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Theline plastic surgery- just fishished

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Thanks Yukina89 for the great pic:smile: Im considering The line for my nose job too :smile:
I would like to see ur post Day 7 , can you PM me :smile:

Thanks for the great post! Wish you speedy recovery :smile:
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The scar is still kinda red, but I can sorta cover it if I use a lot of concealer. But the scar will fade, I hope.

They gave me this little tube of ointment called 'remescar' which I don't think is very useful.
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Hi Yukina you look greaaat :cool:
Can I ask why did you have chin implant and buccal fat removal at the first place? is it bcos of chubby face or receding chin?
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Hi Yukina, your results are amazing. You look gorgeous! Do you have any pre-surgery nose photos?

I got my eyes done in September and was quoted a price for nose when I go back next Sept. $2,500 but I think that is for silicone only. The consultants and surgeon said I didn't need any tip work but I disagree... it's very 'piggy' :/

I'm sure you got extra discounts for your other procedures, but I wonder what the breakdown of it was.
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I had a combo of both cubby face AND receding chin. And trust me, that's like the worse combo ever! I really hated the look of my profile, so I decided to have it fixed. But I originally wanted to do quick zygoma reduction but my facial contour doctor told me I had more of an 45 angled zygoma and said that while quick zygoma reduction could've made my face look better on the front view, and I don't have a big zygoma on the first place and suggest that I have buccal fat removal to lessen the look of my chubby cheeks instead.

But I'm planning to do quick zygoma reduction sometime next year, cause the price and down time is so attractive to me. Lol
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Funny enough, my nose cost a bit more cheaper than yours, but I also had hump removal and tipplasty as well as silicone implant (3.5 or 4 mm, can't remember) and some work on my nostrils.

I paid around 7,700,000 won won for all 3 surgeries;

Baccul fat removal 1,900,000 won

Rhinoplasty (hump removal, tipplasty, implant, and work on nostrils.) 3,300,000 won (estimated)

Chin implant 2,500,000 won (estimated)

Hope this helps!

Edited to inculde pre-surgery photo. Please excuse my silly looking expression and the makes on my face.
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Thanks for the compilments!

I just inculded a photo, please take a look, thanks!
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Love your new nose!

It didnt just complemented your face but u got extra mmmmphhhh now! I mean u are beautiful already but u are more now! :smile:

U did open rhino right and ultra silicon under GA?

Is Dr. Chung, YooSeok the one who operated u?

Lastly, do u know if The Line offers Acculift as well, ive check their website its not there.

million thanks!
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Wow you look fantastic!!!!
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