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Fat grafting questions (to those who have done it)

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Sorry for starting a new thread but really want to get some experienced fat grafters to weigh in on a couple of things and help put my overactive mind at rest...

I just had PRP fat grafting done on my forehead, temples and nasolabial corners (by the nose) almost 5 days ago. I didn't do any in my cheeks as they didn't need extra volume. The fat was injected from 6 different sites in total (through the hairline by my temples on both sides, two at the top of my forehead in the hairline and two through my cheek area, not sure why).
(FYI: I also did a chin implant on the same day as the fat grafting and Lipt mouth corner lift the day before. Needless to say, I've experienced a lot of swelling).

Anyway, my questions...

- Swelling is normal, I know. But is it okay that I've experienced swelling all over my face, not just the injected areas? Although I had no grafting done around my eyes, there appears to be some sort of fluid build up underneath them and also around them. Top of cheeks turning a bit yellowy too. Both eyes look super puffy. I know fat doesn't migrate under the skin, but what could the explanation for this be? Some sort of waer retention from the fat in my forehead?

- My doctor and I both agreed that I would want just a subtle look to my forehead, nothing too rounded or dolly-like as I'm a guy. He said he would overfill a little as a lot will disappear, but (as I prepare for returning to reality [and friends] in about five days) I'm starting to worry a little at just how big my forehead looks right now? I kinda look like... a baby, lol. An adult baby forehead :-/ Am I just worrying over nothing?

Thank you in advance :smile:
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