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100% autologous plastic surgery

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The new hairs will grow the same as it was before and where it was taken. However, it depends on the survival rates of each graft (which would depend on the skill of the surgeon and method of planting) as well as density per square cm.

The transplanted hair will look thick at first as not all the hair will survive (it will thin down by around 10% or so which depends) so that doc would over compensate but they will fall off in a few weeks and you will look like you never had a transplant. Then it will get into a rest phase for several months before growing back. The hair will achieve it's full growth by around a year - 1.5 year.

Hope this helps. :smile:
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thanks so much. could you provide any extra links for me for info?
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Count me in on the eyebrow transplant search. I really need some more brows, makeup and such just doesn't do it. Once I wash it off, I look like an alien lol

I looked around before and asked for a ballpark $2k-3k USD per brow.

Btw Krisvonoz, my bridge ( from what i could see under my splint ) looks just as high as yours. And tip from the side. Front view completly different. I just need to relax and wait it out. Thanks for replying to my post :smile:
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cheers for sharing! I have to say this forums is so much more supportive than the male pattern baldness forums I've been on. So many trolls being feral. Kris the surgeons said hair implanted will grow as it did from its original transplant location. They use the strand by strand method. This would mean you have to trim it from time to time. Oddly I have come across articles for body hair transplant to the head which claim the hair grows differently in the new transplanted area because of the nutrients. I do not know how true this is but it would be nice for increasing volume if it were.
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  • 2 weeks later...
time for an update

It hasn't been two months yet since my primary rhinoplasty but I've noticed some differences in my nose and am pretty pleased with the healing process.

Here is what has changed:

.breathing is very good but once in awhile I will need some tweezers to pull out some boogers

. I started to work again after about 5 weeks post op. I work as a cashier at an Asian fast food place which requires me to bend down and stretch for things a lot, especially when I'm packing drinks in the fridge. There is no pain at all now whether I sneeze, cough, hiccup, whatever. However, if I stretch too far (think of stretching for something all the way back at the fridge) then there is some tension.

.the muscles around my face don't seem to pull on my nose anymore. what I mean is when I smile I can't feel on the insides of my nose being stretched. However I still have some trouble trying to pull my upper lip down when I'm shaving. There is some tightness. I think this is due to the columella strut. But week by week I seem to be able to pull my upper lip further away from my nose.

.If I sleep on the side where my rib was cut it does seem to ache a bit when I wake up but I'll update on that later

these were taken at week 5-6 weeks post op. The tip is still swollen but you can defiantly see the shape and I love how defined it is now, especially in natural lighting ( I was in the car)
From the side view the nose doesn't stick out as much as much and is looking more natural (albeit a tince bit droopy because of my alars and the bump caused by the swelling)
Here is a pic in comparison. It was taken 3-4 weeks post op.

I think my healing and de-swelling is going well and quickly subsiding. Although I don't want to jynx it. fingers crossed.
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Wow. Congrats Krisvonoz. Your nose looks nice. I had a rhinoplasty using rib cartilage last year. I'm very unhappy with my results. But my main reason joining this thread is to ask if any of you had a remaining peice of rib cartilage put back into your chest? The doctor I went to in Korea placed a remaining part in my chest. It feels as if its the size of a thumb. It's poking outward and feels really uncomfortable. Its not painful, as the edges do not feel sharp, but it's really uncomfortable. I just had a breast augmentation 2 weeks ago which may have caused more weight pushing down, so now the peice of rib cartilage is even more umcomfortable. I'm not sure if it's safe to be in there or if it needs to be removed. I'm scared if it's sticking out, because it's not anchored correctly inside, that it will keep rubbing against the muscle or tissues and cause severe damage. Any advice or similar experience? Thanks!
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Hi Moody

Did you get your nose done at VIP?
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Hi Sunshine

I've never heard of doctors putting rib back in but I'm no expert. But from what you are saying a thumb is HUGE, are you sure it's that big because it sounds really freakish. But for a doctor to take so much out that it needs to be placed back in sounds like something from an experienced doc would do....

this is my scar from worms eye view because I can't see any bump unless I look at it from this or touch it. It is very minor. In fact I think the other side of my rib is the same so there really is no difference.

you are really going to need to research this or e-mail your doctor because I honestly don't know but you can try asking my doctor. He answers his e-mails personally so you won't be sidelined by a receptionist lady...

may I ask if you had your rib rhinoplasty done at VIP and how long has it been since your post-op? I see that many forummers are displeased by how big their nose has become after getting their work done at VIP but my nose was also huge after the first month and from there its getting smaller and more defined so if you just had it maybe it's the swelling. Actually I originally planned on doing it at VIP but I noticed that on naver.com and on korean forums that he is pretty much never mentioned. nor could I find any articles on the doctor on the web...I got a bad vibe from his clinic by just watching some of his videos on youtube. It was really idiotic and I didn't want an idiot to operate on me....
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i did some digging and noticed you did it with dr. jung. funny, because I had considered him but I heard so many horror stories from that guy and his mysterious "director" Jay and even though he was much cheaper I respected myself enough not to choose him. looking at all the current posts about rhinoplasty makes me look back at when I first started researching rhinoplasty. It went from just any random silicone to complex research that lead me to weigh my options and trust to do rib and find a respected doctor. From big clinics like BK and ID to specialists like Dr. Jung to VIP to Dr Kao Hsiang to finally my doctor, Ryan Hsu. This happened in a span of two years I think...
Why did you choose Dr. Jung?
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hey there krisvonoz! i have also been researching on lip procedures for a long time but information seems to be limited when it comes to lip reduction.. so a big thank you for sharing! all the best for your recovery! looking forward to more updates on your lip reduction surgery hehe (^_^)
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there are some other forums out there. just that purse forum doesn't have many posts about lip reduction
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  • 8 months later...
I just wanted to add that you should consider Korean 3D eyebrow embroidery instead of eyebrow transplants. The effect can look very natural (lasts for 1 year or more) and there is no need to worry about loss of hair in the donor site (which may be a problem if you start balding in your later years) and having to trim your eyebrows (given that the transplanted hair will look and behave like the hair on your head, i.e., they will look thicker and straighter and grow faster than normal eyebrows).
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi !
Where did u do ur nose? Look perfect to me :smile:)
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