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Forming small late Dec-mid Jan seoul group

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Hello guys. I'll be in Seoul during late december to middle of January to consult at a couple of clinics and hopefully get my surgery too. I am looking into getting prp + stemcell fat graft for my sunken cheeks and forehead and a mini lift for my nasolabial folds. Also hoping I can find a hair loss clinic which can do hair restoration regrowth (not transplant).

Looking to form a small group of 5 or so people so we can support each other! We already have 3 people. If anyone would like to join our kakao group my kakao is zechs. And if anyone knows a really good surgeon for mini lift and fat graft please advise :smile:
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Hi , I'm interested in hair restoration too ,do u mind sharing the clinic details and the price u got quote ?
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I have yet to get any quotes. I have been researching on fat grafting and mini face lifts for now. Someone told me to check out Oracle as they have hair restoration services too. My only thoughts on that is I am hoping there are treatments which does not extend over a period of time. Maybe some sort of injection that can boost hair growth exists?
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Haha.okay ...which part do u need for hair growth ? Entire part or only certain part ? For fat graft , I think fresh ,kim Han sung and yonsei first is quite good ,u may check out these 3 clinics .
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thanks will google for their website. I do not have any bald spots per se. My hair has just been thinning overall and I want a thick set of hair again. Hair transplant you do not actually gain new hair you just take hair from one part and put it into another.
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I think your condition are same as me ,do u take take any supplement for growing hair ? I heard that vitahealth morning glory is good for hair ,but i haven't try yet .
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I'll tag along the kakao group for shopping buddies....you guys are planning to go shopping right? lol

Also this depends on the severity of your folds but you might want to look into the macs lift for your folds. And don't bother with stem cell fg. Its nothing but a gimmick to charge you higher than normal prices for fat graft and doesn't work. PRP on the other hand has been medically proven to aide in longer lasting results. You can also go read up on opinion regarding prp fat grafting from actual surgeons on realself.
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[MENTION=507654]yky[/MENTION], how late in December? I'll be there from Dec 19-29. There's already a kakao group for December forumers, but it's a pretty large group.
[MENTION=357760]KCouture[/MENTION], you're going back to Korea? Did you find out about the Lams procedure? Where are you going to consult? I haven't been that active on PF lately so I haven't had a chance to follow your posts... Maybe we can meet up before my surgery! So I can see your results :3 My consultation with Dream is at 10am on Dec. 20.
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