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(V-line, Nose, Accu) My Consultation Experience with Girin, View, Namu

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Whoops I should've replied in 1 post XD.

Still super swollen so I won't comment on results yet.

I'm a little concerned about the bumps on the sides of the nose bridge...it's causing a lot of mid face swelling and makes my nose look huge. Dr lee said it's tissue due to nose bridge reduction/osteonomy and should disappear within 2-3 months ><. Which is a pretty long time...has anyone experienced this?? I like my nose from the 45 degree angle. The height and curve looks really natural. But from the front it is still huge.
I'm also breaking out heavily which makes me sad lol. But although my face is still puffy, I can see it's smaller and more oval than before.

Overall, I felt the post care at girin was really good. I saw dr.lee 6 times after surgery. He came to check on me everytime the nurse was done. Thought that was reassuring and professional of him. Jefferson also made me feel really comfortable as will. She's great =]

Once my face deswells more I'll post again. Right now I'm still too swollen ><.
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I hope you swelling goes down quickly :smile:!!

Thank you for the update!
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I hope your swelling goes down fast.
I also planing to visit again at Girin to have consultation about facial contouring.
Does any preparation before I visit the Girin?
Actually, facial contouring would be different with eyelids and nose, so maybe I need to prepare something before visit..? or not?
Also any advice for facial contouring?

Thank you in advance
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  • 2 weeks later...
what is that? is it promotion?
I guess this is not for foreigner, that's why its written by Korean NOT Enlglish
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I am interesting if visiting View Clinic. Do you know their email address by any chance?
After seeing the B&A pictures, i m excited to get my eyes done there and i like all the pictures posted on the post TaRAUnnie kindly shared with me.
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I'm glad you appreciated it (: I thought it would be good to move it forward since it was an amazingly helpful post on here - thanks SG :heart:
Anyway, View does not appear to have an English email but they do have English consultants who do online consult on the English website..however they do have a Korean email which I thought I'd just put here -> [email protected] .. Just in case you would like to try it anyway, because they might be able to answer it in English or forward it on to the English consultant? (maybe just my hopeful thinking haha). I would just try online consult myself..
Anyway I found their website really hard to navigate originally because every time I would search it..it would take me to the English introduction page which you can't seem to get out of and I thought that was the layout of their website-just one page with no info on procedures xD Luckily it isn't haha
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I found their kakao id : view5391177
They replied to me already in english ;) and told me they will reply to my mail tomorrow

and now after reading through other posts, i have adred to my list daprs as I really like thé results too

I saw you were from Australia. I have spent years there in Sydney...My korean bestie lives there. She asked me to wait for her so she can come with me in 2016...seems such a long time to wait but at the same time I will have gathered so much reliable information by then :smile:
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi starrynights,

It's more than a month post ops now. Hope you are recovering super fast. Can you share your photos if you don't mind? There are a few of us who want to visit Girin but not sure if their Dr Lee is any good.
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Wow! How quickly time goes~ I also hope you are recovering really fast and have gotten the results you desire (: I would also be interested to see your photos if you are willing to show them....(no pressure at all though!).. I am interested in Girin for similar surgeries too..
Asian Dreams~ Have you checked out ShinyGlittery's post of before and after photos she collected from Naver community members from different clinics? There are some really nice Girin ones there as well..
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Hopefully, you completely satisfy your outcome.

BTW, why you choose Girin? How about wonjin, faceline and Gyalumhan? I was recommended by several friends of these hospitals. Any tips?

Wish I will see another AnBaby :smile:
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Just found this girl's post on Real Self. Her English is just passable so I wonder if she is posting about herself but promoting Girin at the same time for the clinic.


Saw her pics and were not impressed but I did not realise they were just several days post which is why she is so swollen. By Week 4 I was impressed, Week 8 I was super impressed.
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