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Surgeries to fix gummy smiles

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I love my smile! But the Prob is when I get carried away, my gums shows a lot of it and it isn't a nice look for me.

I have big teeth as well so the solution can't be the laser surgery to cut off the gum. Anyone else with some experience in this or recommendation? Would much appreciate x
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Hi, vanitygirl!

I think you need to consider lefort 1 osteotomy to improve your problem. My friend also underwent ps for the same reason. You can google it for more info!
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Hi vanitygirl,

I've had a friend who has this problem with gummy smile, and her dermatologist told her that Botox can help with this, to make it less obvious

Something to consider first before plastic surgery? Perhaps you can get a consult with your nearby cosmetic dermatologist
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Hi! I had 8 units of Dysport for my gummy smile, lasted about 5 months for me.

You don't need jaw surgery to solve your problem, one of the causes of a gummy smile is a hyperactive upper lip muscle which can be solved easily with botox.

If you're looking into a permanent solution, there's a surgery that cuts the muscle to reduce movement =) I'm planning to get this surgery after my braces haha, need to correct my overbite first!
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Agreed that botox is probably the most efficient, least invasive method to cure gummy smile due to overactive lip muscle.

Gingivoplasty (gum contouring) is another method, but it makes one's teeth look longer, and since you don't want your teeth to look bigger, that's probably not as appropriate for you.
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BTW, if you're planning to visit a periodontist in Seoul, Hus-hu clinic (Apgujeong branch) is pretty good!

I got a routine scaling/polishing when I was there, and had a consultation with the periodontist too. The consultation was amazingly thorough (x-rays, multiple photos -they emailed me copies of all) and the service for the cleaning was really good, and the price could not be beat -get this, it was 30,000 KRW for x-ray, consult and scaling. Perios in my home country charge 4 times the price just for a consult :wtf:
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