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Eye Bag Fat Removal Surgery

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Hi there! I'm going to Seoul for two weeks in May this year.

I'm going for vacation, but I'm interested in doing one or more cosmetic/plastic surgeries:
  1. Eye Bag Fat Removal
  2. Rhinoplasty
  3. Whitening injection(s)

I've contacted several clinics: BK, Grand, JK, VIPPS, Line and Item. They have different reputations, prices and advice. It's hard to decide which one is good, and which one is not. However, I'm glad I found this forum to hear other people's experiences, research results and what not.

Does any one have experience with one of the mentioned surgeries/procedures? I'd like to know which clinics are good, how much the average price is, how many days/weeks you'll have bruises/bandage and so on.

Like I said, I'm going to Seoul for two weeks. Is it smart to get the surgery done in the first week or in the second week? Like, I'd like to go sightseeing, but I don't want to walk around with bandages/bruises on my face lol!

This became a bit of a long message, sorry 'bout that. I hope you guys can give me advice in this! Thanks in advance :smile:
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Well if you wanna go sightseeing just do your surgery 5 days after you arrive. Giving as much time to recover before you fly is best. Tho your procedures are not considered major surgeries.

Pricing wise it depends on the clinic range.

Eye Bag Fat Removal (TCR) - low-mid range would be around 2 million won
- mid-upper range would be around 3-3.5 million won
Rhinoplasty - assuming its a simple primary rhino and nothing complicated - 2.5-3 million won for low-mid range
- 3.5-4.5 million for mid-upper range

Whitening injection(s) - no clue cos i never done it before sorry

within the list of clinics u cited, VIP is upper for rhino and mid range for other procedures. Grand and BK I won't even bother commenting on them for obvious reasons. The Line is mid-upper range. Item is lower-mid range. JK i'm unfamiliar with but from the pricing quotes people share it seems they are along the same range as banobagi.
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About the rhinoplasty, that's a difficult one. I got a lot of various advices (I won't mention BK and Grand)

1. JK said: Rhinoplasty using septal extension & tipplasty
2. VIPPS said: rib cartilage graft rhinoplasty OR Combination rhinoplasty uses silicone implant for the nose bridge and uses septal cartilage for the structure, and ear cartilage for the nose tip. And besides that mid face augmentation along with the rhinoplasty.
3. Line said: basic rhinoplasty + Power V (don't know what that exactly is)
4. ITEM didn't give me online advice.
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  • 3 months later...
Hi Dubu,

Have you had your surgeries done yet? I am considering of getting the same procedures done, except for the whitening injection. Which one did you end up with and how did you like the whole process and the result? Many thanks in advance for your comment.
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I will share my experience here. I went to South Korea in May. I made appointments at 'just' two clinics; The Line and JK. The surgery I wanted isn't really considered as plastic surgery, but it's still a surgery done at a plastic surgery clinic. Therefore, I will share my experience anyway. The surgery I did was removal of the eye bag fat/dark circles below the eyes.

After my consultations at both The Line and JK, I decided to do my surgery at JK. There were several reasons to chose JK over The Line.

1. The English consultants of JK are quite skilled in English and professional. However, they play on their phone a lot during meetings, that seems a bit unprofessional. The consultants of The Line were also quite skilled in English, but not as good as the consultants at JK. Also, the consultant at The Line was a bit pushy, which I didn't like.
2. The surgeon at JK was very friendly and also tried to explain things in English himself, even when the English consultant was present. I met two surgeons at The Line (because they offered a double surgery in my case), who also were friendly but a bit less personal.
3. The surgery procedure JK offered was more simple and logical than the one The Line offered (they offered a double surgery which would left scars).
4. The building of JK is really luxurious and gives a professonial and clean impression. Not only the lobby/reception area, but also the consultation rooms were very luxurious. The building of The Line was less luxurious. Also, the consultation room looked like an old office. However, how the building looks and feels isn't really important of course.

So, I chose JK. The surgery went well. But now, 2.5 weeks later, I'm not really happy with the result so far. Yes, I look way much better than before, but I still see a little bit of an eye bag (especially on the right side). I went back to ask them about this, and they (both consultant and surgeon) replied with the fact it was still too early to see the final result. After 1 month after surgery all of the swollen parts will be gone, and then I could see the result. I don't really believe this, because I could see the difference after a few days the biggest swollen parts went down - and it hasn't changed. I will wait anoter 1.5 weeks like they said, so see the 'final result' after 1 month after surgery, but still, at this moment I'm not really satisfied. Especially because they said this surgery was a very simple one - and not even considered as plastic surgery (since you don't change anything in your appearance), so maybe that's why I'm even more disappointed.
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hi dubu, can i ask you some questions over kakao? you're one of the only ones i have found that experienced surgery at jk and its one of my top choices. its weird how little reviews/posts people post here though. my kakao id is the same as my user name please let me konw!
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I can answer your questions here in this thread or you can send me a private message here.
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hi DUBU! :smile:

thank you so much.
JK from its marketing seems to play itself as more of a reputable hospital as opposed to another plastic surgery clinic. Did you get this feeling when you were there?

Also, when you were there, how did your consultations with the doctor go? Did they speak sufficient English? were you rushed at all?
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did they show you any pictures of past clients? and did you base your choice on them based on what they said they could do for you/what they recommended? Or was there some pictures you saw that you liked and the doctor agreed with what you wanted?
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You can find answers on these questions in my longer post above :smile:
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No, I didn't see nor asked for pictures, tbh. Because it's considered as a very simple procedure, which doesn't change your face (such as nose job for example). I made my choice on the type of surgery.

I said it in my longer post before, but I'll say it again: I won't recommend JK because I'm not satisfied with the end result. I'm looking better than before, but I can't say the eyebags/dark circles have completely disappeared. That's why I'm not content with the result of the surgery. I'm going back to Korea in about 1-2 months, and I will visit them again to talk about this.
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It seems as though they splurged a lot on interior designing... was there a lot of other patients while you were there?

Are they going to offer you revision or are you thinking about going to another clinic instead now?
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