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My ps journey (p1)

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Hello! I decided I should give my experience back to the community as a way to end 2014.

Now go grab some food/drinks and prepare for a wordy post (I'll try to keep it short but it won't be too short too)

I left my home in August to Korea for Plastic Surgery with only 1 thing in mind - Liposuction, full body liposuction.

Why? Because i have been fat all my life - I inflat/deflat like a balloon and it has been a goal for me to suck out the fats since I was 14yo?

Everyone said it was dangerous, even the doctors - the fact that I am almost 200lbs. There were (X) number of people who told me not to do it and suggested that I should maybe get a Gastric bypass instead. But I still wanted my liposuction to be done. I have been obsess with this sucking out of fats since I was 14 (FYI, i am 23 now) I have been to Thailand and China to ask about it but because I was a minor and because my mom didn't feel safe to sign on the papers, I had to wait till I am of legal age to make my own decision.

So, my trip began in August - 1 way ticket. I didn't know what to do nor which clinic to go. I just held on to all the information I gathered from TPF and went ahead for consultations with clinics after clinics and after clinics which were recommended by the people here.

BK/WONJIN/ID/DREAM/TLPS/THE LINE/APRIL31/GRAND/LIFE ETC. ( I went to at least 30 clinics during my 90 days stay there?)

And of course those clinics consist of the ones that I tagged along with some ladies I met from TPF and friends of friends(korean) recommendation. No harm going for more since I had the time and wanted to know more of the different procedures, right? All the understanding and medical terms I know of right now came from all the consultations I had. I knew nothing before my Korea trip.

I learned so much from all the consultations and seen several kind of service that was provided. Some are really nice and some are just plain disgusting. What I meant by disgusting? Your face/body is not what matters, your money and what you are going to pay is the big deal - this is what disgust me. How do I know? It feels exactly the same as I am when I am doing my grocery shopping in the wet market. Your instinct tells you who truly cares and who are just out to get your business. This is, for me. I don't know about you.

OKAY, TOO WORDY. I will share the clinics I had a pleasant experience with and that I feel safe enough to leave my face/body to the doctors while I ride on unicorns in my sleep. (No point sharing clinics that is not quite up to my standard, isn't it?) and also, the 2 houses I stayed in.

K, anyway................ I went ahead to a few consultations with some clinics which was recommended by the locals as well as some China friends whom I met online. Some of which are what you can't find on the internet (such as google/yahoo)
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OKKKKKKKK, Let me begin.

** Liposuction
** Nose
** Eyes

Nose/eyes were not even in my list before I came because I thought there was nothing wrong with it. But 5/10 doctors said my eyes were sleepy and that I needed ptosis correction and its true that I am always raising my eyebrow if I want to open my eyes widely (I just didn't realize before)

My nose is bulbuos and short but I already have a 'high-but-not-so-high' nose bridge. And ya so I did my eyes/nose/liposuction.

Anyhow, just wanted to say that MOST of the big clinics/hospital I have been to just blindy agree or give little advices of my procedures. (I said MOST, not ALL, don't assume)

CLINICS: (not in order, no favoritism or biasness)


They take picture of you, send you for scans and then tell you whats your problem (i know there are many clinics who does that too) BUT. not only it's free but also, they give you genuine opinions (IMO) and tell you what not to do and what you may wish to prioritize instead of just jumping into unneccessary surgery procedures.

They were one of the first few who pointed out my sleepy eye and that I am using too much of my eyebrow muscle to open my eyes. & that this is not healthy.
Cons/ They are one of the most expensive clincis in Seoul.

// CONS // Price on the higher end and i think for english consultation you need to make appointment. I took the chinese consultation though cos I did not want to wait.

** Price Value: HIGH **


I stay in SG and the consultant is in SG. She is genuinely nice and really sincere. Met her up in SG and had a short consultation.

When I was in Korea, I went to have a consultation with the doctor too (omo. Tall and handsome) and he tells me everything I needed to know about liposuction (since I only asked for liposuction)

Anyway, the consultant had her surgeries done with that doctor (she's quite pretty ok) and my friend who came with me to the consultation in SG did her double eyelid revision with Dr. Choi and her eyes are symmetrical now.

She had parallel lids and now she has semi-tapered lids. I think she looks good now. I mean, what is more important than real life examples and experience right?

For those who are in Sg, Youri (the consultant) takes very well care of you (not like she doesnt do that in korea) But she will make appt for clinic consultation for you to make sure you are recovering well (cool or what?)

There's only 1 doctor in the clinic and honestly, I don't believe that 1 doctor is good in every field.

** Price: Average. **

#3: APRIL 31


Famous in Korea for their rhinoplasty (duh, the doctor (Dr. Jae hoon kim) is the director of rhinoplasty surgery in korea) and he is known to have magic hands. (HARHARHAR - that's what I read) One of the tpf girl i met back in SG had her revision done with him and she is pretty happy with it and i too love her nose~

I had a consultation with them and I like how they try to explain everything to me in English and tell me the risks that are involved if I do liposuction and what to expect after surgeries etc. (I mean, who the hell prepares you for so much when you haven't even confirm to do their surgeries with them? & the thing is that they even give you a head up on what to look out for if you are planning to go to another clinics)

& you know, I feel Dr. Kim (rhinoplasty) is like a fatherly figure cos he look so calm and explain everything in layman term (okay, with the help of the english translator - Brian) and Dr. Park (body) who told me liposuction might not be a good choice for me (They have good reviews and i feel it is not that they are not confident to suck out fats from a hippo)
I have gone up to their clincs so many times because my roommate and a friend had their surgeries there and i've to accompany them for their pre/post check and also to pick them home (I KNOW RIGHT! i'm such a nice girl)

All the doctors there speak English (not perfect but good enough to understand) and not to forget their english translator - BRIAN - is very helpful, caring and maybe cute? (hahaha) He does check on their patients every now and then after surgery to make sure you are doing well.

Text you for reminder and tell you to wear your post opt garment and what to avoid before and after surgery. (Naggy like a grandma)

My room mate had major surgery done (jaw reduction) and rhinoplasty (i heard it was a tough case) and she looks so pretty now! (obviously I can't show you her picture) As of the last time I see her before she left and from her pictures, she look really beautiful.

My friend (still my friend back in sg) had her nose and brow lift done looks really pretty too! She came back looking like a eurasian. (not that she did dramatic changes but she just look different) Oh. My friend doesn't have silicon for her nose bridge but instead had derma fats from her butt injected into her bridge for higher looking bridge and nasal reduction. It's funny because most of the clinics we went to said they couldnt do that nose bridge but Dr. Kim did it. To be fair, some said it is not lasting and doesn't recommend it but still, the decision lies with my friend and she did it because she just didnt like the idea of having a silicon in her nose.

E X P E N S I VE - i think many people (at least those i met) considered A31 but did not go ahead because of the price.

**Price: HIGH**



Dr. Cho is another fatherly figure. I think both Dr. Kim and Dr. Cho look very young. I even asked if they did PS (hahaha) Dr. Kang is abit quiet though (like the serious kind)

I asked for ma' eyes/nose/liposuction and I met all the doctors on my first visit (except Dr. Choi) and they just took me accessed me. They also told me what to expect right after the surgery and the kind of procedures which will be done.

I asked so many many many many questions - some are just plain bimbotic questions (Yes, I realize that only after I asked) and they answered me patiently and at one point he even drew a graph/pictogram to explain to me because it is just too mechanical for someone like me to understand.

The fact that Dr. Kim speaks English is already a BONUS + BONUS + BONUS to me because I can speak and ask everything and he can answer me directly without going through a translator (not that translator are not good but you know....)

The nurses, receptionist and consultants (i met the chinese one and had a chat with her after my consultation with the doctors - what? i love to talk.) are all so welcoming and caring. They acknowledge your presence and make sure you feel comfortable in that clinic.

I was a little weary when I was first introduced to this clinic because I've never come across this in any website but my Korea/china friend assured me that it is a legit clinic and that she had her nose revision and boobs job done there (and after looking at their before pictures and in real person) I decided to just go, no obligation what.

I think, only DR. KIM speaks english so if you need an appointment for english consultation....... you got to email them. If you can speak chinese, great!

** PRICE: Middle**


//PROS// They have great reviews (meh) in CHINA. A china friend I met at the clinic while waiting for my consultation came back to do her nose. Her eyes were done with them and I like her shape :biggrin:

Consultants are straightforward and can be a little smugly (deal with it if you want the truth). To be honest, I met the doctor only for like 15 mins and the rest of the 1 hour is with the consultant. The only positive vibes I've gotten are from the consultants.
The doctor just explain and show me how I might look if I've done my eyes and the maximum height of my eyelid can go etc.... The rest are explained by the consultant.

The consultant can be a little nasty with her words (too harsh) but if you can deal with it, then you get the benefit out of it. Example: (me): What do you think I need to do to my face? (consultant): If you want to be pretty you need to do your whole face. (LOLOLOL)

But 1 thing for sure, they have (x) much of patience. They explain from the relevant to the irrelevant A-Z to you and make sure you understand what you are going to undergo when you leave the clinic - it feels like a pre-opt counselling session.

At the end of the consultation, i felt they were more like friends than consultations (i like this feeling)

// CONS //
NO ENGLISH TRANSLATOR & my friend thinks they are the #hardtruthtobetold and we got a little scared when we first met the consultant cos she haz a very fierce (like discipline master) face. It is not known whether they are popular among locals but they are indeed quite popular in mainland china. Go read in china forum if you wanna know more.

**PRICE: Middle**
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I ended up with Eight PS.

The clinic is not very big, infact, I think its quite small but they are fully equipped (cos i asked and I went around looking at it)
I felt really comfortable with Dr. Kim and Dr. Cho. Like I said, they had alot of patience dealing with ma questions. (This already play a very big part)
What I liked about them is that they tell you the method that is going to be done on me - this gives me an extra assurance that I will be in good hands.
Dr. Kim suggested that my nose should be elongated and to have a sharper tip on my nose as well as nasal reduction.
Dr. Cho suggested that the liposuction should be performed on the bigger surface - abdomen and arms (oh i forgot to tell you my arms are huge)
As for the eyes, I was told to get ptosis correction and this was done with non-incisional method.

Day 1:

I was told to fast up 8 - 12 hours because I had to do liposuction.
Met the doctors for final review before the surgery, take pictures etc... I also had a in house chinese translator (Hera) with me (like i said only Dr. Kim speak english and it is just a blessing that I am a SG chinese)
Hera is very sweet looking and she is also very nice to talk to. I went into the surgery room at about 12PM with her company throughout. HOW I KNOW? because halfway through the surgery, I was asked to wake up and being very paranoid, I keep asking if they could put me back to sleep and she was there comforting and calming me down.
And since I was awake (i was doing rhinoplasty then) cos Dr. Kim was there. I remembered he asked if I am hungry.. (i really dont know if its in my head or did i blab it out saying i wanted to have korean bbq - SO EMBARRASING!)
Right after they eyes/rhino is done, they woke me up again and i remember they poked something (I think anasthesia into my feet or leg, cant remember) and i fell asleep again. I knew before i went into surgery that Liposuction surgery will be the last surgery of the day.
Anyway, I remember I walked to the recovery room myself and checked the time - 6+PM. So the whole surgery took about 6 hours?

No nauseous nor dizzy spells after surgery, I am like a normal person. The first thing I asked for after surgery is A CUP OF WATER.
They rang up my friends and I was asked to stay in the recovery room for 1+ hour till my friend is there to pick me up. (I drank 3 cups of water)
I didn't need to stay in the clinic over night because there is no need to. I went home and had a big bowl of Soup.
I felt no pain at all. I could walk and eat and drink right after surgery.

The worst part? NIGHT.
I can't sleep lying down because of the bandage on my abdomen. But I still caught some sleep while in a sitting position with my neck rest (uncomfortable much)
And there's fluid that just keep flowing out from my abdomen where the stitches are. Apparently, it is very normal and was prepped for it so I did not freak out.
Uploaded a picture of me walking and me in bandages.

Day 2: (post opt day 1)

I went back to the clinic to remove the bandages and also to stitch up the wound at my abdomen.
It felt funny to stand up without the bandages on my stomach - like theres so much water in it and its not filled to the brim, like a water bed.
Stitching up is not painful at all, the tough part was squeezing into that compression garment - i needed help from 2 nurses to squeeze me in.
Then, going to the toilet is another big issue because I have to unbutton below (like swim-wear), to pull up and down is painful - the kind of muscle ache feel.
(Button up takes me 10mins to do it. It ake it as a work out) When nurses told me I can shower but have to dry my wound thereafter... I told her "it's fine.... I am not gonna shower for the next 3 days" (jokingly)

Day 3 My eyes/nose were already deflating (not so swollen) especially my eyes. No one in my apartment building realize I did my eyes, NOBODY if i do not tell them.
Everything went down fast actually. I've uploaded a picture for you guys. I was quite surprised at my own recovery rate too. I must have been a healthy kid (harharhar)
I already showered the lower part of my body because it is such a chore and pain to remove the garment. I went back to the clinic to remove the pack stuffed up my nose and it felt like a relief.
I. CAN. FINALLY. BREATHE. PROPERLY. They also removed the stitches on my lids (Non-incisional). Not painful at all.

Day 5:
I am feeling so gooooooood because all the people who told me I cannot shower are all bull. I showered and washed my hair in the day of DAY 3 - all by myself *feeling proud* - because I couldn't stand it anymore.
And from then, I've been showering every day and washing my hair every night. But because I still have fresh wound on my abdomen i have to keep it dry (i use hair dryer)
I'm recovering really well and swellings are going down fast. BUT.. my stomach and arms are feeling itchy and I cant scratch it because I might rip the stitches off ):

Day 7: (Stitch Removal Day)
Removing stitches from the eyes (epi), nose.
I remember 2 girls I met from TPF who had their eyes done told me that removing stitches from epi hurts like a ***** and I felt it was still bearable.
My friend who did it told me it was painful and asked me to prepare myself and try to scream (?) I didn't even let out a sound.
I was tearing throughout but not because it was painful but because it is sensitive area. The nurses there were really meticulous and they can make really good baby sitter.
Because I was tearing, they thought it was painful and they just kept patting me on my arms and telling me it's going to be over soon - this put me into much comfort.

Day 9: (Stitch Removal P2)
Stitch removal for abdomen and arms (liposuction)
I still feel numb and sore around these area but I was told that it is very normal to feel this way.
Removing the stitches around this 2 areas doesnt hurt at all. If you've done ear piercing, yea, that's how it feels like.
Nurses say I have a slight tear on my wound due to contact with water (guilty as charged) - I showered every freaking day.
Dr. Cho advised that I should start massaging my bruised area for fast recovery ): I couldn't do it myself so my neighbour who met me for meals everyday would do it for me. *OUCH!* (hahaha I've great neighbors)

Cut it short, I am on Post opt 2 months now. People who knew i underwent surgery only notice my pointy and very beautiful nose and it seems that everyone like my new nose.
Nobody realize I've done my eyes though, they thought it's just make up and/or contact lense (I was a little dissapointed but then also glad at the same time) People who knew were like " NATURAL LOOKING! And indeed you do have bigger and awake eyes now!"
Posted a picture to share :smile:

KKKKK, getting too wordy. All the pictures are juggled up but just look through ok? I have tagline there 'before/after and Post Opt day X' to give you a better idea.

I will be going back to Korea in January to finish up the rest of the procedures (liposuction only) and maybe after it is fully done, I will post up a picture of me (no censor) if i turn out really pretty! (harharhahar)

Till then, keep going forward to achieve your beauty goals.
If you need to ask me anything in private, just drop me a reply here I will try to reply asap :smile:
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Thank you ;) I actually don't like to write cos I know I'll end up writing essay and it can be boring. I love to share pictures more but the thing is I am not fully done yet and I don't wanna share things that are half-f***ed.
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Really? I'm going on 14/1 - 13/2. Would you be there?
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You're welcome :smile:
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Hi shinenim...congrats on ur ps. ur eyes looks pretty!
I just open this account cos im goin to korea and looking to go to TLPS...how r they in your opinion?
Im goin this jan 30th.

they told me I need
Facial contour ( maybe 3d zygoma reduction+fat graft+jaw reduction ) ptosis, lip reshaping and if my budget is still okay ill go for breast enlargement.

Thank u
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I'd have been a slim pleasant looking girl if work out could take away all my fats.

To be fair, maybe I didn't do enough work out, maybe I wasn't discipline enough or/and I gave up halfway. Meh, I just got sick of trying to lose weight after trying all the fail-proof but I still failed ways of losing weight for the past 9 years - healthy or unhealthy - I've done it all and not to mention getting angry at myself cos I failed yet again.

I just needed to get started somewhere again. This time I chose liposuction. At least, I started now by doing something and not sit on my fat *** and just complaining about being fat. & I'm working out now trying to be healthy and fit.

So wish me a lot of luck in achieving my standard of beauty (or rather wish that I will be able to fit into the average asian size soon)!

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