really interested and jaw reduction is my only planned surgery for this trip. I was told even with a translator, they don't overcharge too much because price are fixed on a list. So I'm thinking of hiring a translator just for consultation to this clinic and consulting with them last on my list. How did you guys who don't speak Chinese and Korean go about with this clinic?

Share your experiences and questions- let's discuss! :smile:
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I read that if you schedule your appointment ahead of time they can arrange to have a translator present?

Everm is an attractive option for me because it just seems safer. I am a little concerned about careless treatment in the mouth and jaw area that might be problematic and even damaging.
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Out of every clinic I've been interested in, EverM is the only one I've yet to email. Firstly, I rather only contact them to set consultation appt and secondly, I don't think there's any point in bargaining online as there isn't much room or power. Plus I hear they don't have English speaking staff to reply.

However, if that's the case - I will try to contact them to arrange an English translator. If that's the case, it would save me the hassle and cost of hiring a translator !
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When r u going to korea?
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This clinic really does seem to have a good rep here and elsewhere. I wonder if there is anyone who had any complaints? Even if its something like it came out too natural?

In any case I'm almost certain I'll consult here during my trip in March/April.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi, I'm Chinese and I having a hard time to contact everm, I called many time but no one pickup the phone.

I'm planning to fly over Korea and walk in book the consultation schedule. It is a good idea?

May I know how you guys manage to contact them?
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U may contact them thru http://y.soyoung.com/4655. They are always online.
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  • 4 weeks later...
hi. so glad someone started a thread of this elusive clinic. I'm also looking at everm. does anyone know how bad is the swelling for just sliding genioplasty? most reviews seem to have combination with other procedures like 2 jaw or mandibular reduction
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