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100% autologous plastic surgery

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hey guys

I had my rhinoplasty with my rib taken out which sounds really weird and scary but I'm doing fine. Anyway I opened up this thread for members to talk about autologous plastic surgery of really any sorts. It could be about risks, clinics, doctors, updates and the procedures>>just about anything to do that will help out!
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post op day 20 (i think) for rhinoplasty & day 15 for lip reduction

Last night I felt my lips tingle and when I looked in the mirror this morning noticed that my bottom lip doesn't protrude out so much (maybe it's just me). If i have my face down my bottom lip would cover most of the area between my chin and lips but it doesn't seem to do that so much anymore.

I've been eating pretty badly to be honest-mainly chips and fried chicken with my vitamin c pills & other multi-vitamins but I usually get my veggies at night but I THINK my swelling is decreasing or it could be me getting used to my nose. Even taking off the tape, my nose tip doesn't look so big although because of my columella it does look a bit droopy. actually I've been looking at pre-op selfies and have been wondering maybe all i needed was to define my tip and some alarplasty because even though I love my new nose its a bit hard to get used to it...
also the bad thing about the recovery so far is that everytime I hiccup or sneeze it hurts because of the sudden contractions. pain lasts for about 10 seconds though
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You used your own rib cartilage??? Wow.. I heard that the donated ones are pretty fine too that must been a tough decision eh.. Sorry to be stupid but did it hurt? May I ask the additional cost for rib removal??
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Hi pianoel

All my other diary entries for my plastic surgery experience were written in the "plastic surgery for asian guys" thread. I mentioned that it did hurt pretty bad right after the surgery, I had to walk so slow but about 2 or 3 hours later I was able to walk around my hotel room and make food and stuff but obviously reaching and bending down did cause some discomfort--not that bad though and bearable.
The reason I didn't used donated rib was because of the resorption rate is pretty high and having someone else's rib in my face put me off (the fact that I have my own rib on my face is weird enough for me).
The price for rib graft including all anesthesia and post-op medication and everything else was 200,000ntd which is a lot cheaper than the US and Australia but I think I could of gotten it cheaper because my lip reduction surgeon said I paid WAY too much and usually rhinoplasty in Taiwan only costs around 65,000-100,000ntd. If I had known this I might have tried to bargain....
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post op rhinoplasty day 20

quick update about blockage in my nose. nose was getting really stuffed and I was a bit worried that maybe a nasal passage may have collapse so i digged around with a ear cleaner and it was REALLY googey inside so I started scarping and blowing my nose until I could see the snot in the mirror and pulled it out with tweezers. the snot is attached to all the other snot at the back of my nose so it felt so good to pull it all out at once.
So I think breathing should be no problem by after 2 weeks to a month after rhinoplasty. just need some saline spray or other stuff to clean out the crust and mucus from the nose.
breathing is great now. before i had to make an effort and usually breathed through my mouth but now I think I can sleep better tonight
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Hi Kris! Can u tell me more about lip reduction? Where did you do it and cost? What is the downtime and hows the surgery like?

Theres so little info about lip reduction but too much about lip fillers! haha.

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hi tia

I also had a really had time finding forums and anecdotes from other people who had lip reduction so I hope I can help you out.

I did it in Kaohsiung because that was where I had my rhinoplasty. Right now I don't see a satisfactory difference in my lip reduction but I'm only about 2 weeks post op. Though if my lip stays the same I won't be too surprised because my lip reduction surgery was kind of a spur a moment thing since I thought "I'm gonna get my nose done so I may as well do my lips". Lip reduction seemed to me to be a really minor kind of surgery that's why I chose to do it without too much research.
My doctor was Dr. Tang from beauty-tang clinic. I won't say about my results now but I'll show photos in 2 months to show if there is any difference...
It cost me 22,000ntd which is about 900Aud or 700USD. This was just for the bottom lip though.

You can read all about my experiences on lip reduction on the thread "plastic surgery for asian guys" on purse forum. but it was pretty scary at first because you're awake the whole time but honestly after a few minutes of my doctor "lasering" my lips it was fine and I actually got bored because the stitching was about 35 minutes and it was just him going in out with a needle... so don't be scared because there ain't no pain!
I was expecting my lips to look smaller right after the surgery because that is usually what happens but my lip looked HUGE! :faint::faint:they are fine now though.
Down time is about a week. I couldn't eat anything except liquids and even after liquids I had to thoroughly clean my mouth and lips with mouth wash and ointment. My breath got pretty bad because I couldn't brush my teeth for a week (I couldn;t brush the upper part of my teeth because of my rhinoplasty too). You pretty much have to drink with a spoon because my bottom lip was numb and when I tried to drink anything it drizzled everywhere. Straws don't work too.
I had to put ice packs for the first few days and then a hot pack for another few days.

The scar can't be seen unless I push the bottom lip to pull out the inner mucosa of the lip. The scar is lighter than the rest of the lip and it's indented abit but because the surrounding area is red is hides pretty well. Honestly the only way to notice it is if someone is analyzing your mouth really closely or if that person is your dentist.
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Approx 1 month post op rhinoplasty

I think my nose has defiantly gotten smaller(the tapes are working I think) but from the side view the tip does look a little bit long. I emailed my doc and he said he expects it to get smaller by another 10-15%. So I told him I'll give him an update in 6 months. Today I felt comfortable enough to go outside and went to do some shopping for dinner. I was really self concious but no one looked at me funny at the check out so maybe I can put myself to ease and not worry so much about going back to school. Walking is fine now and I don't get weird feelings in my nose when I walk.
Sneezing though my mouth does not make my rib hurt anymore BUT hiccuping still causes an uncomfortable tense feeling in my rib area but now the pain doesn't linger on and dissipates immediately unlike a few days ago where the pain stayed for 5-10 seconds.
I've been eating good amount of protein and:
.1000mg of vitamin c with zinc
. Mens multi vitamin
. Vitamin d and calcium pills
. Fish oil
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3 weeks post op lip reduction

I keep changing my mind as to whether my lip is getting smaller or not. It honestly looks exactly the same now... However my lip does have a tight feeling to it especially when I smile or stretch my mouth. I've read in a few forums that it takes 3 months to seek he actual result. Some say even a year (what? Is this real?)

Anyway I've been getting the post plastic surgery depression because I feel a bit sad that I needed plastic surgery to change myself And I've started to become more self obsessed with my looks and other parts of my face that I don't like...I hope this isn't the beginning of plastic surgery addiction
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oh god sounds like me. After my first surgery I was like noticing more and more "flaws". Anyways I'm sure ure lips will turn out nice. superficial swelling lasts for 2-3 weeks and then residual swelling takes round 6 months to dissipate. Be patient and hope u like ure results x
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hi thanks for the comment. I feel better now and not so guilty about wanting more work done on my face.
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here some pics at one month post-op.

so as you can see the nose tip is a lot longer than my bridge which makes me look a bit like an elf but doc said wait for the continual 10-15% reduction.

Also has anyone got any clue about eyebrow implants? I want to add more volume to that area. I know they take some hair from the back of your head but does this mean my new eyebrows will grow like regular head hair?
My eyes are a bit saggy from the fat on my eyelids and just want to make a crease to give the impression of longer eyelashes and just a bit more "open". I think I have to too much white area and not enough iris room:confused1:
I've heard that upper jaw surgery can make mid face less flat but as you can see in the pics my mid area is pretty hollow and I don't think jaw surgery alone will fix it. Do you guys think fat graft would suffice?

anyone got any tips & wisdom please?
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There are a few clinics, what you are looking for is FUE transplant. If they take hair from your head then yes, it will grow like head hair so better get body hair (like beard or the nape hair). It is a minor procedure and does not produce any scars, but the hair will disappear after 2-3 months for a few months then you need around a year to grow in.

Can't recommend any clinics tho.
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Thanks for the reply
Do you know if the new hair will grow back to be just like the implant or will it be more sparse than the hair that fell out? If so, does the doc over compensate during the procedure because I see men with really bushy eyebrows right after the procedure...
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