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My plastic surgery journey in Korea - Step-by-step

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Hi everyone,
So I just finished up my surgery 2 days ago and wanted share my experience with everyone.
First off: I landed in Korea a bit later due to a plane mechanical malfunction, so when I go to my rental it was close to 9pm. Fortunatly the directions from my airbnb host were great so I did not get lost. I recommend her listing and I will add a link later but the stay house is exactly on the 2nd stop if you take the airport bus. You can't miss it.
Second: Consults at Item, JW, View and The Line (Rhinoplasty, Facial Contour, Fat Graft)
JW: My first consult, unfortunately they did not book me to see the facial contour MD so I would have to come back in three days to see him and then have surgery the same day. Rhinoplasty consult with Dr. Suh was so great I really really wanted him for my revisional rhino but due to the scheduling with the facial count our doctor I just did not have time to wait. Dr. Suh recommended tip lengthening and narrowing the bony base. JW quoted me a very good price of about 10M for rhino, full face fat graft and a mini v-line. JW also has a very good English consultant and great after care treatment. I'm sad I could not go there. :sad: Overall, the clinic seemed very busy and was very beautifully designed.
Item: I was immediately turned off to item when I arrived. The staff all acted a bit snotty and were very plastic looking. My English consultant looked at me and asked when I arrived in Korea. I said I landed yesterday and she said I looked very tired. Hmmm, well in the states when ppl say you look tired it means you look crappy. So I did not appreciate that. I only saw one doctor there and he recommended lengthening my nasal tip and using septal/ear cartilage but said I should not narrow the bones. He also said I am not a candidate for v-line/mini v-line and this could cause sagging of my skin and will not make my face slimmer. Ahg! This was the first I had heard this. Item's price was very inflated because they break down each little thing they will too and charge like 1M KRW for each thing. So Rhino and fat graft was 7.7M and 3.4M total 11.1M. The clinic was busy but everyone there seemed very uptight and the vibe was not friendly.
View and The Line reviews to follow...
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Hi guys,
Sorry for the delay in continuing my story.
The Line: Great exterior and very fancy inside. The seem very well organized and the staff are all very beautiful but not plastic looking like Item. I arrived and the English coordinator came right away and helped me fill out a quick history form. Then we went up to a consult room and I discussed what I wanted with the consultant. She was very nice but insisted that I needed power-V only (a type of liposcution of the neck/jaw area) but I had communicated with her via e-mail a cpl times and now again in person that I was interested in bone reduction. She said I was not a candidate and what I needed was just fat lipo. Anyways, the rhino doc came in and he was a little stiff but polite. He came right in and asked me to sit at an angle from him and started prodding my nose and looking at it from every-which angle. He concluded that I did not really need a bone reduction as my nose was slim enough but he would do a tipplasty, extent the nose out to give a bit more projection and straighten my deviation. The difference was that he wanted to use artificial cartilage (Medpor) to support the tip and also harvest cartilage from the septum or ear. After about a 30min wait (during which the consultant continuously apologized for the wait :smile: the power V MD came in and he quickly said I was not a candidate for power V as the underlying issue was bone structure and if I wanted noticeable results I would need bone reduction. Aha! I knew it :smile: He also agreed on the fat grafting areas except strangely said that I should not get fat on my laugh lines as he has seen lines get worse after? Huh? I've never heard that and all the places love fat as a filler for nasolabial lines. Anyways they wanted to do a CT before the jaw surgeon would see me and I didn't want a 3rd CT so I left. Quote with a small discount:
Rhino (tip, small hump shave, deviation, bone reduction etc) 7.7M KRW
Fat Graft: 3.4M KRW
High quote but she hinted that this was quite negotiable.

View: (My choice)
Located in the same building a Girin and Yonsei Eye Clinic. View is spread out over 3 or 4 floors and is modestly decorated. Not super fancy and the recovery area is also pretty plain.
When I arrived the English consultant came over right away and again helped me fill out the history form (it was in Korean). I was then escorted a consult room and after a bit the 2 head consultants came in along with my English interpreter. The consultants started looking at me and talking about what I needed. They were both so cute and funny and made it very cheery. Next was the CT scan. After this I met with Dr. Yun and although I could tell he was in a hurry and prob super tired (it was almost 7pm) he pulled up my CT scan and started measuring angles and lines. This was the part that sold me. I am all about measuring (literally) my face and trying to get mathematical perfection. Lol. Actually, I do think that their are ideal angles that are beautiful and this combined with my personal aesthetic is what I was hoping to achieve. He agreed that I could get good results with just a tiny tiny bit (4-5cm on each side) of shaving down on my jaw and smoothing the angle just a bit. Then he suggested making my chin angle smaller with a T-osteotomy and sliding genioplasty to give my a narrower front view and more projection on the profile. I loved the plan and he understood that I did not want my mandible angle shaved down as we do love a good jawline in the States. lol.
Next was Dr.Kim. I just need to start by saying that as of this moment I have the most beautiful nose in the world. I am not kidding here. This was my 3rd rhinoplasty so he had the deck stacked against him but I love me results. The consult with him went great. He is constantly smiling and soooo nice. He understood just what I wanted and in the end even fixed a small congenital septal anomaly that my previous surgeon did not even try to fix. My nose was so bad after the 1st rhino that when I went for a follow up my MD asked if I had been punched in the face! Lol.
Final price: 12M KRW for Rhino, Fat graft and Mini V-line?, genioplasty with a little shave? Not sure what you would call it.
Pics to follow. I have decided to post pics to help out others in the same journey. So far I am very happy with my results but am already looking for flights in 3 mo for my fat graft touch-up which is included in the original price. I am sad that I can already see a little bit of volume loss on my temple so I know I will need a touch up for sure.
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Post Op
Day 1: My surgery ended at around midnight and the worst part was my through was sooo dry and irritated from the breathing tube and I could only breath via mouth as my nose was packed. So each breath was tourture for about 4 hours. Imagine that sandpaper is scraping the inside of your throat with each breath. And they refused to give me water until 3hrs after. I highly suggest that you bring lozenges and have them in the room. Mine were in the locker with the rest of my stuff and did me no help there. My swelling is starting to show but somehow I do think I can see a slightly slimmer face than before. My eyes are black n blue and little did I know this was going to be a big issue.

Day 1.5:
I get discharged less than 24 hours after surgery. At around 3pm and go to a hotel just behind View clinic that offers a discount for View clients. Very affordable actually at 90,000KRW before discount and View will refund 45%. At this point my eyes are pretty swollen but I can still see a bit. My face is super swollen and I am constantly draining blood n snot from my nose.Yuck.

Day 2:
This was the worst day! My left eye is swollen shut at super red/purple. My right is is barely open and without my contacts I am blind anyways but now I am literally just able to see vague outlines via one eye. Yikes! My face continues to balloon. Pure liquid/baby food diet.

Day 3:
This was a strict rest day. I was feeling kinda lousy and the swelling is still rising on my face but I am able to open my eyes a bit more. Yaay. Mouth breathing really sucks and it is impossible to sleep for more than a few hours because my mouth gets so dry I have to get up and drink water.

Day 4:
Went to get a cleaning of my wounds, hair wash and a new head wrap. Can eat some soft food now like porridge. I think the swelling has stopped increasing at last. Yaay.

Day 8:
Splint came off today! I noticed that the splint was on my nose a tiny bit crooked so I was not surprised that my swelling had healed in this slanted shape. Dr. Kim came in and massaged my nose and instructed me to do this 3X a day to push the swelling out and heal quicker. He again was so nice and I explained that I was afraid of scar tissue buildup as this had been an issue in the past and I have read that taping the nose for a few weeks after surgery can help minimize this. He quickly whipped out some tape and had no problem with me taping my nose but said that most of his patients don't want to walk around with tape so they don't do it. As we talked he mentioned that some patient take the equivalent of Singulair for prevention of post op capsular contracture and this has also been shown to prevent capsule scar formation in rhinoplasty.
OMG! I love this man. As a health care provider I have read this research and although it is not super evidence based a lot of MD's are starting to use this asthma med for breast aug patients and rhino patients. He even went to the nearest computer and pulled up the research literature between Singulair and the Korean equivalent Rizaben and said the Korean version showed more promise and so he wrote me a prescription. No harm in taking an asthma med (I have asthma anyhow) and if it prevents scar capsule formation great if not then no harm done. Again, the research on this is not 100% proven but still worth a shot IMO.

Dr Yun: 1st time seeing him again and saw him for all of about 4 min. Hah. He again is nice but just seems so busy. He quickly explained what he did and felt around at my jaw but but muscles are so locked down on my jaw and neck and there is so much swelling that there is not much for him to see. I will say that I think he must have looked up my file before I walked in or has a great memory because he immediatly started telling me each thing he did and the amount of cm taken off each side. Love it.

Left Day 8 with a facial and a 15 min laser light anti-swelling treatment (again the research on this is mixed but it does seem to help).

Feeling better.
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Yes the 10M was after discounts. I think it included the tax though.
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Funny story, when I was at ITEM I literally did a double take and even peeked out of my consult room as I was waiting because I could have sworn I saw Dawn Yang go into a room. When I saw this girl again I noticed she was wearing a uniform dress so she worked there but she was a dead ringer for Dawn Yang! If you guys know her she is Singaporean blogger that is super beautiful but got a lot of bad press because she has had a lot of plastic surgery (it's obvious) but denies most of it. The story is that she will only take photos of one side of her face because the L-shape nose implant is crooked on the other side. Not sure if this is true or just a rumor but she does only take pics with her face always at the same angle and she never smiles with teeth. Weird. Still just goes to show that the girls at ITEM look kinda fake if I mistook one for a girl that is known for her plastic-y looking face. :amuse:
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Ok guys,
I can't even get over my nose right now. It is soooo adorable!
I can already see that it is pointy and straight just like I wanted. I asked for something like the "barbie nose" at The Line. Not quite so small but that general angle and since I have a bulbous tip that has failed correction 2X already I asked for Dr.Kim to make it as pointy n sharp as possible with my skin/nose type. It 10 days out and even with the swelling I can tell it is going to be great. I love it even now but knowing that it is going to shrink is awesome!
Yup just sitting around checking out my nose n trying not to smile so as to avoid ruining my fat graft. Lol.

Sorry i'm gushing like a school girl but this is my 3rd rhino and I have never had such amazing results. Oh and the scar literally looks like someone took a light pink pen and drew a tiny line under my nose. My skin is perfectly sewn and the scar is so flat it does look like a drawing. ahhh I hope this means my rhino journey is over at last. :happydance:

Jaw/Chin Update: Swelling is going down by the hour it seems. Yaay. I'm drinking tons of water and I made the mistake of buying a ramen packet for lunch a few days ago n price. Sodium makes you bloated n I noticed the next day that my face was not happy. So I'm taking in lots of H20 to flush it out plus NO RAMEN. Hah.
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Thank you for sharing! It brought a smile to my face to read that you love your results so much.

About consulting at the Line - how did you book your appointment? and did you need to pay a consultation fee?
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Oh I almost forgot about the Fat Graft.
Fat Graft Update:
Honestly I was the most upset with my fat graft incision areas mostly because they did not explain where exactly the incision would be. I have 1 little cut on each butt right in the middle of each cheek. I was not expecting this but apparently they go in there and then go down to the back of the thigh n get the fat. I was sad I would have scars but so far so good. Pun. Hah.
I will say that I did get sharp pains in the lipo areas for a few days if I tried to move around to much or sat the wrong way. Now 10 days out no pain at all. I never really got any bruising on the area either.
Results on my face are just phenomenal. I want to get fat grafts forever! Hah! I had my forehead, eye bags, laugh lines, cheeks and temples done and love the results but can already see that one temple is shrinking so I def need that touchup. ;)
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I booked online via their email:
The Line Clinic CS <[email protected]>

None of the clinics charge a consult fee and I was also never charged for CT scans. I've heard some clinics charge a small fee but it never came up.
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Thanks for posting your experiences!
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thank you so much for sharing these precious info with us.
I am actually planning on doing the exact same surgeries than you and also will be visiting clinics like Line, View, Regen and Cinderella.
I totally understand how important it is to find a specialist for your 3rd rhinoplasty revision. May I ask you what weren't you happy about your previous nose?
Would love to see your pictures. You make me want to come and do the surgery @ View clinic Now ;) !!!!
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