vichyk Posted September 13, 2014 Share Posted September 13, 2014 Hello, it's me, Vichy I have had my rhinoplasty Almost 2 months ago. Now I have finally came back to do.. report? Again, apologies for having gone for so long, why, because people here are so great, I could not have done this without u. Words can not describe, plus I'm not good with words anyways. That leads to gratitude, so yeah, BIG Thank You. I am not 100% happy with the result, there might be more to think about in the future (knock on wood), but at least I am done with this nose thing and am starting to love the smaller things in everyday life. I do feel more confident now, the nose though not perfect was indeed more adult like. Good or bad it is a chapter done. And sorry to people on Kakao, as I have said, I was too overwhelmed by so many things I went in hiding for a while But I also know its a open forum and it is not perfect. SO, was it a success? I don't know, I really don't know. Would u be the judge? While I summerize my experience, I also have some questions. So please my friends, give me what you think of the situation. I would love to hear from you This is my result: Good: The shape is okay (it is a silicon nose) No post opt inflammation or infection The scar is invisible on the right, some redness on the left, no lump No sign of the silicon showing, looks like a overall smooth transition, for now Bad: Again, the shape was only okay, sadly I think it is really just elongation with no lifting, so from the front it looks a bit smashed in. As the swelling going down, I think its getting better, a bit. From the side, the angle is slightly smaller than what I was expecting and showed him during the interview. Overall I think I can deal with it. Asymmetry, I did have some asymmetry to begin with, but the nose job has made it much more obvious, especially in pictures. I had one alar wing higher than the other, it didn't affect my tip because the tip was much higher up, now the tip is lower and deviated with the nostrils, the overall nose tip looks a bit twisted to one side [not sure if I am making sense]. Looking from top or down is just bad because its a side to side + rotational asymmetry. The nostrils are also visibly uneven looking from the bottom. I have heard of similar complains from pp with uneven alars to begin with, but I can see that most of it is because the way the surgeon has constructed my nose, a bit messy. I am not planing of getting this fixed as long as it is not causing me further problems because... A. I don't really see it that much most of the times, and nobody is that symmetrical B. I don't even know how to get this thing fixed, is it even possible? C. There is no way I'm going for another operation, so sir! Lumpiness inside the nostril and behind the ears. I don't know if the surgeon did a bad job on me or others who mentioned no change could be felt on their ear after the cartilage harvest was looking at the wrong spot. My ear that was used didn't look that much different but does feel "fractured and missing pieces" when I palpate with my finger. I'm a professional when it comes to palpating body structure damages, but still, its pretty obvious. There is one extra piece of cartilage clearly palatable on the right side of my septa/columnar within my right nostril. I don't really know why its there, I sure do hope it serves a purpose and not an accident or worse the septa cartilage buckling to that side (my nose tip is deviating to the left). That being said, none of these lumpiness can be seen, so they are not my primary worries What I am worried about: Of cause being a silicon nose, I must constantly protect it against infection. Not sure how I am suppose to do it though considering I will be working at a hospital. I have been asking about the risk of infection long term down the line while I was in Korea, most surgeons said that there is no chance of that, once u r out of the 2 weeks or so window period. I have my doubts on that, what do u think? !And pls suggestions on silicon nose after-care, thank you!! I have posted this thread on rhinoplasty post opt care, pls do help with it. Hygenie, sleeping postures, make up? (I have done the horrible thing of wearing makeup on the nose during sweaty days 1 month post op? though the clinic gave the okay, I think that was a bad idea. I also used loss powder which might have gone into the nostrils, but hopefully it was okay cause the wounds have healed by then. What the F**K was I thinking? I was too worried that I looked worse after the surgery I was trying to make-up me back) My nose being a bit deviated, I am not sure if this will cause me further damage down the line, would it get more deviated? also because the silicon is straight and my nose is not, wont that put more pressure on one side than the other? (I am contacting the clinic now my nose has settled in, waiting for an response from them too) I also had forehead and chin fat graft. OMG, the experience was, I won't go there... Let's just say the result is better, though not without some minor problem I had a chin dimple, it is still there, sad. The chin is still not defined, but okay a minor improvement I will give it that There is some minor minor dips on my forehead, under certain lighting. I think my left side is higher than the other so there is this stair like effect which I have noticed only once now I can't really see it, not sure if I was dreaming... Overall it didn't make much difference, it is good and bad at the same time in-terms of changes it has done to my face. But I like it, its more good than bad. One thing is for sure though, I am not coming back for the second injection. This is not perfect but as much I can take I will come back for some further reviews and personal emotional experience. So I will be around for a while. Credits, people I would love to thank, hopefully u can see, and Kakao me pls. You have been so kind and helpful. Hope u don't mind me mentioning ur name. K-couture, thank you for, a lot, yeah, a lot. Without u I would never have made some of the right choices I made. Though my nose is not perfect, I can only imagine how it would have been if it wasn't for u. Thank u Andifleur, thank you, you were the bright star, I would not have made it through the recovery period without u. And ur friends too (I dont know their name on TPF), they were so sweet, I thank u all so much. And all kind souls who have answered my many stupid questions, and were patient with me. So many names I can't type out all here, thank you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
noitsyou Posted September 13, 2014 Share Posted September 13, 2014 What surgeons have said this to you? Because they are lying and should be avoided if possible. Silicone implants carry a life long risk of infection. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vichyk Posted September 13, 2014 Author Share Posted September 13, 2014 I understand and sort of know it, but usually people are okay. Other materials have other risks. I failed to get a definite response regarding the usual cause of infection, there is very little even in the medical literature. If you know better on this, please do educate me on this, thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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