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Thailand for Plastic Surgery?

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anyone planning on going to Thailand July 2015 or around that time? I'm planning on getting zygoma reduction and alarplasty+tipplasty
I wanted to go to korea but I feel they have too many surgeries going on in a day and I want my Dr. to be 100% dedicated to my surgery since I've already had "quick zygoma" (just shaving? I think) and I don't want my Dr. messing up my cheekbones

Looking for a buddy to hang out with and go to consultations with and of course for moral emotional support. Please email me at scarlet0055x@gmail.com :smile:
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This is off topic, but I would like to hear about your quick zygoma experience. Would you care to share?

I do not know much about Thailand surgeries. From what I have seen the noses are quite different looking. The results end up being very drastic. Have you found good clinics?
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Thai surgeries are cheaper and in most cases I believed there are skilled doctors, BUT....

1. I wouldn't say that they have less surgeries going on or are less popular for surgeries than Korea. Thailand is a very popular spot for western people from countries like the UK, US, Australia and New Zealand as Thailand is more popular and known a tourist destination for these countries than Korea (Korea has only in the last few years become more recognized as a tourist destination) and are also attracted by the cheap prices of these surgeries. There has been a number of news stories not that long ago on Thailand for cosmetic procedures.

2. Although it is an amazing country with delicious food, wonderful people and culture..it is still considered a ‘developing country’ as opposed to Korea which is a ‘developed country’ and Korea is said to have a higher standard of living and is wealthier overall.
This possibly means, because Thailand is in this situation and there are more people in poverty that may not have the means or money to get treated if any medical problems occur (more possibility of spreading diseases) and according to an article I read in a newspaper recently about medical tourism to Asia, they have one of the highest rates of possible infection and possibility of contracting a super bug in the world (I am not sure if this is entirely true, and they are not my words but it is scary all the same!).
Btw As I said before, I love Thailand and I think it is a beautiful country so don't take this as me bagging it off, I am merely just stating facts I read..and I know not all of Thailand is like this, there are very wealthy people and clean places, and also I am not blaming the people who are in poverty or poor living conditions.

There are many people who have had successful and satisfactory procedures in Thailand, so don't take this the wrong way, all I am saying is be wary, be sensible and put your health foremost as you would with any procedure in any country.
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hi, may i know which thai doctors you choosed and had researched for your procedures ? I only know dr Juta for bone procedure @,@
yes nowadays korea are being too hectic, but for bone contouring, if you choose right doctor, their bone counturing results are still better and can be dramatic than thailand. even the price can be competitives.
I've been researched thailand for years, and from what I found thailand are more popular with their body procedures, and minor surgeries if face example; chin, lip, mini lift, filler, etc
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OMG I just know this!!! thanks for sharing !!!...what a tragedy.....,isn't the dr from SP clinic...?? his was famous for foreigner and his costs are also not so cheap... I'm wdering what is the death cause?? is it because of the anesthesia?

and can you share me or any link the articles about girl who died from the zygoma and v line reduction? is it also in bangkok??
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The girl who died during zygoma reduction surgery is thai people so there is no news in english. The clinic is located in samutprakarn district
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Dear minaplapern, mind to share who is the doctor name? this would be helpful for me to more careful, I just accompany my mom back from thailand to do surgery for remove filler injection in her chin and she will be back again there for another procedure. poor girl..the girl who died from liposuction , i knew the dr who perform is not actually a surgeon ... =(
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How much your mom spent in removing the filler?
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Hi missjamie sorry for my late reply, I've spent approx us$7613 for her surgery. the surgery was only to remove permanent filler on her chin area. my mom has suffered from permanent silicone liquid injection filler for many years , which as we know, silicone liquid injections are undeniably dangerous. The injections take a couple minutes but they can never fully be taken out with the patient and eventually becoming irreversibly ill.
yes I knew this surgeon cost is very expensive , but my mom's case is also very complex. and this is the only surgeon that I found specialize on this field. it tooks approx 7 hours for the chin surgery and he was able to remove, if may I say 98% out of the liquid siliconoma from her chin , the change was VERY-VERY big, even my mom now is still in healing stage though
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Cheaper yes but at what cost? Many many years ago my GF went to Bolivia to have butt implants (she has a flat behind) and it went horribly wrong. She lost an unbelievable amount of weight due to an infection developing after the surgery.

Thailand is a wonderful vacation spot. Not a reliable AFFORDABLE plastic surgery destination. Think about it.

If I had to choose between Thailand and Korea, I would definitely choose SK because they are far more developed and plastic surgery is more common place, etc.

SK's GDP is 1.3 trillion whereas Thailand's only 300 Billion. Zero comparison. They have Samsung, etc.

I love thailand too but they're poor. There's zero middle class in that country. Only rich and poor. And the disparity between the two is HUGE. It's quite unfortunate.
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It is very sad to know that continously there are blotched surgery & ppl died from PS especially those case which were caused by unlicensed surgeons :sad:

Just be very extremely careful before deciding your surgeon with lots of researches, evidances before paying your hard earned money that may just caused your life. Despite knowing many ppl will be visiting a number of clinics for consultation, please do not just follow your heart but also look at the black & white evidance, testimonial etc... before making the 1 of the biggest decision of your life
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  • 5 months later...
HI Everyone,

I am contemplating the same thing as OP but a different procedure. I would prefer BKK (Bumrungrad) as their healthcare tourism is first rate for medical procedures. First rate as in a majority of their doctors are trained in either the U.S., U.K., or a western country. I do not know and cannot speak for South Korea as I have not gone.

My question is has anyone done cosmetic surgery in BKK at Bumrungrad? If so, how did you find the results? Were you pleased? I am leaning towards BKK firstly because of the physicians' training. Secondly I find the country and their people extremely warm and genial. Thirdly, I prefer their food over Korean food any day (just my preference). However, what I am seeking is satisfaction with results of a cosmetic procedure. Hence my purpose for going this time differs greatly. Seems like a lot of people in this forum/thread have done the Korean route and were pleased. Anyone with experience on getting cosmetic procedures in BKK please kindly reply. Have you done BKK and/or Seoul or just one place (if so, please designate where you went)? How did it compare?
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