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Fill Me In About South Korea Surgeries Please!

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Well, without trying to imply anything when I read your post at first - the first question I had in trying to help you was...what is your question. Like even if I wanted to help you, I would not have the time. Firstly, you haven't even narrowed it down. Where would you like to change? No one knows what you look like. So how can anyone guess.

Different surgeries go down different paths of information. Even without that - you know yourself how much information there is to PS in korea. How does anyone have time to just fill you in? It's actually not possible at all. Even if it is, it is not accurate as it would only be one persons input.

I feel like I spend more time studying this and knowing more about it than some subjects I've done at uni! I can't and no one can just summarise. At least give us a general idea of what information you would like. It's a bit like saying "so just tell me what you know about......" Could be anything and it's so broad.

We all started from knowing nothing. You already found access to this forum it took me ages to even navigate here! So with information at hand and you choose not to weave through it that's up to you! The best that can be done is looking up specific topics for you personally I don't have time to do this for anyone but someone did do it up there.

I hope you don't find this personal but if you do that's alright, I don't really care lol sorry but by nature research benefits you not anybody else thus summary won't benefit you (plus no one have time). If you do search and research, you might find stories of regret and botched jobs from someone who chose a clinic that is well known here to be bad but they did it anyway. "I didn't know that much" or "I only chose it for the price". At the end of the day, you'll be the one who goes through the surgery so it's up to you.

It can be overwhelming but with more knowledge it will be a bit clearer by day...I think a good place to start asking question is narrowing your question to a specific topic. Or addressing your concern area. You noticed that in the past people have gotten response for "vague open questions" but they're not that open. At least they have got a specific area they want to address about something..if that makes sense. Eg if you're concerned about language and communication there are specific threads just for that. And it's been talked throughout. Or you can start off with questions in this field

Good luck
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I agree, I've found it kinda fun searching for forums and information myself :smile:
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Yeah thanks for the input, I figured I was being too vague anyways.
What I was hoping for really wasn't like an encyclopedia's worth of info which people thought I was wanting, but like, I would say, the rule-of-thumbs, the dos-and-don'ts of this whole cosmetic surgery world.
And those kind of informative tips was all I was really asking for.
I don't really think my first post in this thread said that so I guess that's my bad, but just the basic dos and don'ts, I guess you could say I'm asking for the really obvious points when it comes to doing anything within cosmetic surgery, just to make sure that the state of mind I'm in is anything like or close to other people's wavelengths in this forum.
If my way of thinking could be anywhere close to one of the people in this forum that knows quite alot about how all this works then that'll be my sign to say I'm heading in the right direction.
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I've actually read that thread a while ago, thanks for sharing, it was very insightful thank you.
Did you travel by yourself? I would get so nervous but I guess it can't be helped.
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I think a good starting point is figuring out what you want done. Then look at threads of that area. If you only want one area done (eg facial contour) you can have a look at threads specifically about that area. In here you will find some tried clinics, some not so reputable clinics (more importantly, why do they have a bad rep?!) and everything in between such as prices, ways of doing things. When you have a specific general purpose question, you will find these threads too (eg translator, currency, hotel) or start your own.

Some general dos and donts? Of the top of my head
- don't hire a translator or use anyone you wouldn't trust with your valuables to translate for you (you'll find out why if you read into the forums ;D)
- live in apgujeong or Sinsa area if you want to be close (US$60-$150 per night average) to the clinics
- live further away will save you money (I personally loveee using asian MTRs I think it's so efficient and part of immersing in the culture so I chose to book my accom in Seoul which is a while away)
- Carry cash at your own risk. 90% of foreigners carry cash to KR to get surgery. It's a lot of money. But it might give you more bargaining power and you don't have to worry about fees and withdrawing whilst there. Anything over $10,000 should be declared with customs but it is a fairly straight forward and simple/fast process.
- there are some supplements that aren't provided by the clinics that you can buy and bring with you. It's called arnica m- something lol my memory is terrible. But that's the most popular one. There are others that you will come across on this forum
- DO NOT put down a deposit prior to coming to the clinic and meeting with the doctor and thinking "okay I am confident in this guy enough to pay him to cut my face open and do stuff to it". Just don't. You will find that there is so many clinics in gangnam you should have more power as a consumer. Don't let being a foreigner strip away your basic right like that
- airport pickup might come with paying deposit but there's no free lunch. Pay the odd KRW15,000 to take the bus (taxi will run you up 5x that but it's up to you. Some people prefer that luxury/convenience)
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Yup all by myself. I was really nervous on first few days of decision making. That's why finding a trustworthy Dr and helpful consultant/ service manager is very important. And the planning part is very important. Try not to put yourself in a situation where you have to make decision under stress, that's why I've emphasized a couple times, go during low season. Not only you, but the surgeon will be more relaxed when he meet up with you.
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Thank you, it's things like this I wanted to hear!
Just mini tips is all, it gives me an idea as to how I should think you know?
Of course, in the end you think for yourself but, you just need to hear it from other people you know?
Just to confirm that I'm thinking straight, and not reckless or whatever, even if it is just common sense aha.
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I'm nervous just thinking about traveling alone haha!
Yes I'm definitely planning on going to SK during the less busy seasons.
It's bad enough having strong anxiety traveling abroad!
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