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Eye Bag Fat Removal Surgery

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I see, but I don't wanna go just anywhere. My mom's surgery really traumatized me lol. Where did you go? I see above that Braun is good for eyes? But DES is different from what I need so... waitingforyou seems like they know what they're talking about. Where did you get yours done? I would really like info for that clinic too.. Thank you!
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I had fat grafting at Fresh and I liked the result...
I also read some good reviews on Realself.com. so search on that site, too.
You can PM me, if you want
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I went to Fresh but I didn't do my eye bag surgery...
You should do your research to see if they do it well.
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Thanks! I will definitely check
Inject? There is something you can inject to make it better or brighter? Do you have dark circles or just bags? So fat grafting helps with eye bags? It sounds like totally different procedures. I thought I just needed under eye bag surgery. Does anyone know?
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no eye bags and its not too dark, but hollow eyes because lack of volume doesnt look all that great along with flat cheeks. i think fg to cheeks will help a lot, i also read about injectable dermal filler for under-eye hollowness. just wonder if korea has another new "magic" treatment for this area that is better lol
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Aha~ I see.. I would like to know if there is a magic treatment too lol. So now I'm considering fat grafting too. Where are you gonna get yours done? Mellisa mentioned Fresh. Do you know that place? They seem to have good reviews on realself. Mellisa if it's not too much trouble can you pm me some before and after pics? It's okay if it's too personal ^^.
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  • 1 month later...
This is the only post I found on JK. I am planning on doing double eyelid surgery and I really like their B/A pictures although I cannot find at all any reviews about their eye doc which I believe is a women. I wonder if you have heard any other reviews on JK for eyelid?
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hrmm about that review besides the weird twitch he mentioned, i dunno why he was not told this but dark circles cannot be removed completely with any surgery. Dark circles is more a dermatology problem than a plastic surgery one as it is caused by the vessels + the surrounding skin being thin. While TCR or Soof can alleviate it somewhat it is still limited. Most ive seen is a visible improvement of about 60 percent ish but I know way too many ppl who did eyebag surgery expecting their dark circles to go too to know that is not possible. For dark circles using the toning laser has the best effect imo
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  • 9 months later...
I have done my eye bag removal in singapore a few months ago!
it was a fast procedure.
my colleagues think i look younger now.. heh heh.
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about the Whitening injections - I did in both Korea and Japan, in Korea they didn't really tell me much about what I should expect etc. but in Japan this is what I was told: the doctor told me that if I wanted to see visible results I'll need get the injections weekly for at least a year. I don't know? I mean maybe someone out there has had results in less than that, but wow yeah, I decided to take it anyways as I was staying for over a month there, it was a 30,000 mg after two weeks the dose got bigger 50,000 mg vitamin c + glutathion and linoleic acid (sp?) the 50,000 BURNED lmao. I didn't take before or after pics, but yeah I don't see the difference I expected to see, guess the doctor in Japan was right :x
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