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Fat Graft or Implants? What's To do?

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Hi Guys,

I'm looking to augment these sizes on my face
NOSE BRIDGE (Fuller and Bigger in General)

I'm bit confused because after researching many clinics, they seem to have fat graft and implants. So I'm guessing for both of them, I would need to go through anesthesia. Is it local or what?

What's more permanent? I'm just confused because fat graft for nose sounds brilliant idea as I actually like my nose but I can augment it better without changing the shape. While, putting implants on forehead seems a little too much?

Let me know what you think.

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For FG takes about two hours to harvest the fat (usually from inner and backs of thighs) and then inject it everywhere. You'll be asleep but only locally anesthetized.

Implant on forehead always seemed like a super extreme procedure to me (and there have been rare instances of the implant showing through after time). Fat grafting to forehead and temples looks natural and usually comes out really well.

It's best to make sure you do PRP or stem-cell type FG (which will cost a little more) as this is prove to have a higher chance of surviving in the body (the blood supply taking to it).
Expect about 50% of the fat to survive, but your doctors should try to counter this by over-filling the desired areas (so don't be alarmed if you end up with a bit of a Barbie forehead for a few weeks after the op). After three months the remaining fat in your face is likely to stay for good (provided you don't dramatically lose weight). It's also recommended not to smoke or drink for at least a month after the op (and some docs say three months).

Because a lot of the fat dies, it's likely that you'll need to return for a top up 3-6 months later to finish the job. Some clinics offer to store your leftover harvested fat for free until you return (within a certain period of time), but this is mostly a marketing gimmick IMO, as freshly extracted fat will always be better and have a higher chance of survival than fat that has been stored (usually cold) for months.

I had fat grafting done to my forehead, temples and a little on my chin (just above a chin implant I had put in at the same time) about 16 days ago. Happy with the results so far. Forehead looked like a baby's forehead for the first 10 days but it's looking good now and not overfilled (which is something, as a guy, I wanted to avoid).
My doctor mentioned that temples are likely to need a top up in the future (I'm planning to go back in March/April) as this area of the face sees a lot of movement.

Don't know much about FG on the nose bridge, sorry.
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For chin I prefer solid silicone chin implant or E-ptfe implant with screw fixation . But if your receded chin is severe then genioplasty can be your 1st choice..

For nose bridge I would prefer hyaluronic acid over fat. even both are not permanent but HA filler can stimulate our own collagen little by little over time. if you would prefer more permanent the material option would be soft e-ptfe like softform i guess.

For Forehead, I don't like the idea of fat since I like hardcore workout routine. so I would vote for smooth silicone implant which is still the Best ONLY IF you use special custom implant that made computerized from your 3d skull prototype. its different with old custom implant service in korea that use "clay mask" of your forehead as measurement, or Pre-made implant nor even from SIlicone carving blocks. 3d Implant fits perfectly only for your own skull without any dead space ( BEST for safety, shape, details , and accuracy) . its design even can be extended to your nose bridge area with very smooth transitions. Previously Many clinics usually combines between implant and fat because in some cases it was not enough to get the desired shape only by implant because of some limittaion from the pre-made implant or old custom technique.

good luck on your ps journey ;)
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Thanks for your input. Very thoughtful. I'm also looking to get more fat grafting other than my forehead. What's your recommendation for chin? Are implants much better because that seems pretty invasive but if it is around the same cost and cheaper, that maybe a better route to go. But still I'm not quite sure. And what are temples? I would like to get smile line and I hear that needs fat grafting as well. Is that the same thing as temples?
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So you are saying you prefer chin implants rather than fat grafting for chin. I'm guessing chin implants last longer, but are they significantly more expensive? I'm guessing so.

And do you know if there are fat grafting rhinoplasty or know? It seems to make sense, but sounds like it should last longer than the fillers. But I don't know if there are any clinics who does that.

Do you know if medium clinics are way to go for these procedures? I'm mainly going for my eyes, but I have some few bucks and thought I can get some discount and get other work done as well.

I'm looking at clinics like Teuim, Jaedon, Banabogi, Real, Opera, Chaedon etc.
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Hi There,

I'm looking to get fat grafting on my face for chin, forehead etc. and maybe temples and smile line if I find out if I can.

But, I was wondering if there are clinics who do fat grafting for rhinoplasty. I actually do like my nose, but I just want it to be have more volume and bigger and especially raise the nose bridge, then I will be pretty content. Not looking to reshape the nose in any way.

I know there are fillers, but they are not permanent, but I hear fat grafting is usually more permanent although you do lose some volume but not all the way. With that said, are there clinics who do fat grafting for nose?

Thanks in advance!
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Most clinics can do fat graft for rhinoplasty if the patient insists. But whether or not the fat graft is what they recommend for rhinoplasty is another story. You will find most clinics would not recommend fg for rhino, but they can do it. Definitely food for thought.
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Hi chlak5 sure FG still can work for chin area if you just want a subtle or a fuller & rounder chin .and you can adjust again next time if you like. it just personally i prefer solid implant for chin . as for cost of course fg still cheaper especially if you do it as a package ex; temple, nasolabial, chin.

But no I don't recommend fat for nose area. OK for nose bridge to glabella but Not for full nose augmentation. FG on this area is prone with shifting & irregularities shape. and I guess you prefer a bony straight nose instead of fleshy nose shape right?
maybe that's why its difficult to find korea clinic who want to do fg on full nose, like kcouture said; they can, they just don't do it because its not a candidate area for fg...

Good luck and keep researching ok? ^_^
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I would 100% for for chin implant over FG on chin. It's permanent and the size and shape is guaranteed. FG is too hit or miss for creating a shape, IMO.
It's not as invasive as you would think. My FG took two hours but the chin was just 30 mins, they make an incision in the bottom of your mouth and slip the implant in through there. Done under local.

Temples are the the sides of your head, on the same row as your eyes. With aging or weight loss this area can lose volume. Filling this area along with the forehead is a really great way to shape the face. It's one of the most ignored areas when people plan surgery as it's not as instantly obvious as chin, nose, eyes etc. Makes a huge difference tho.

Smile band is not done via FG. Fat is too thick/too heavy. I initially wanted to get it done with Alloderm (which is permanent) but it seems most clinics are moving away from that and almost exclusively do it with hyaluronic acid fillers now.
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Agree with Hellboy and KCouture on the nose FG. Restylane filler (usually Perlane) will do a decent job augmenting the nose (although not as much as an implant would). If you're unsure whether you would like an implant or not, this type of filler is a good start. I can't imagine the results with FG on a nose would be that great tho.
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Thx for the inputs!
Can we really choose the shape of the implant ?(square/u/v shape)
I know that US surgeons prefer under the chin incision rather than intraoral (korean docs). Can we choose the incision method?
Last question, which docs or clinics u recommend for chin implant?

Sorry for the long qs.. not so much info regarding chin implants :sad:

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Is the recovery for CI painful? I heard that the stitch will be absorbed so stitch removal is not necessary ?
Which clinics did u go for CI?
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Yeah there isn't a lot around on chinplants here. You can definitely choose the shape of your chin with this procedure -- just make sure your surgeon is going to use the right shape implant.
It's true that in the US chin incision is more common, but having spoken to doctors all over about this, I came to the conclusion that neither was more popular than the other. Each surgeon has their own preference.
Some argue intraoral is better because the pocket the implant will go in will be more accurate and some say chin incision is better because it carries virtually no infection risk.
Don't forget about the scar. It's almost impossible you won't have a small scar after the op if you do chin incision, even years later. That was what swung the vote for me. Plus my surgeon said he didn't want his work or the clinics name attached to a visible scar on a patient.
If you're sensible (don't smoke post op, eat the advised foods and keep your stitches clean with antibacterial mouth wash etc) you shouldn't need to worry for a second about infection.

With regards to clinic recommendation, I'm not at a point where I can fully recommend my doctor yet. I'm only 3 weeks post-op and still have swelling left. Chin shape changing every day. But I can suggest that you make consultation appointments with Regen, Life, Wannabe and Wonjin.
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Stitch will dissolve but it's a slow process and could take up to two months to disappear. Not worth it when it's something sitting in your mouth that long.
I had my stitch out yesterday (waited an extra week just to be sure) and it didn't really hurt at all. A tugging sensation but that's about it. My wound had healed so its not the same feeling as when you get stitches removed 5-7 days after an operation (such as rhino).
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