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Nose revision - my recent experience with Dream, April 31, JW Beauty...

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Hi guys,
I'm currently in Seoul and 4 days ago I had undergone my revision rhinoplasty.
Just like many of you, I did research on my own. Thanks to purseforum members' reviews, I've learnt alot about PS and Korean doctors. That's why I feel like it's my turn now to share with you my experience, hoping that it helps.
I arrived in Seoul 1 week ago. At first I wanted to consult with 5 clinics, which are said to have the best rhino surgeons in Seoul: Dr Park at Dream, dr Suh at JW Beauty, dr Kim at April 31, dr Kim at Item Clinic, and another doctor at 101 PS clinic. Unfortunately, just before my arrival there was national holidays in Korea (from 8 to 10th September) so doctors at Item and 101 PS clinic just left Korea and won't be back before the end of September.
So finally, I consulted with doctor Park at Dream, doctor Suh at JW Beauty, doctor Kim at April 31.
Here are some of my experiences in consulting with the clinics:

1) dr Park at Dream:
Before going to Seoul, I was almost sure about getting my revision rhino with doctor Park. Since I'd been doing research during 2 years before my trip, I know that Dream is one of the most well known clinics for rhino in Korea, beside April 31, 101 and JW. I read alot of reviews about him with different opinions. As for me, I expected him to be a nice and open minded person after reading someone's thread but I'm disappointed. He's polite, he seems to be a skilled surgeons but he didn't talk much. I couldn't have a real exchange with him, I asked specific questions but he answered in a general way. he's a calm person, sometimes he did smile slightly but I couldn't feel comfortable with him. His analyses about my deviated nose was really short, I felt like he wanted to make it quick.
But Daphne, she's an angel! She's cute, gentle, she took care of me during the consultation and offered me a very good deal. The consultant too, she was soooo nice. They didn't give me the "commercial / marketing attitude" that bothers me like other clinics. I felt so comfortable with these two girls that I almost got my operation there, but finally I visited other clinics and realised that dr Park's nose style wasn't my favourite. He creates natural nose, which I like, but the nose tip looks a litle too short in before/after pictures they showed me.
And the consultant's nose looked really bad, her tip was lifted too high so that her nostrils showed up too much. her nose really turned me off :sad:, this is the reason why I didn't choose Dream in spite of the very good deal that they offered me.

2) dr Suh at JW Beauty

Well JW surely offers the best price in the market. dr Suh was nice, but he only performs open rhinoplasty so I didn't choose him. I'm really scare of the scarring. I don't know if i'm right, but 2 days ago I met a girl in my guest house who had undergone her rhino with doctor Suh. The scarring was really obvious, which is normal 'cause she's only 1 week post op, but she told me that she needed to stay longer than expected because her nose hasn't been healed fast enough for the stitches to be removed on time. I'm told that it'll take more time for your nose to be healed with open rhino...

3) Dr Kim Jae Hoon at April 31

This is the clinic I choose for my revision rhinoplasty. I liked everything in this clinic, the very skilled doctor, the friendly staff and nurses, the consultant's perfect nose (the real example is important right? lol)
Before having my appointment with dr Kim Jae Hoon, I was told that April 31 is pretty pricey because doctor kim Jae Hoon is really famous in Korea for rhino. I told myself, okay I shouldn't expect too much here, the doctor wouldn't have enough time to answer all my questions. But I was wrong! Doctor Kim Jae Hoon was sooo friendly, informed and professional. After checking my CT scan, he took time to explain to me what's wrong with my nose, why it's deviated and which method should be used. He smiled with me and my friend all the time. Oh I forgot to mention, I was accompanied by a friend who was interested in revision rhino too but she didn't book the appointment. When she was in the consultation room with me, she asked him questions about her nose too and he answered them all, even he knew that she wouldn't have the operation with him. He made me feel really comfortable and I trusted him naturally. Most of all, if you could see the consultant's nose. Oh my god it is perfect! Her nose bridge is high yet natural and very feminine, you guys should go there and check it yourself. Her nostrils aren't shown up at all, unlike Dream consultant's nose, which was really reinsuring! Another factor which made me choose April 31 is that it's also well known among local clients. Everytime I came there, there were alot of korean clients. There's one korean girl who talked to me, she came there for revision rhino too and she said that doctor Kim Jae Hoon is the best. I think that it's important to know Korean clients' opinion, because there are doctors who are famouse oversea thanks to their international marketing strategies but no korean knows about them.
So for all these reasons, although April 31 is the most pricey I still choosed them. Now I'm 4th days post ops. I'll show you pictures soon when I can get rid of these chipmuck cheeks lol. Wish me luck :P
If you guys have any questions that I can answer, about the trip, consultation experience, don't hesitate! I travel alone so I understand that it could be difficult
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Hey Anna, thanks for informing us about your experience! JW and Dream were actually my top choices so I'm glad I got to read your opinion on their clinics. Even though you didn't choose either of them, it sounds like you didn't have a bad experience with them either. I may put April 31 on my list! I've seen the name pop up a few times around here. I'll have to do some research. I hope you have a speedy recovery and I'm looking forward to hearing more!
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could you rank the clinics you consulted in the form of their prices ? from the most expensive to the less costly ?
having to decide which to have rhino is driving me bonkers!! im really indecisive but ultimately price is the most deciding factor . the clinics you stated are my choices .
im currently thinking of going to JW as its more affordable .
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She strongly hints that JW > Dream > April 31 in terms of price. Of course, this applies for her specific case and could be different for others.
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Well, cant thank you enough for the information and we all wish you a speedy recovery. Hope to see your pictures soon Anna. I believe its just gonna be perfect as the consultant :biggrin:

By the way, Can you talk about the materials and methodologies that they performed on you? Did you go with silicon? ( hard/solf?)
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Hi guys,
Thank you for your wishes, I'm now 7th day post ops. I'm back to work today and nobody even noticed that I had a nose job lol. Thanks to doctor Kim Jae Hoon's skill, I only have a very slightly bruise on the bridge. I didn't even make up to hide it because it's almost invisible. One of my colleague asked me why I had the small bruise on the bridge, I just said that I bumped into the glass door and she totally bought it lol.

So here we go, my before and after pix:

Please read the description below the pictures. The last 2 pix weren't me, it was a friend of mine that did her nose by dr Suh and eyes by dr ? (i forgot the name) at JW Beauty. She was 9th day post ops but the swelling was worse than me on 4th day post ops. Her eyes looked pretty natural but her nose was really bad. I've been told that the swelling depends like 80% on doctor's skill, which is right in my case. On my 1st and 2nd rhino my nose was swollen for 3 weeks, but with doctor Kim I look pretty normal on day 7 ^^.

Please respect my privacy and don't copy my pix without my permission. The reason for why i show you my pix is that I understand how you guys feel when you read reviews without any pictures: we cannot know if the review is reliable or not, or it's a promoter's marketing thing. So unlike others who only write positive things on clinic without any proof (pix), I'm trying to make it as much worthy as I can!

Feel free to ask!
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Hey I think that doctor's style of nose is really important. IMO doctor Suh's style is not that pretty, it's a little upturned as you can see on B/A pix on JW Beauty's website. And be careful about the swelling after the operation, take a look at my friend's nose done by doctor Suh in my Flickr album, you'll see that at day 8 she was alot more swollen than me at 4th day post op!
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It's my 2nd revision (3rd rhino). I had open rhino, but doctor Kim also does close rhino if you want. Until now I can't see any scar so it's fine ! :smile:
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about the price, here's the rank (the most expensive to the less costly):
1) April 31
2) Dream
3) JW Beauty
The difference between Dream and JW Beauty's quote is insignificant. As I told you, I did research on my own and I hated it when people posted positive review about some clinic without any precise information. That's why I'll keep my posts as the most transparent as I can. So here's the quotes from Dream for me:
Nose revision: 4.500 $
Chin filler: 1.800 $
Botox: 440 $
Dream's consultant first told me that botox was free if I did nose revision and chin filler. However, after negotiation, the total price went down to 5 k for these 3 procedures. But they did tell me that my case was pretty easy, that's why I had that low quote. I think that you need face to face consultation with the doctor to know the exact price for your case because it depends on your nose.
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Actually all 3 doctors suggested the same methodoly for my nose: soft silicon for bridge and ear cartilage + septal cartilage for the tip. Doctor Suh also told me that he could do rib cartilage but I said no, it's too invasive!
There's a difference in doctor Kim Jae Hoon's method though: if doctor Park and Doctor Suh and other Korean doctors all use the whole piece of silicon for your bridge and cartilage for your tip, doctor Kim Jae Hoon only use 2/3 part of this silicon. That's why the lower half of your nose is "mobile" and at 1 year post ops your nose tip can be moved to the right or to the left as a real nose. The consultant who had her perfect nose done by doctor Kim showed me what she could do with her nose and I was like oh my god it was impossible lol. She also told me that some Korean actresses had their noses done this way and they usually did pig nose to prove that their noses are natural while they ain't lol

Moreover, before the operation, doctor Kim Jae Hoon couldn't find any ear cartilage behind my ears so he end up doing my tip with only septal cartilage.
Ear and septal cartilages are considered the best material for the nose tip because they're your own cartilage so no significant downside effects.
If you've never had rhino with these materials, all Korean doctor would suggest this same method to you so your decision would depend more on their nose style you know.
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If the price difference is negligeable, don't make any sacrifice!
I've been working hard to save money for this nose revision so I understand that the price is an important factor. Nevertheless, I also know that it'll more expensive to do another revision so I'd rather pay a little higher price now.
Moreover, I insist that the doctor's style of nose is the most important factor. You need to know that if it suits other features of your face. Take a look at their B/A pix on their websites, and do ask for pix after the consultation.
As for me, I have protruded mouth so doctor Park and doctor Suh's styles of nose don't fit me.
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Did you take a look at my flickr album dear? If you see my before pix, you'll tell that I have bulbous nose!
I thought that I had bulbous nose too, but i didn't! It was only because my 2nd surgeon didn't lift my nose tip, so my alar looked wider than they really are. Your alar will look much more defined if your tip is lifted high enough :smile:
I didn't have alar reduction. I asked doctor Park and doctor Kim if I needed this, they all said no because I have big lips lol. How do your lips look like? Ask the doctor when you're in direct consultation, they'll decide upon your other features (your eyes, lips, jaw lines). A nose can only look good if it suits other features of your face you know :smile:
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