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FULL REPORT: Dream, 365Mc, April31, Item, EverM, Banobagi

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Hey hun, Thanks for sharing your experience with us. I know you said you recover super quick, but I want to know realistically if it was manageable in term of pain and discomfort combining thigh lipo and face contour.
I want to do V line surgery along with inner thigh lipo and stomach lipo. I know it was be a heavy recovery so I'm prepared to take some pain killers and rest etc but do you think its too much to do in one go? I guess I just want someone who has done it to tell me exactly how it is, no sugar coating so please help guys haha
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  • 2 weeks later...

I think you were pretty much in the same situation before you did the surgeries as I am now...
I'm also gonna do my nose tip and nostrils in Dream this summer using ear cartilage, and I dont need much surgeries on my nose bridge cuz it's high enough... but I do need to polish the bump on my nose bridge so it looks smoother from the side...now I just have a question regarding the anesthesia of the nose job surgeries in Dream. Did you do your nose under GA or just sedation? I actually had consultation with Dream on the internet, and the consultant recommended me to go under GA cuz that way I won't feel scared or any pain from anesthesia injections. However a lot of ppl I know said it actually doesnt worth to go under GA for just a nose job and there are a few reported deaths associating with plastic surgery GA, cuz most PS clinics in korea do not have proper protocols to deal with it and some patients cannot wake up from GA... Does Dream has sufficient and proper monitors over GA? Is Dream only considered to be mid-sized clinics in korea? I thought it's quite famous among local ppl cuz there are rumors that SM artists do PS there...Thank you for the help:smile:

PS I'm not english speaker so hopefully you can understand me...
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It sounds like you just need some mild osteo and tiplasty so I wouldn't suggest you use general for just your nose. It is not necessary. The sedation at dream is actually like a dream lol. Its like a slow roller coaster high (for me anyway). Also sedation is safer and less stress on your body and you don't have to fast for so long.

If you do want to still undergo general anesthesia tho, I know that Dream does tests on the patient before they agree to use general anesthesia on you. I'm not entirely sure what type of test this is but I assume its got to do with testing for allergies to anesthesia. You best inquire about it to confirm because I only ever used sedation at Dream, not general anesthesia.

Also, pain wise from injection it doesn't matter whether from general or sedation. When the needle goes in the first time you will feel it haha. This is what I do. I can't stand needles in my arm cos I get this really gross feeling from it. I tell them to place the IV into my finger or wrist area. Then I tell them to inject local anesthesia into the injection site so I feel no pain. So that's my strategy for dealing with needles (which i hate!)
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  • 1 month later...
Hi, I'm new to the forum. I'm thinking of going for thigh lipo. I can't speak a single word of Korean. For those who have gone to Korea for their ps, can share with me how to you get back to your accommodation after lipo? Do you stay in their medical center for the first few days? How about going back for check up post lipo? Do you need to find your own translator first before going over?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Sorry guy, been off this forum for quite a while...

Mrai89, I don't think I can give you good enough opinion as I've never done face contouring nor any bone-related surgeries before. For lipo, I think it's totally manageable. I went to see friends for Korean BBQ the next day. Tho the compression garment will give you a certain degree of discomfort, it just feel like wearing super tight spandex LOL.

PeiYoung, I've only undergone sedation. Personally don't think GA is necessary, tho you can request for deep sedation at Dream. For deep sedation, they just use the same substance as sedation, but the dose will keep you under until they complete the surgery.

Babydiscus, Dream provides limo to take you back to your hotel. I think this is one of the very important aftercare they provide me. I didn't stay overnight after any of my surgeries.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi Peiyoung, may i know when will u go? Maybe we can meet there together. :smile:
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