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Which Plastic Surgery Clinic is Better? JK or Banobagi?

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Hi @Jexxi Suen , do you happen to know anyone who did eye surgery at JK? The pics on the site looks good but they don’t seem to have many ppl going there. Any info. you can provide would be much appreciated. Thanks

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Could you PM me, please? Or Kakao (EurasianBeauty or TaiTaiButterfly). I have some questions about JK. Thank you!

P.S. To those who say JK doesn't have great results: they have a YouTube channel that shows before, during and afters with interviews with the patients. They also do work on a Korean plastic surgery show, "Beautiful You". Anti-Aging is incredibly hard and they do flawless work. They do more foreign and older patients than most clinics in Seoul. They are on my shortlist for nose and eyes.
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Agree. Those testimonies are straight from interviews with patients who look amazing so u can’t say results are photoshopped. Fantastic changes to Asians and Westerners. Of course it helps that some lose weight in the after by the time they do the ‘after’ pics and they also have stylist do their hair and makeup but that’s standard procedure. You would style yourself too.
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I found both JK and GNG on YouTube. What I liked about both were that they showed they did the work. With JK they talk to the patient and asked them what they wanted done before, what they didn't like that they wanted to change and then how they felt after the surgery was done. They also show their aftercare. You can't photoshop that.

Another thing I failed to mention about JK was the fact that they have done African American patients. I am half Black, so it's nice to know that they have experience with that and do a good job.
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Hi everyone,

I just joine the forum. I would like to ask for your advice as I am planning to have rhinoplasty on first week of May. I am choosing between ID and JW. Are these two good choices for a nose job? I am also wondering if silicone is the best choice for the implant since they answered me that they will use for my bridge. Hope you could give me some advice.
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The general consensus on the forum is that most people would avoid ID Hospital lol.
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Do you want all of these procedures to be done at one clinic/hospital?
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Thank you Vanalore. I am also one of the people looking at DFK because I will be travelling alone. Thank you for letting me know. At least I have an idea. Although I have a consultation schedule here in the states next week, I am still having the dilemma to fly and have the surgery in Korea on May or stay here in the states because the price for JW is $7500 for my nose while Banobagi, ID hospital, Cinderella and GNG is $1000 cheaper pretty much. That means if I will have the surgery here then it will pretty much probably cost the same because of the food and hotel cost while I stay in Korea. Does anybody know if JW is a good one for rhinoplasty? I am also wondering about the return rate for rhinoplasty if I will get a silicone implant. Thanks in advance.
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I hear Dr. Suh from JW is good. But it depends on what you’re looking to change. I think you can look up some reviews on him that I’ve seen a few bloggers have posted. There’s some videos on YouTube. Good luck. ^^
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im also from the GTA area.. did you end up getting PS last year? im currently doing research on double eyelid surgery
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