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(V-line, Nose, Accu) My Consultation Experience with Girin, View, Namu

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Hi ladies.
I'm day three post op now.
word of advice, do NOT do rhino and v-line together if you have time...the recovery process is so bad i wish i didn't do it when I woke up...it's hell. believe me.

the first night I stayed in Girin, and they were nice to give me a room all to myself. The nurse checked up on me every few hours, switched ice pack, bandages, etc.

For the first two days my nose was bleeding a ton, my eyes were purple, blood shot (I did not do eye surgery), and face extremely swollen.
Went to Girin yesterday, they cleaned me up, gave me antibiotics shot, drew blood from my forehead cause swelling was too big, and Dr Lee showed me before and after CT scan.
From bones, it looks like a very dramatic change! keeps me going looking at the before and after CTs while i'm going through hell recovery =(

Will be going to Girin again for check up today and next week. I will update once my swelling decreases =)

One thing though, the surgery papers and post care instructions were all in korean at Girin. Jefferson was super nice to translate the post care manual for me. I think they will have english version soon but for now they dont. So please take notes and ask lots of questions when you are signing those papers.

@Rinda10, yes v-line is a big surgery. how I made decision so soon is beyond me lol. will keep posting once my swelling goes down more.

@iljs92, I believe like Rinda said, Dr Song does eyes and Dr lee does nose and FC. I only saw Dr Lee this time.

@milkychoco, yes I thought it will be ok...but it's so hard
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wow sounds like alot to go through, but know that after day3 it will start getting better, and you'll look amazing after :biggrin:

please keep us posted, I'm really considering them for my eyes as their postop care sounds really good, but haven't heard a lot about people getting double eyelid surgery there, only about facial contour with dr lee
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Hey rinda10, how was your rhino? Did you like the results? Would you recommend girin for rhino? :smile:
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Hello, HYIE

I satisfied with result of course. Dr.Lee is really skillful and good at English. he is not perfect for Eng but he tried to explain about surgery procedure to make me understand what does he going to do during surgery and why he is going to put silicon on bridge and why he will use cartilage on my nasal tip and etc. But what I really got impressive from Girin is.. the Eng consultant name is Jefferson, her service was soooooo good. she took long time for me when I visit to Girin and she reacted such a like friend lol. Also I still keep in touch with Jefferson by email, and she always care about my result and ask me any problem or uncomfortable also girls talk as well lol.
I really recommend you if you consider about rhino. Dr.Lee is good at rhino I guess :smile:!
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Hi starrynights127,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us ! I hope you are having a good recovery .

My understanding was bone needs time to heal after surgery hence the doctor will not be able to show CT scan of post-op result so soon . Would you mind to share if my understanding is correct ?
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Hi Lavin,

I'm still more swollen than usual ><, but better than first few days now.

My CT scan was taken the day after I finished operation. When i asked why we are taking it now, the nurse said to make sure your bones are ok before you leave us (I stayed at girin for 1 night). My bones definitely need time to heal still and what's taken is probably not the final result (Rough edges will smooth out, etc). But I like how he showed them to me so soon XD.

A friend mentioned DA does not do post op CT scan til much later. Every clinic operates differently I guess =]
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Hi starrynights,

Hope your recovery is going well!! Can I ask how you paid for your procedures?? I am looking to have v-line, rhinoplasty, and eyelids done in korea next year, but I am unsure how the payment will work exactly. Did you pay in cash? Or did you have to transfer money from your bank account? I am just concerned since it's such a large amount of money that there will be restrictions.

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Yes, I am considering, but I hv no time to visit Korea these days and feel scare about pain x-p.
So I am not sure yet
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  • 2 weeks later...
hello, starrynight!

Any update??? I'm looking forward your review!
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Hi bingu, I bought a surgery recovery kit. But during consultation they asked me to stop taking vitamins.
Then 2 days after surgery i started taking arnica and bromelain.
Also had a lot of fresh fruits and walked a lot
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Hi kimchibae,
Thanks! Still super swollen sigh. I'm almost 3 weeks post op now.
I promised not to disclose exact price but it was less than 10m for all my procedures =]
I think the procedures you want should be under that too.

I paid in cash. Girin charges more for credit card.
I took max cash allowance without declaring with me then just withdrew cash as needed at the korea bank machines. There's fees both ways (your own bank and korea bank) but I think you can avoid your own bank's fee if you get a premium banking plan.
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