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Which Plastic Surgery Clinic is Better? JK or Banobagi?

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Thank you for responding @trini707!! I visited your blogspot and read through your progress hehe :smile: Your results are amazing and natural! The only reason I considered fillers over genioplasty is because for both jaw reduction + genioplasty Banobagi quoted me 12mil KRW. For jaw reduction alone it was 7.7mil KRW. It seems a lot higher compared to what others on this forum paid. I was hoping to go in August/September this year but I need save up more.
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I'm planning to get a double eyelid surgery at Banobagi with docfinder in june which is the only time i have before going off to uni. Do you think its any good? This is like the most life changing choice im making and ive wanted this for so long im afraid if it didnt went tell :')
Or do you have any other recommendations / places i should not go?
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hi there I'm male 23 y o , I'm from Indonesia . I plan to have ptosis corrections surgery double eyelid . I heard banobagi is good for foreigner . I don't know since my family are all busy, If only eyes procedure can I go alone , or shoud somebody company me?
which one is cheaper through doc finder or arrange it all by myself ?

please any suggest and recommendation it would be nice. thx
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Hi priangga! I m indo too btw:smile: im gg to korea this april and will do consultation with banobagi as well.. when r u planning to do ur surgery?
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Ahhh .. i see .. i have an email , can we talk via email or maybe i u willin via LINE
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To be honest i dont have plan to go there immediatly .I knew for this and alot of stuff need to be prepare. If u dont mind can we share ,r u goin to use docfinder or maybe seoultouch up ?
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U can pm me ur line id, i'll add u
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I heard seoultouh up needs to pay service and it's not cheap. I was using docfinderkorea which their service is totally free of charge. I am planning to go banobagi this year with docfinderkorea again. If you have any questions, you could share and ask me in here also:smile:
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I wouldnt recommend JK or the docfinder
1. JK Their marketings are great and spend good enough of money to provide all those awards but the fact is they are not that great with the results
I do understand their facilities are amazing, nice, but about the results,,,,ehy..
2. Docfinder I'm not saying anything bad about them but If i were you I will not go with agencies unless they have some special language services that you need such as thai, burmese, etc.,
best way is go byurself
because most of clinics have their own language translator so there will be no language barrier with yall
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I had rhinoplasty done at JK about a week and a half ago. They offered me one night stay free in their hotel in the same building. I had to pay for the congee I ate after surgery but breakfast was free. My doctor was Dr Kim and I had no major issues. He did not push me into any other surgeries. It was actually docfinder who kept insisting I have my vline and zygomatic reduction done even when I was not comfortable to go ahead with it. Dr Kim also said I didn't need it. Everyone at JK was professional and friendly. They had an English translator which was more useful in getting me around within the surgery centre than the representative from docfinder...

The night after surgery I had a lot of swelling around my eyes which barely allowed me to open them and the guazes that was in my nose gave me really bad migraines. The swelling slowly went away after the guazes were taken out on day 2. The swelling is suppose to be worse on the third day but mine went slowly down after the 2nd day. Everyone's body reacts differently to surgery. My stitches and cast were taken out on day 7. I was still a little swollen underneath the cast. I'm still a little swollen now but that's normal for rhinoplasty. After the removal they used red light to help deswelling and cell regeneration, they took some photos and gave me a lovely facial to help clean out my pores! I was treated very well.

I was a client of docfinder but honestly they didn't do much except assisted me in getting there, picking up my medicine and going back to my guesthouse. They just waited in the lobby during my appointments and when I'm with them they are always on their phones. They are also so busy that I had a different person with me every time. It's good to go with them for their "free" services such as as them paying for your medicine, providing you with a big box of pumpkin juice worth about $40,000krw (from JK Surgery). Also with docfinder youll save money on a taxi as they offer free airport pickup and return. My flight was actually delayed by an hour and the driver who was arranged to pick me up gave up and I was left at the airport at 1am. Luckily a docfinder representative did eventually reply to me but couldn't arrange for another driver to come so I had to pay for a taxi. They did refund me the cost. A one way ride from Incheon airport to Gangnam costs around $90,000krw.

Anyways I chose JK because of their safety rate and while foreigners do come to get surgery done there so do the locals. You wouldn't see them advertising at bus stops or random billboards around the gangnam area. I wanted to avoid overly advertised and "cheaper" clinics. I did have banobagi in mind but since they do surgeries for a lot of youtubers for free it's a clinic that's more busy as their marketing ploy works which brings them in many people. I haven't been to banobagi but from what I see on YouTube they are good so it's best to hear someone's experience that isn't a youtuber. For one thing with docfinder, I did notice they treat bloggers and youtubers much better than what they treated me.
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I want to give my review regarding my chin implant experience today. I went to 3 different clinics : banobagi,regen and namu. First lemme tell u, this is my 2nd acc with PF bcos just forgot the email amd password..lost my phone hours bfore my flight to seoul..
So hetr goes :
1. Banobagi
Set my eyes and heart with this clinic since day 1. I requested many times with dr oh amd they agreed.. But on the day , they switched it with dr park.
Dr park was very detailed and He spoke a very good english, i was accompanied with devon who spoke great english and she was nice too btw. Unfortunately dr park wanted to put screws in my chin for implant (in which according to my research was unnecessary) . Pricewise, expected fr banobagi, 3.4mil. I like that the doc was detailed and open for my questions. The people werent friendly or rude however i got their commercial vibe. I also like that they did ct scan and xray before my consultation.

My korean friend said this clinic for popular among her friends. So i went anyway.. Once i went in the consultant right away told me i need chin implant (she saw it immediately which i like). Then she gave me bfore amd after photo of similiar cases , and i liked what i saw. It was natural (which i wanted) and straight forward. I talked about what i liked and didnt, she listened carefully. I really loved that she at least showed that she cared (about me or business that i would be bringing hahaha). Dr kirk then came in, he was kinda young and didnt talk alot myb bcos he didnt speak english well. They didnt do xray for.me but i read from realself, you actually didnt need xray for chin implant so I was ok with it.
Dr kirk told me i need 5mm to 7mm implant (so exactly wad dr park from banobagi told me), immediately i was rest assured that he was a capable doctor.
I was given local price and they told.me i could do revision for free if i didnt like the result. They also claimed over 10 or 11 years(i forgot) there had been no accident in their clinic. I saw all locals there and the clinic wasnt that busy but i always saw people coming in and out.

Looked for dr oh myong june, big hospital with out dated interior between the 2 clinics i have visited. I can tell that dr oh was a capable and experienced doc . He was confident and all but to me, his style didnt meet my needs. He wanted me to do mini v and chin implant and his opinions were way different From the two docs i have visited. I believe dr oh liked a small face with dolly eyes which didnt suit me. The implant price was more or less the same with banobagi.

So in the end i chose namu, although the doc wasnt talked so much and just smile to me,but i understood him. I liked the before after photos too. The consultant was able to deliver my wants to the doc. I had the surgery this afternoon, it was nerve wrecking to me. For the result i will post again after.

Any questions kindly ask away, but before i would like to say thanks to this forum for all the info for the past 3years! Thanks
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  • 4 weeks later...
I was one of the patient from docfinder too. I've read your comment here and I felt a bit different from you. During the time I was having consultation,they didn't push me to do any surgery only with recommendations. I think maybe there's misunderstanding:sad:((( And I like their service a lot, so I am going to use Docfinder again the next time I go korea. I hope you also will appreciate their efforts as actually the services is free of charge hahahaaa.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hey Guys, I already decide go to Korea in this month, I'm new here and I have a lot of questions, May I ask you some questions?
1. Which Hospital/Clinics is better to do double eyelid surgery. Why? (introduce some Hospital to me please)
2. What an average or normal price for double eyelid surgery in Korea?
3. Anyone knows how can you to avoid clinics to scam me?
4. If you are Korean you will cheaper than foreigner to surgery? I will get low prices if I come with my Korean friend?
5. June is peak month?
Thank you very much!
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I recommend you to go to 'Romian' which is located at the exit 11 of Gangnam station in Seoul, Korea. He is the best doctor I have ever met, and I am very serious. My dearest friend got surgery on her nose and eyes there and it came out great. I would not say any plastic surgery can satisfy you 100%, but you will be satisfied there. After my friend got her surgery on her nose and eyes by doctor at Romian, I went to get my eyes done again which I had mine 7 years ago. I appreciate him so much so that I am leaving this reply post to you. I am not the person who leave reviews on the internet or anywhere, but I strongly recommend 'Romian' clinic if you are looking for a clinic where has doctors who sincerely care about your surgery as much as you do. It is safe there because they have their own anesthesiologist. My mother even complimented the doctor's talent and details he cares about.
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