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Double eyelid surgery for mismatched eyes

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Before I had double eyelid surgery done back in December, my eyes were pretty uneven. My left eye was smaller but higher up than my right eye with the corner raised slightly higher.

Overall I'm really happy with my results--I had no incisional ptosis correction done with epi and my right eye fold was made a little higher so the height of my eye looks more even. But when I asked the doctor about possibly doing lateral canthoplasty in just one eye, he said no.

Does anyone have experience with uneven eyes? Overall I'm very pleased with my results but I still have more swelling in my right eye so sometimes you can tell it's still uneven.

I've heard people do double eyelid in just one eye--one of my old roommates actually did that--but is there anyone with uneven width, like me?
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I don't, but if you're happy with your results, I would suggest you to stay put with surgeries. Be careful with more surgeries because revision surgeries cost more and there's always the chance of a failure. Be happy with your results if they are good.
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We seem to have similar issues before surgery. I had non-incision in January. Pre-surgery my left eye was bigger than right eye and the surgeon also made my right crease slightly higher to balance the eyes, sadly this makes the swelling also more noticeable, especially in the mornings.

I think the only way the surgeon may balance your eye by lateral is to make the cut on your left eye bigger than the right. I remember somewhere that some surgeons don't operate on one eye due to asymmetry and swelling while operating. But I'm sure there are many surgeons that can still do single eye if you really want. I know how you feel cause I also want a revision too knowing that its higher risk + more expensive (ptosis for me) but I think should still give it another month or two for any remaining swelling to disappear before giving your eyes a final judgement.
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I don't think I want to do everything all over again. But every morning I wake up and my eyes are swollen. It usually takes a few hours for the swelling to come down so my uneven eyes looks even more mismatched.

I think it's still too early for either of us to even think about revisions... Overall are you happy with your eyes? I did nonincisional ptosis correction as well so my eyes look super alert. Hahaha

@akurairain--oh heeeeellll no I'm not risking revision. I'm really happy with the way my eyes look at nights, but yeah. The mornings, I look like I have one giant eye and one small one. And since I don't know how to do my eye makeup with double eyelids, I can't even use make up to even it out.
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I'm happy with my eyes at night when the swellings down with some makeup, I guess I want ptosis because my eyes still look slightly droopy and I don't have the wide alert look like you, which I wanted originally haha. But yes you're right, its too early to think about revision. I also changed my eye makeup routine too, but still not used to the eye shape so my makeup looks like a beginner lol
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Omg I'm exactly the same! None of my old eyeliner drawing techniques work...
My roommate said that I look way better in the evening. Sincere the mornings my eyes are still very swollen.

But actually, looking at my eyes now, at 11pm, I'm so pleased with my eyes. I think dr. Hwang did an amazing job making my eyes look even. Unless you look at me straight on and suuuuper closely, you can't tell that one eye is smaller than the other.

Also, since the tops of my eyes are aligned, I guess all I really need to do is line my lower lash line a little thicker if I want my eyes to look perfectly even.

Then again, I don't feel like I have to do makeup on my eyes to look cute anymore. I just do my foundation stuff and brows. Later, I plan to curl my lashes and do a little bit of mascara. In the states, the no-makeup makeup look is all the rage so, it's okay that I suck at doing my eyeliner. No eyeliner is perfectly trendy.

Hey, wanna trade photos? Pm me your kakao :smile:
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Haha totally agree about the no makeup makeup :biggrin: And yes i'd like to exchange photos too, I pm'd you my kakao id :smile:
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi just chanced upon this thread and I have the same 'swollen in the mornings, better in the evenings' thing going on for close to 2 months. I did my non-incisional ptosis in January. The change throughout the day is quite drastic, maybe also because my crease is kind of high and so it involves more eyelid flesh. Just wondering how long it takes for the eyelids to 'stabilise' or is it gonna be a cycle that will keep repeating itself everyday?! If anyone had experienced this before, it will be great to hear from you!
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Hey, I've been told by others who did both non-incision and incision that it takes several months before your eye is considered fully healed, plus depends on your crease size also it will expose more skin resulting in a more "swollen" appearance (similar to me). How many mm is your crease height? since you mentioned your crease is kind of high. I believe it'll take at least 3 months for non incision to look completely natural in the mornings. My previous roommate got incision method and it took her close to 9 months before she completely lost her "sausage eye" effect in the mornings.
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Hey thanks for the information. My crease is about 8mm when closed. Is this considered high? I guess the swollen look appears more obvious because my eyes are generally small. It looks like 2 sausages on top of the eyes ha.. In the mornings sometimes it could be 4-5mm when eyes are opened and by evening it drop by half. Looking forward to waking up with natural lids in time to come!
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That is considered high but my surgeon told me a lot of people go in to ask for high creases anyways cause they want the large eye effect. Mine is close to yours, 7mm so maybe that's why we're experiencing the same issue where the swelling looks more emphasized
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Wow you guys opt for high creases, cause I read somewhere medium crease is between 2-3mm for Asian facial features and above that is high. but I guess everyone's eye shapes are different so result will be different?
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Yeah now with the swelling gone my crease is maintaining at 2mm. but this is still too high for me because i wanted a thin and subtle crease. Shall see how it turns out after 6 months..
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