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Question about Ptosis Correction

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I will be in Korea in 2 days to get my consultation and I'm debating whether to do ptosis correction or not. I've sent my photos to a couple clinics and some have suggested ptosis correction but I'm not sure if it will be the right look for me.
Some people on this forum have said after the procedure they've gotten a surprised look or asymmetrical eyes. I'm thinking magic epi will be enough to give me a wider look and I'm not sure if I wanna risk the damages from ptosis.
Can someone who got the procedure tell me their experience? Does anyone have b/a photos??
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  • 2 weeks later...
For the surprise look that you mentioned. I agreed on what you heard.

But I this that is for the post op one month?. After the swell is gone.. The surprise look will slowly become natural.

I have very bad droopy eyes. And I did double eyelids plus ptosis correction. The surgeries really helps. I think is depends on the doctor and the work done.

Before I went for it. My gf also told me bout this issue. And she said it will look fake. Aging is killing me that I have chose to ignore n done it. Well... so far so good. Thou I still look a little surprise now. I will still need to see how it goes few months down the road.
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Hi popcorn, I suggest you go for consultations before you decide about ptosis correction. It's one of those procedures where your doctor needs to see your eye in motion (like how the muscle functions when opening/closing) to advise you. Recommendations based on photos are not very reliable for ptosis correction. I think you can get the overly surprised look from epi/ptosis, if it's botched.
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I agree. I have had reconstructive lid surgery for proptosis (I have graves disease and I had the perpetually surprised look from muscle retraction) and I would make sure that you consult with the dr. in person. It's really tricky surgery and you want to make sure you're going to the right person so that you don't turn out looking surprised. Better to look a bit sleepy than surprised, trust me :smile:
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sometimes you might not even realize you have ptosis because its so minor. I didn't think ptosis correction applied to me until I went for my consultation because it was so subtle. However it was explained to me that should i do my eyelids without correcting the ptosis, there's a good chance it may look more significant.
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I think correcting a very minor ptosis case is trickier than a severe case of ptosis. I feel the chance of overcorrection is higher, where 1mm could would make a difference. For a severe case, it would be an improvement either way. lol
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  • 2 years later...
If you have sleepy eyes or eyelid covers the pupil , i think ptosis correction is helpful. Otherwise, don't do it. Just from my exprience. I did non-incision DES long ago. When i went to many clinics to have consultation, most hospitals asked me to do ptosis correction but one of hospital told me that i don't need ptosis correction. I trust him so i did surgery there. And now i have natural and bigger eyes. I think some clinics ask you to do ptosis correction just to earn more money.
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I heard that just DES won't help with ptosis. If you have ptosis already, getting DES may make you look even more tired, that's what I heard during the consultation.
I didn't get ptosis along with DES, I just got magic epi with partial incision but now I'm thinking I should go for a revision DES with ptosis since it's been quite a while
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I did ptosis (non-incision) at a clinic in Korea a few years back (around 2013) and it unraveled. I was considering revision ptosis correction, but this time by incision method. originally, i just wanted to do eyelid surgery, and i had no idea about ptosis, but the doctor recommended it to me. looking back, i agree i needed it, but i regret not doing the incision method because the non-incision method unraveled for me and my ptosis is the same. where are yall going for ptosis correction?
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@dailyjubes87 Geez... sorry about your surgery. Non incision only works for those who have really light ptosis... So yeah, your doctor should not have recommend you this method if you really need to correct that
I also have ptosis but I'm not doing any surgery on my eye. And it might even be free in my country so I'm not going in SK for that

(just in case if you guys are wondering why free it's not actually free it's complicated but it's available only for locals, nothing is free in this world lol)
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  • 3 months later...
Hi i am here because i'm not really sure too.. Some clinics told me i need ptosis ..like 80% of them would tell me too. 20% would suggest me for blepharoplasty.. Like OP I just want brighter and pop eyes.. My eyes aren't really droppy but they look.. Uninterested or something like that.
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i have sent my images to the clinics and most of them suggested ptosis correction too. i am worried that after the operation the eyes will look really 'shocked' ? however will go for a face to face consultation again when i am in kr.
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