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You should read this before coming to Korea

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Hi I'm writing this because I got ripped off when I visited to Korea last month
and this is something you should be careful with before and after coming to Korea
-Hiring translator through websites or this forum
-Guest House

1. Some of people are looking for translator from the websites or talk with someone from this forum. Most of them are pretends to help you but they are actually agencies and your prices will come out more than usual. Also you should know that most of clinics have their own in house translator for consultation & surgery.

2. Try not to stay in guest house because most of them are agencies(work in between you and clinics) It seem they are helping you but clinics will charge you more because they got to give some of money to agency. I know hotel prices are high....So if you are low on budget stay in Guest house but do not tell them why you went to Korea, Which clinics you are trying to visit, or when is your surgery dates. because they will try to contact them and get some money from them and your surgery price will go higher when you tell them clinic you are trying to visit.

3. Do not ever go through agency! unless they do not have your language service...
if it is..you have to go through them but prices will be little bit higher than usual.

also be careful with some of ppl from this forum because some of them are agencies
who tries to help you "as friend" but actually they are agencies.

hope this will give you little bit of help>,<
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also we should avoid posting our pics on here unless you are really ok with it being used. There was recently a website that took purseforum members pictures which they shared for the community, and posts that we made. The website then used the information word for word and even replicated our usernames pretending that we were members on the site. Myself and many others included were amongst those who had our content stolen. The website cosmerience has since been taken down and removed following complaints made. But still be wary guys.
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Good to hear that you already knew this:yahoo:
I guess we got to be more careful, but pretty much this forum is the one of biggest
information center between patients to patients
but hope they read about this since they will notice about these problems that we can avoid them from now on.
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This is why when I did my consultations, I didn't mention PF at all. I said that I didn't have a referral and came based on the show Let Me In or because I heard rumors of celebrity plastic surgery at that clinic.

Also, totally think it's best to consult alone, not in groups with other forumers. There was a case a few months ago when one "forumer" joined legit members on their consultation and tried to earn commission.
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  • 4 weeks later...
If you are on a budget and want to stay at a guest house that's perfectly fine. Only thing to take note of is to never ever tell the staff which clinic you will be having your surgery at. Because upon booking the guest house your personal details are known so its very easy for them to inflate your prices. Without your personal details nothing can be done. Or rather in the case of guest houses, without knowing the clinic you will be having your surgery at, you cannot be taken advantage of
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Oh no.. I even thought of using Seoul touch Up as i will be on my own, I thought it would be safer and also I need someone who can speak and understand Korean.... my Korean is very limited

I'm still in the crawling stage of my ps journey so i guess i got a lot to learn and discover...

I am also worried about where to stay when i am over there for surgery....

Very worried yet I am anticipating what amazing things Korean doc could do to my face
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