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Alarplasty - Can you see your scars? Where did you do yours?

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I'm thinking about getting alarplasty next time I'm in Asia, since I didn't get it done with my primary rhino. (One dr recommended it, another advised not to, and a third suggested doing tipplasty first and then seeing if alarplasty is still needed after the change in the tip.... so in the end, I didn't do it.)

However, I'm also nervous about the scars, since I've read that scars are inevitable!


For those of you who have done alarplasty before:

1) Can you still see your scars without makeup?

2) Where did you do yours / who was your surgeon?

3) Which method / technique did you use?

If you haven't done alarplasty before but are thinking of doing it:

Who/where are you considering for your upcoming alarplasty?


I figured I'd kick off this thread, since I know a few of you are also considering alarplasty and there are some consideration factors that are different from general rhino. Would love to hear some of your experiences, since I found through photo research that a good rhino/tip surgeon does not always mean good alarplasty results! :smile:
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1) Can you still see your scars without makeup?

Yes. Though I did not have any scars for 10 months after surgery. I stopped using scar cream, figuring I was safe 10 months after surgery, and my scars appeared practically overnight and continued growing to be thick and unsightly. Now I'm using silicone scar sheets and flattening them. Such a pain... I thought I'd gotten away with it scarlessly! :sad:

2) Where did you do yours / who was your surgeon?

Wonjin, don't know

3) Which method / technique did you use?

Closed rhinoplasty + alarplasty
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I also want to do alar.

I read about the crescent moon method and the pinching method...so one is really cutting outside, the other one is more like pinching the base together?

Also very worried about the scarring....
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No, zero visible scarring, even right after surgery. I did closed, where incisions are done from within nostrils

Wishingstar, I'm curious...didn't changing your tip change how your alars look, or is the thinning not sufficient to your liking? Alars usually look thinner when the tip is projected out, cos the alars get stretched outwards.
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Oh there is a closed method? Do you like your results? Like is it significantly reduced?
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wjiajia, yes there's a closed method. It's a bit early to tell if how significant the reduction is, but I'm liking the results so far. My alar look neater and significantly less meaty, and I'm hoping they go down even more, as I'm quite a bad sweller and still holding on to some swelling.
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Where hv u done ur nose?
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Most good docs would not recommend alar for asian nose. Unless it is flaring like ethnic african and that implant doesnt work.

My masseur (burmese) did her alar with implant at laproud thailand for couple hundreds usd. She had big flaring nose and was very pleased with her nose that it gotten smaller. But I could see the scars as very visible red lines from the sides. Could definitely be covered with make up.

Hers is the first live example I have seen from big nose with alar. Google images dont seem to show any with scars though.
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1) Can you still see your scars without makeup?
After removal of stitches... no visible scars for me. Only looked like two red patches around the alar area for the first few weeks. Few months down the road.. just like normal skin.

2) Where did you do yours / who was your surgeon?
did mine at BK with Dr kim. I know he had bad reputation in this forum but so far I'm happy with the result.

3) Which method / technique did you use?
for alarplasty I'm not sure how many methods are available.
I just know for my case my stitches can be seen on my face til I removed them.
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  • 5 months later...
Awesome! I'm definitely interested in the "closed" alarplasty method, but I'm not sure what it is. Where are the cuts made in closed alarplasty?

Is this the kind where they go from inside the mouth (under where the nose is) and just stitch the base closer together instead of actually making any cuts in the nose area itself?
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I had alarplasty done before in Thailand 2/3 years ago, I think it was done using a closed method but Im not sure. I did have scars for like a few months after my surgery but that went away after a year.
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