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Parent, Family and Friend reactions to PS ideas or results? Please share~

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I thought I would start this topic to address the important issue of how you PS ideas, plans or results have affected your family or friends. In other words, how have they reacted when you broached or tried to discuss your ideas of getting PS or how have they reacted when they've seen your results? Were they completely anti and negative about the idea or plans or were they supportive?
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Well, with my boyfriend - he said he is happy for me to do anything except my face. I think it's a fair call for someone to feel that way to someone they care about because let's face it- a lot can go wrong. And he said he thinks my face is perfect (lol right..) so it's not worth the risk. Since I'm only planning on doing mandible surgery on my face and won't see him for a couple of months (long story) I'm hoping to get away with it or just tell him after. As long as it comes out fine and if anyone loves you and sees how happy you are with the change, there's no reason they won't be happy for you! I think the most stress is that they think something can go wrong (it's a valid point as well)
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I don't plan on telling anyone. If my parents/friends/coworkers mention something, I'll say I lost weight or had to get something for medical reasons lol I don't know. Or maybe by then I won't even care and will just be honest. People can think and judge however they want.

My boyfriend was using my laptop and saw some of my PS research links. He was just like, "ooh are you gonna get plastic surgery?" and I basically replied, "right now? no... but maybe in the future." And he was like "oh okay" and then we switched topics lol. In any case he seems casual about it and is generally a supportive and nonjudgemental person so I'm not concerned about a negative reaction from him at all.

Mostly I just wanna avoid both the fussing about my safety/"you already look fine" and the judgemental nastiness.
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My parents aren't supportive of me having surgery, but they've come to accept it. Now their just worried that I'm going abroad to get it done, so my dad is sending my mom with me lol. She's actually considering getting surgery as well now. I actually really don't want her to, so I can understand how my parents feel.

My boyfriend on the other hand is really supportive, even though he keeps telling me I don't need anything done. He's mostly upset at the fact that I'll be in Korea during spring break haha...

Something I did notice when I told my parents/boyfriend was that they really didn't know anything about plastic surgery (even though I didn't expect them to). They just thought plastic surgery = *insert botched celebrity ps face*.
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My parents freaked out when I told them, then when I said I wanted it done in Korea they freaked out even more :upsidedown:

The whole situation was a bit annoying to me, I understood that they were really worried something would happen to me etc. but the way they were speaking to me was as if I did 0 research and just decided to do surgery on a whim. Anyway, they're fine with it now and like that the results are subtle. They don't know I wanna go back to get my nose done again tho!

One of my cousins is the only other family member who knows. She was 100% supportive.

Only a couple of my friends know and they're fine with it. I've gotten comments that my face looks "slimmer" since my surgery but no one has ever asked if I did something.
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I totally agree with VanityGirl in regard to, if they love you and see how much happier you are they should accept it and not judge you afterwards. And I agree with you Bingu too, I think I will get a nice hair cut and maybe colour (something totally different like short hair) and hope that it will draw people's attention away/ believe that, that is why my face looks a bit different and slimmer. Or like you, tell them I lost weight idk, haha.
The thing I dislike most is when people say things like “Don't be stupid, you don't need that/ you look fine the way you are/ it's not what's on the outside/ your jaw isn't big/ high cheek bones are seen as really beautiful/ you'll learn to accept what you look like”. (Mostly my parents) Ugh! I know people are trying to be supportive and kind but it really doesn't help, they aren't you and they don't have to live with you features and opinions. I told my parents and they were really disappointed and angry because:
1. They felt it personally, they said to me “It makes us really sad that we've given you these features etc etc..” (The usual guilt trip)
2. They are nurses (Unfortunately) so they gave me a lecture about infections and superbugs especially present in Asia (They aren't against Asia they've travelled there a lot, but there are lots of articles in their nursing magazines about it :sad: They also don't really understand Korea's advanced medical technology and methods and aren't really willing to listen.

When I see my father, he says things like “you look really pretty beautiful/ your jaw doesn't look square”, which shouldn't, but it really annoys me that he's trying to dissuade me. Also he has told a lot of my family members, some when I am present and I think that's really wrong since I see it as a personal thing and I don't want them to know or judge me, otherwise I would of told them myself!

Also, I have become very self conscious about my face shape since most people I see have nice face shapes and mine is like the first two ladies before on BK Dongyang facial contour before and after and also I have high cheekbones which gives me sort of an hourglass/ in curve on the side of my face :sad: I have suffered pretty bad self esteem and depression because of it :/

Anyway I believe basically it's down to what you want and believe and it's your face and you have to be happy, it's no one else's and it's sad that plastic surgery is still such a taboo and so frowned upon. And it's also sad that people don't try to understand your situation and just go off their own biased opinions..

Thanks guys so far for your interesting responses, it's interesting to know~~
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I hope mine come to accept it too haha :smile: a What is their main concern about you getting it abroad? Is it because you'll be so far away and won't be able to recover straight after at home? I wouldn't like to take my mother either..Especially if she chose to get surgery..I'd be scared I'd pick a bad clinic and she'd get a botched job, that'd be so embarrassing..I think I'd blame myself for ever D: It's great your boyfriend is really supportive, it's good to have someone to accept and support you that's close to you..it's really helpful.. People think the same when you mention ps cause they think you'll end up with a botched or bad job xD
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Their main concern about me having surgery in Korea is if something goes wrong during or after surgery. Of course something bad could happen if I get PS done in the states, but at least I'd easily be able to see the doctor without flying to the other side of the world. Its a reasonable concern, and probably a common one for people wanting to get PS abroad.

Yeah, it has been stressing me out ever since my mom said she might get surgery wherever I get mine done. I'm more worried about her results than mine lol. I told her to at least wait until I get surgery so she can see my results, so if she likes the outcome I can go to Korea again for her surgery.
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Hi everyone! Just my two cents - I feel like my perspective on plastic surgery has really changed after visiting Korea this year. I was funded by my university to do research in Seoul, so plastic surgery wasn't even a consideration until after I had arrived. I've lived in Canada most my life, and I think the culture here is such that we are raised to believe everyone is "special" in their own way --> plastic surgery is generally frowned upon. Most of my caucasian friends would not understand my decision to undergo DES, and all of them failed to detect any difference in my appearance since my return.

Koreans, on the other hand, generally seem to have a more "practical" view when it comes to PS. Neither of my parents objected to my decision to get DES in Korea. My mum actually encouraged me to inquire about fillers for my nose and skincare clinics for my ONE mole which is barely visible. I think Korean society is so hyper-competitive that people pursue perfection in all aspects of their lives, even going to extremes. There's this undeniable vibe in Korea that beauty, as much as we wish to deny it, can give us an edge, so PS is a means to level out the playing field for those who weren't dealt the best hand at birth. No one brags about PS, but it's such an open secret that I felt quite comfortable revealing my experience to distant relatives, Korean friends, etc. And it's awful, but beautiful people do get treated better in Korea. Depending on your looks, it can be a huge ego boost or seriously hurt your feelings. Perhaps that's another incentive for so many to go under the knife?
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  • 1 month later...
Hi all,
For my first PS (rhinoplasty) I told everyone, my friends and family and was happy to talk about it. I quickly realized that some ppl will judge you on this and also the whole point of PS is to seem natural and look as though you were born that way (imo). Soooo, after that I decided to only tell a few people about my PS. For my first rhino my parents were sad and worried. My dad del that I would never be the same and was really against it.
When I had my BA I only told my mom and sister. Lol my dad found out 3 mo later (I was living in another state) and what like ummm? Is something different? hah awkward.
I bounced the idea of PS in korea with my ex-bf and he thought it was crazy. So for this trip I am not telling anyone and hopefully they won't be able to tell since jaw reduction surgery is not really heard of in the U.S.
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I am doing Rhinoplasty in korea. I have told my dad who was supportive about it. But my boyfriend said I didn't need to do anything on my face. haha. And my mom is crazy so I don't tell her anything about my life not much anyway.
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I don't make it a point to put myself out there but, I'm not one to lie or deny it either.

My entire family is vain and they all get plastic surgery so, I guess it's a norm? No one is really phased by it. My mom literally kept bugging me into getting breast implants when I turned 18 and to this day still bothers me to get more procedures done. She's a riot, I swear.
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My parents is supportive with PS. because, I've suffered with my ugly face :sad:.
When I was high school student, I always under trouble with bullies. They said that they bully me,caz I a m ugly. I know thats non-sense. but true..
My parents know about that, so when I decided to get PS, they agree with my decision :smile:
But my father worry too much lol
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i'm curious, what surgeries did you do that your family/friends barely noticed the change? thanks!
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