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My surgery at Severance hospital of Yonsei University.

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Hi guys,

This forum has helped me a lot in preparing my surgery in Korea and today I just had my operation at Severance hospital of Yonsei University and I want to share experience with you guys. Hopefully, it can be useful to someone who is in the search for plastic surgery. So far, I am overwhelmed by the caring from the doctors and nurses here at Severance.

1. About me ?
I am a girl from Vietnam who desperately needs a rhinoplasty revision as my previous doctor (he's very famous in Thailand) has ruined my nose so badly. Previously, I had silicone implant for my bridge and ear cartilage for my tip. Right after my previous surgery in Thailand, my nose looked really nice (good height and pointy tip). However, after around one year, the tip of my nose started to drop, my nose looked so bulbous. More terribly, the left side dropped more than the right side making my nose looking very asymmetric. The doctor in Vietnam told me that I had terrible extrusion due to incorrect implant and cartilage from my previous surgery. Furthermore, I had terrible sunken mid face that I always wanted to fix. Therefore, I decided to head to Korea - the land of cosmetic surgery, to fix all of my issues.

2. Why Severance hospital ?
When I first started my research, I reached out almost every famous clinics in Korea including Grand, BK, Vipps, View, Dream, JW, Cinderella, Wonjin, Regen, TL, Banonagi etc. I sent emails to all of them and all of them got back to me (some are quick, some took forever to reply such as Banonagi and JW). After lots of emails back and forth between those clinics, I shortlisted Vipps, View, Dream, JW and Regen due to the way they got back to me very promptly and explained everything in very detailed, also they did not push me to take other procedures that I was not interested in (Grand and BK tried to suggest other procedures that added up the cost to more than $22k). I booked face to face appointment consultation with them and happily waited for the day I met the doctors at those clinics in Korea.
So why did I change my mind ? I was lucky to have some Korean friends coz they went on a semester exchange to my University in Vietnam before. I emailed them and asked for their advice if I should go ahead with those clinics. They told me that those clinics are okay, but I had to do very intensive research about them because some of them are commercialised and not that safe. So I asked them what is the safest place and highly regarded place to have cosmetic surgery in Korea ? All of them answered university hospitals such as Severance hospital of Yonsei university or National university hospital. I googled them and apparently those hospital all have international department and they do take overseas patients. Also, there is no doubt that they are all one of the biggest hospitals in Korea and having leading techniques in cosmetic surgery. If you google them, you will see how big they are, plus lots of other clinics advertised their doctors with the qualifications from Yonsei university or credits from Severance hospital (such as JW or TL etc) so it's common sense to know these places are highly regarded. I felt like going to those hospitals, I dont need to worry about the safety issues.
I booked consultation through their websites (3 places: Severance hospital, Gangnam Severance hospital and Seoul National hospital) and they got back very promptly. Amongst 3 places, Severance hospital has the consultation schedule matches my schedule the most (one day right after I arrived Seoul, the other two I had to wait for one week to have consultation). Therefore, right after the day I arrived Seoul, I came for consultation with the doctor at Severance hospital.

Okay I have to stop now. I will write more about my experience with Severance tomorrow. Now I have to take a rest coz Im too tired from the surgery this afternoon.
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3. Consultation and the surgery day
So the staff at international department made appointment for me to see doctor Yoo (who is senior in facial cosmetic surgery). Doctor Yoo is very nice and explained everything in great details. We decided to have open rhinoplasty because he agreed my case was complicated. Also, doctor Yoo decided to have mid face and paranasal augmentation to fix my sunken mid face. His English is perfect so I had no problem communicating with him. Severance quoted me a very reasonable price 10,000 Usd for all (not including the room fee) so I decided to go ahead with the surgery.
The consultation at the hospital took me the whole day because they were very cautious. They asked me to take CT scan and Xray and doubled check with ENT department (coz I mentioned I had sinusitis before) prior to giving me the final surgery plan. Therefore, I were late and missed all of my appointments with other shortlisted clinics but I didnt mind coz I already settled on having the surgery with Severance when I met doctor Yoo.
After that, I came back the day after for testing. I had a whole bunch of tests (Xray, CT bone scan, blood test, urine test etc) and came home and rested.
I had to stay one night in the hospital before the surgery. During that night, the nurses and doctors kept on checking my condition every 2-4hrs to make sure I was physically okay for the surgery. On the surgery date, nurse woke me up at 8am and started to inject the liquid into my body. Shortly after that, I was taken down to the operation room where there were the whole team of 5 or 6 doctors checking my condition and started giving me anaesthesia (I had general anaesthesia). The surgery lasted for about 2 hours and I woke up in recovery room and then in the general room and was taken back to my room. Since then, every 2 hours nurses came in and checked my condition, giving me pain killer and antibiotic. In the evening Dr. Yoo came in and checked my condition again and explained what happened in the surgery. He said my previous silicone was deviated so he replaced the new one and this time making sure it is stayed in the centre. Then we talked a bit more about the plan for upcoming day. Staying in Severance is very pleasant, because I have nurses and doctors 24hrs by my side that I just need to press the button and they come over. They also come in very frequent (even during the night) to check my condition and always care about how I feel. Meals and medicine are also prepared and taken to room, including all the cleaning. They provided plenty of foods (sesame soup, pumpkin soup, soy milk, pineapple juice etc).

So yeah, today is day 2, I feel much better than yesterday because I didnt have the nausea due to the anaesthesia anymore. I could have liquid diet and walked around the hospital for 30'. I continued to have liquid injection since yesterday. The nurse gave me ice bag to help with swelling. I just met Dr Yoo again, he came in and removed the cotton stuck in my nose, cleaned the wounds and changed the bandage. So far so good. I love how they take everything very cautious here and love the fact that it is Dr Yoo who I had consultation, surgery with also the one taking care of me. I guessed it is one of the biggest hospitals in Korea so I dont need to worry about any safety issues.

:smile: so far so good and I could see my nose has a big improvement even though it is still swollen. Hopefully, everything will go well.
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Definitely should consider a big hospital given all the scandal and accidence at private clinics. If you do go ahead with any of the private clinic, make sure the surgeon is actually qualified and specialised in the field, especially how they will take care of you post op because I found that it is not easy to just go back to the hotel and struggle with the pain by yourself. You definitely need someone like nurse or doctor by your side for the first few days (at least to keep you at peace).
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Do you know if it is standard for the patient to stay in the hospital the night before/after rhinoplasty when undergoing surgery at Severance? Also, can you tell us what the room fee is for an overnight stay? I like the idea of staying at the hospital after surgery just in case there are any complications.

Seems like with the price and care you received at a university hospital they'd be considered the high end of places that perform plastic surgery.
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It is standard that patient needs to be admitted in the hospital one night before the surgery so that the nurses can take care of you pre-op. Depends on the procedures, doctor will indicate how many days u need to stay in the hospital. I had to stay 5 days, 4 nights (including the admission day) for having revision rhinoplasty and paranasal augmentation. Room price also depends: I stayed in single room (for me and my guests, including bathroom, Tv...and nurses and doctors care 24/24) which costed $450/night. Shared room with other pp ranging from $100/night to $250/night. hope that helps :smile:
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thanks for sharing your experience...

i really like the idea of doing the surgery in the hospital, it feels safe and secure however, with big hospital/clinic though dont u think they dont switch doctors during your surgery?
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I have had major and much more dangerous medical surgeries aside from PS and I can say that this is not true (in the USA anyways). All pre-surgery preparation and testing is done on an out-patient basis. There is no reason for them to keep you overnight before the surgery.

Of course you will need to stay in the hospital post surgery until the doctor thinks you are well enough to discharge.
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I dont think so and I hope not :sad:...Dr Yoo obviously, he has so many young doctors under him (those young doctors usually walk with him to check up on patients) but it is still himself does all the job even removing stitches, cleaning my nose ect...Those young doctors help with small things such as shaving nose hair or answering general questions.
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I got all my stitches removed on date 7th and flew back home on date 10th. Now most of my swelling has gone and I could see the shape of my nose...I would mark it 8 out of 10. The nose does look much better compared to before but it is a bit too natural to my liking (I like the tip to be more pointy and I did mention that to Dr Yoo but I guess he is a bit conservative so he did make my tip pointy but not as much as I wanted).
As I mentioned before, I had no complain about their after care service ! It was just great :smile: Dr Yoo asked me to wear the nose splint for one more week and the nostril retainers when I sleep for about 1 more month tho.
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  • 4 years later...
Hi beautiful dream
I know this is an old thread
Congratulations btw on your great result :smile:
I just want to know how was ur experiences till now? Are you still satisfied with the results?
And how about your paranasal implant?
Is it still okay right now?
Did it change your smile or something?
Because im considering to have a paranasal implant too.
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