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Aegyosal 2

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Sorry for making a new thread but the original one was a year old so I couldnt respond to it:s
So im going to Korea in the near future, and besides v-line, rhino and fatgraft im contemplating about getting the aegyosal procedure.

I'm a cauchasian guy and yes im going for the more boyish-look xd
Has anyone got the procedure or knows more about it, like risks and if it would even suit cauchasian guys. I have seen some top male models who have it too.

I hope you girls can give me some information/advise

Thanks :smile:
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I think a subtle smile band under the eye suits many ethnicities. I've seen lots of caucasian model-types and actors with aegyosal.

Saying that, it does definitely depend on the face. Each case is individual.

I sent you a PM about my own experience with aegyo sal via Restylane filler (I'm a mixed Eurasian guy). Next week I'm getting it done permanently with Alloderm.
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It could look good. If you do it, make you sure you emphasize to the doctor that you don't want it to be too obvious. I'm not sure of the risks/benefits of all types, but I think, because it's difficult to predict what it will look like, it would be a good idea to go with a filler that can be dissolved via a subsequent injection (so you won't be stuck with it if you don't like it).

Also maybe a bit off-topic.. but have you decided on the clinic you want to get your rhino at? I'm also Caucasian and interested in rhinoplasty, but I'm not sure if SK is the right choice for me, given that the typical Asian nose is so different from the typical Caucasian nose.
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Hey xohelena,

Yes good advise I should say i want it a bit subtle.

I so far have 3 clinics I'm going to consult: darps, TLPS, dreammedical and one more but I havent decided yet.
Yes I know what you mean, one of the reasons for me is the plastic surgery sector in my homecountry is very small with really few procedures so I picked Korea since they have alot of clinics/procedures.

But I really think It would'nt be such a big difference; we have thinner skin and smaller bone density if you just clearly state what you want and clearly ask for risks, implants and what the doctor will do.

maybe photoshop your self and take it with you or pics of other noses you like.
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Thank you! I have PM-ed you back:smile:
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