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Theline plastic surgery- just fishished

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Nope, when I woke up, I was already in the recovery room. But I do remember tell random nurses 'I love you' when I was just off the sedation. Clearly I was still not yet fully 'awake'. Lol
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Lol! Thanks babe for the info! =)
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Congrats on your surgery ! You look beautiful :smile: I just had my rhinoplasty and paranasal augmentation at Severance hospital 2 days ago, hopefully my recovery will be as great as yours. Could I ask how long did they leave the nose cast on you? Do you need to continue applying nose cast when you come back home ?
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I wish you success on your surgery!

My cast was off since post op day 5 and off ever since.
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Ask and thou shall receive! Lol.
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There's another photo
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And another.
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Thank you!!! It means a lot for me to hear such positive responses after my surgery. It makes me feel that I've made the right choice.
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