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Fill Me In About South Korea Surgeries Please!

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Before I start this I would just like to say that I'm well aware that there are probably soo many threads about this same subject.
To simply put it I would like to be filled in with enough information that has to do with cosmetic surgery in South Korea.
I would love to go there and get some work done but as some of you know, if not all of you, it's worrying not knowing the language, not knowing the place and what clinics are 'good' etc.
The questions could go on forever!
And I'm extremely new to this whole process,
I'm sure all of you were, at some point too.
But I guess I could start by asking the first question,
Here it goes...

I've been contemplating about undergoing surgery in south korea for a while now.
Specifically speaking, Epicanthoplasty and Jaw surgery.
I'm sure there are many of you who have done waayyy more and that you could speak from experience with different clinics?
My first (of many) questions is, ..What do I do?! :wacko:
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If you're serious about surgery, you should do the research. There are a ton of threads on here so you should take the time to go through them.

I personally read every thread regardless of what surgery the thread is about--even if it's a surgery I am not interested in because you can learn more about the clinic itself.
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To start off do your research on clinics which specialize in the procedures you are considering. Don't select clinics who have surgeons who do not specialize in said procedures. Learn about the various methods available for your procedures and shortlist your clinics accordingly. Don't focus on before and after pictures that is one of the worst decision making factors.

In my opinion you should also avoid clinics where the surgeons are no proficient in English, unless you can speak Korean of course. Because beauty and one's desired aesthetic are highly subjective. Its bad enough to say to a surgeon "i want a natural looking nose" and assume your definition of natural is similar to that of the surgeon, let alone relying on a third party translate your subjective desires to the surgeon.

Also with Jaw surgery make sure your clinic does a 3d ct and xray on you before evaluating you as bone manipulation procedures on the wrong candidates can have sagging side effects. Only after the 3d ct and xrays can your surgeon confirm that your issue is due to bone and not soft tissue or muscle mass.

Anyways good luck on your research :smile: xx
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Hi, thanks for the input! x
Like I said, I'm very new to this whole process I wouldn't know where to begin.
I have absolutely no idea what clinics is what, which clinics are good/bad AND I don't even know any clinics.
I was hoping that by opening this thread that people would post recommendations and provide some feedback based on experience.
ALSO, how the consultations work, I've seen that people 'bargain'??
I didn't even know that would be possible, maybe in a market place but, with a cosmetic surgeon??
It kinda defeats the whole purpose of opening a thread in the first place if all I'm given is "Look at other threads".
I'm literally clueless at the moment, hence why I'm the one asking questions in my own thread instead of endlessly searching through other threads until something somewhere on page 8374 I finally get an answer.! :cray:
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I agree 100% with what K Couture said.

I'd also like to add that the reason I said to look in other threads is because the information is all there so it would actually BENEFIT you. It's a long process for sure, but you can learn a lot from those threads, plus more. I really have no obligation to help lazy people, or people that expect information to be handed to them when most of the information is already there. You say you want to be "filled in with enough information," and yeah, you're not going to get that in this thread. I'll be happy to provide the links to the threads that will probably help you out in your case, but i'm not going to spoon-feed information to anyone if their not willing to take the time to research like the rest of us.



Plastic Surgery General

Just note that these are just a few of the threads I gathered on the first couple of pages. There are plenty more out there, but it's not my job to research for you.
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Did you really just go there?
I'm completely aware that going through many threads would benefit me in some way.
But would you not agree that opening my own thread with my own set of questions would be more reasonable?
It's not a matter of being lazy, but being more sensical, if not practical.
The sole purpose of opening my own thread was to get enough information to get me going in the right direction.
Like I've stated previously, I'm extremely new to this.
So apologies if you seriously expected me to just wonder off into an endless amount of threads with no sense of direction in mind.
And would it not be better to have people that already have a good amount of knowledge about this particular subject aid me in the learning process?
If you wanted to insult me you could've saved the strength on someone who really needed it.
I'm merely a newbie in the subject matter, so apologies if asking for a few pointers was too much of an ask.
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Just saying it like it is.

The plastic surgery section of Purse Forums is pretty much like one big group project. We're all trying to help each other out, really. No one wants to work with that one guy that doesn't do research in the group and just wants the answers, you know? It's not to say we don't like answering questions/helping out, but the ones you asked are actually quite difficult to answer because a lot of it is a matter of opinion--which is why I strongly suggest to research yourself, then ask any questions that remain. I can see how it can be a bit disorganized and how it might not be "newbie" friendly, but the threads I posted above were meant to point you in the right direction.
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Funny enough one of the links you had posted began as follows,

I've read a tons of forums, articles and bits bobs
the thing is I'm getting more and more confuse".

The only difference between me and the person who said the above is that he already knows a few clinics.
I guess I could start by asking this then.
I don't suppose you would have any clinics in mind that would achieve a very natural look?
In other words, you wouldn't be able to tell that one had even gone through surgery because it's that natural-looking (After healing ofc).
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Yeah, you will most definitely stumble across information/reviews either on this forum or other ones that conflict each other which can leave anyone confused lol. There are conflicting opinions/reviews on some clinics which is why it's hard to recommend a clinic. That's why it's a good idea to read everything you can and that is available so you can choose for yourself. The absolute worst would be going off on one person's "good" experience and getting a botched face!

But yeah, I didn't mean to come off as if I were attacking you. I've seen the blame game happen where someone went to a clinic based on a few "good" reviews and ended up getting their surgery botched, THEN going back to the people that recommended the clinic and blaming them. I've also seen some people go to clinics that seemed to not be so reputable but they ended up having good results. Also keep in mind that what one person considers pretty/natural can be different from another. So my advice to you is choose a clinic that YOU feel good about. Read read read read read!

I'll send you a private message later.
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Hi Jusscurious, I think everyone here has gone through the same confusion and overwhelmed with info period. I believe Koreasaurus didn't mean anything mean or disrespectful. It is true tho, that there's no short cut for the research process. This is because 1) everything on this forum is subjective 2) there are many promoters here so even if someone recommend you a clinic, you should be careful and investigate on both the clinic and the person 3) Even some of the top clinics has pros and cons in terms of price, language, responsiveness, speciality, anesthesia type etc etc. You really need to read people's experience one by one to understand it. I spent 9 months to research, watched this forum every single day like a hawk. The procedures you want to do might change as well after doing more research. You should start by creating an excel and put down all the info you gather when reading through the threads.

Here's a really good list put together by Shinyglittery with some quick comments (gathered from the forum) # It's not a complete list, some of the forum popular clinics like April31, Braum and DAPRS is not on it. But it's a good start. You can use the forum search tool to find threads on a specific clinic. Also the few links Koreasaurus gave you are really informative. I followed those as well. Also read the Negative Experience thread so you can rule out some of the choices.

You can also check websites of some big clinics which educate about surgery methods.
You can usually find pros and cons of those methods by searching specific words in posts. Realself.com also got some info in western perspective.

Once you shortlisted the clinics, you can start emailing their consultants to ask specific questions. Responsiveness of their consultants should also be taken into consideration.

I also tend to find all the past post by some forumers who I find them knowledgeable and helpful. Their experiences can teach you a lot too. Also identify dodgey forumers who are possibly promoters. You need to be patient with the process. Researching is confusing at the beginning, but you will have fun soon after. Absorb the knowledge like a sponge! Good luck with your research :smile:
Thank you for your words davincci.
I don't suppose you have gone through any surgical procedures yourself yet?
9 months worth of research seems pretty abundant haha,
what are you mainly into out of everything that is surgery?
I understand Where koreasaurus is coming from. Spoonfeeding. Juscurious, Wat u really need to do is first decide Which surgery u want to do. Then READ. I personally read thru all 600+ pages on soompi relating to eyelid surgery n ALL the threads related to eyes on TPF. i even read all the local blogs.There are tons of info out there n you are expected to sieve thru them urself. Fyi, 9mths is normal, I have read people who read for years before deciding. Afterall, you only have one face, n It's Ur face. So u decide Wat to do with it, based on Ur own research and decision. AND NOT BY RECOMMENDATION.

Koreasaurus, I feel you. My colleagues keep commenting they wan to go to my clinic because my eyes looks So nice. When I told them, what looks nice on me might not look nice on them, they Dun listen n can't be bothered to do any research. it pisses me off too. Not that I'm selfish to share my clinic, It's just tt I dun wan to get the blame If they get a botched job eventually. But what can I Say to lazy people like them?sorry but You deserved it..
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Juscurious, select at least 5clinics after all the reading. Send them a email ask for price, then go down to Korea n see face to face.

Dun ask anyone Which doctor creates natural looking, as natural looking to A might not seems the case to B. Looking at the BnA or looking thru the photos in TPF is the best way to guage If u like that style.

A word of advice, price is not the main deciding factor. The asthetic style is . The last thing u want is a revision.
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Quite agree with what oryza says. And actually, I just come back from my surgery. You can check someone's post/thread history by clicking onto their names.
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