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Theline plastic surgery- just fishished

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I may have shown my doctor a pic of angelababy, but my doctor jokingly complained that it was such a mainland Chinese choice/taste. Lol.

But my doctor also said that another person's nose might not fit my face, and I personally believe that everyone should look forward to have an updated version of our own noses than copy a nose that belongs some pop star.
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Haha, anaesthesia does that to me!

I wish you success on whatever surgery you choose to do.
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Love your results! You look amazing already. Did they do anything as far as tip rotation and nasal angle with your case? Or was is your original nasal structure? I'm curious as to how upturned the tip is and what they did to it. I'd much prefer my tip that way since I already have an upturned nose and don't want to compromise the original structure of it.
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Thanks so much for sharing your experience so soon and for posting pictures. Your results are amazing, I wasn't considering having a consulation with line but after seeing your results :loveeyes: . Congrats on your surgery and your lovely new profile.
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Apologies for such a late reply.

My original nasal structure is absolute s***, to be honest. I was born with a terrible case of deviated septum and a hump on my nose. Along with that, my nose is not as tall or defined as I've would have liked. And I've always felt that my nose was a little on the short side, along with millions of little things, that I quite frankly, disliked about my nose.

Long story short, I was born with a miniature version of Snape's nose. Lol

My doctor did quite a bit of work for my nose. For one thing, I can for the first time in my life, have no problems breathing. That itself, is something for me to rejoice. The hump on my nose was also shaved into a smooth curve with a silicone implant placed on top. My nostrils were also tweaked in order to give my nostrils a less triangular appearance which I had prior of my surgery.

I honestly suggest that you stress on the fact that you wish to retain your original nasal tip structure when you have chosen your surgeon. Plastic surgeons in Korea may have a different view of beauty than where you are from. I have noticed that small, curved slight upturned noses are considered beautiful in Korea, as opposed to the tall, straight noses with a slightly downturned tip as the preferred choice of most Mainland Chinese.
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Thank you for the compliments.

It's not a bad cilnic, at least I have yet to hear any stories of patients whom ended up disfigured. And the price is good, and the aftercare is amazing.

However, I will stress that TheLine offers natural results, rather than dolly looks or massive changes.
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Hey Yukina, I know many Korean surgeons like putting silicone on the bridge after hump removal to make it smooth, but did your surgeon say it was mandatory to put silicone in your nose? When I have my hump removal, I'd rather avoid silicone at all cost.
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No, a silicone implant is not mandatory. However, with your hump removed, your nose will look a lot smaller and in an Asian's point of view, tall noses are better than flat noses. And to be honest, the price (at least mine is) is pretty much the same with or without the silicone implant, so might as well do the whole shebang.

But if you're not gonna have a silicone implant, you gotta tell your doctor. Or else they'll slap an implant on you cause that's the norm in Asian rhinoplasty.
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Thanks Yukina! I'm half Caucasian and I have a nose where I can afford to lose some height haha. I don't really care that the price with silicone is around the same, I rather not have implants in general since they are high maintenance.

Yeah, I figured I'd have to mention not wanting implants considering most Asians are trying to raise their bridge. Thanks for your help!
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Snape is pretty sexy! Haha, but thanks for the description. That really helps a lot. I'll have to consider Line because I do like their before and afters. Hope your swelling has gone down a lot by now.
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Hi yukina, want to check did you wake up at the midst of your surgery since you had local anaesthesia with IV sedation drip? Thanks :smile:
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You're welcome!
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Lol. Snape is sexy for a guy, but let's be real, he would have made an ugly a** woman.

I don't have that much swelling to begin with, due having Caucasian blood. (Fun fact, Caucasians tend to swell less, but bruise more compare to Asians)
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