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Is that a real one? Do they can make even bigger of lips?
Does anyone know the price of this filler
Please revert me ;)
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Sodium,

This looks amazing!! I am in Seoul at the moment, and plan to do a consult - I just wanted to ask you who is the best surgeon for lips there? Unfortunately I don't read Korean and their website is non-translateable, so I haven't been able to find out any info there :shame:

Anyhow any tips greatly appreciated, thanks!!

Whoops, sorry just read your update - I would also be interested in hearing about your experience with Goldenview :smile:
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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...
Did goldenview replied your kakao/email? It's so frustrating to contact this clinic, they always left me on read. I dont even know where is their address, is it in gangnam?
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Sorry I know this is about lip surgery in Korea, but anyone living in the states, have you guys looked at Dr. Miguel Mascaro in Florida or Dr. Ben Talei in California for philtrum reduction? I just had my two-jaw surgery here in Korea 3 weeks ago and have been looking to do philtrum reduction. I've gone to Laprin and MVP (on my last trip before I knew how shady they can be) and both places basically discouraged me from doing it saying that the likelihood for scar is very high. Laprin supposedly has some special technique but they said it only can be done on people who don't have a stiff nose tip from having had a nose job. Since I had a nose job before and I can't do the piggy nose they said that technique wont work on me and so they would have to do the traditional method which will likely leave visible scar. So I started researching online again and found on RealSelf a couple really good reviews for Dr. Mascaro and I think his pricing is only around $1800 USD. You can search on RS or look for his instagram. Dr. Talei I believe is way more expensive like around $5k but they both do a "modified lip lift" which is like a bullhorn lip lift but with really fine stitching and they suspend the lip to the inner tendon of the nose to so that there is no weight on the stitch and it heals really fast and clean. I am still swollen from my recent procedures but I'm hoping to get it done when I have a two week break in end of November/beginning of December. For anyone who has done this, do you think 2 weeks is long enough for the stitched area to be not noticeable or coverable by makeup? @Sodium ?
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I'm new here and I'm interested in philturm reduction, any helps that would be great, not sure which clinic I should choose, when I click on the link above it doesn't work
Can I please have anyone opinion and help of whic clinic to choose
Thanks in advanced
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  • 4 weeks later...
Hey guys so I'm in Korea now and after consulting last year for lip lift I decided to go with dr.koops. BUT I CANT FIND THE CLINIC NO MORE :O....... no website no location. Someone please help. I will go to cdzien, but do they also do eyes? Because they ALSO have no website no more. W t f
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I would consul with larpin. Im also looking into it
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Do you have the full name of the doctor? If you have and he's board certified, you should be able to find him and the clinic he's working for at prs.co.kr. Good luck with this!
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  • 2 months later...
I've heard about this clinic before, but it's true that we do not hear too much about it here, who do you talk about it?
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The only other thread I saw someone mention them was here: # All they said was that they're specialized in lips.

I like their B&As, so I'm curious about them. Also the person in thread was quoted a nice price from them. I just don't see any reviews on them.

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